Hello and welcome to Heart of Gold! I Have been working tirelessly for several days straight to get this chapter for Ya'll! Now This story is in the Pov of my OC Lobo. So if you don't like it, please leave a review telling me why. To the story!

"Triton!" one of the men who worked at the Jasper Maximum Security Prison called.

"Yes sir?" I asked, hoping today was the day I would be free of this joint.

"You are being released!" he called back.

Finally! I get to leave this cell that has become more than a cage, it has become my home...my shelter...my own personal slice of...hell.

My excitement could not be measured. I hated the hell I was forced to live in for many reasons. One in particular... No pot!

As we walked through the hallway I saw the other prisoners looking at me. I threw them some glares that made them jump. This place keeps us locked in cages like wild animals! I am so glad I get to leave.

When I went up to the desk, who else was there other then the cop who checked me in.

awesome! An officer that I can associate with finally! I have to mess with her since she has helped me deal with my parents' death for two years. If she wasn't like a parental figure to me I would totally tap that. She is smoking hot with her blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Barbra! How good to see you again!" I jeered.

Barbra has become somewhat like my mom, which I needed during the troubled times that happen so often in prison. If it wasn't for her I would probably be in here for life.

"And you too sweetheart! You finally getting out of my hair?" she joked.

"Nah, I am moving in with you!" I teased.

"Lord help me," she sighed.

"Just yanking your chain. Yeah I am out. Just need to collect my shit, then goodbye Jasper Maximum Security Hell!" I cheered.

"Alright... lets see here... One pair of jeans... one wife beater... wallet, with your ID and all that... and one pair of motorcycle keys and a locket." she checked the items off the list as she gave them to me.

Wow I was small! Thought they would be too big for me since I have lost weight. Maybe its the muscle build up. I remember when I went to juvi at age 14 these clothes were loose but now they would be like those skinny tight clothes that some girls wear. Thank god they gave me some jeans and a t-shirt so at least I am not naked in public.

"I don't own a bike?" I questioned as I put my mom's locket on. When I opened it there sat the picture of us, one happy family... me, mom and dad. I stuffed it quickly into my shirt, the weight strange but welcome around my neck.

"It was your father's. He left it for you in his will. You have your license, right?" she asked me.

"Yeah, thanks," I said half-heartedly, looking at the keys.

When I stepped out the lights were blinding. I looked out into the parking lot, and there it was... My old man's pitch black Ducati. I went over and cranked it up. Hearing that engine purr reminded me of when my dad took me for a ride, and I felt a lump in my throat. The afternoon sun was bright, and I reached into the side compartment of the bike. Just like always, they were there... I pulled out my dad's old aviators and put them on.

"Thanks dad," I muttered as I sped off. As the bike revved to top speed, I leaned my weight into it, throwing the Ducati into a wheelie as I sped away from the place that had been my own personal hell.

So much freedom. What to do first? I found myself retracing old routes, the wheels speeding over the asphalt and the wind whistling through my fur. Wonder if Dave is still operating, I thought.

I drove straight to Paxton and pulled into the coffee shop. When I was parked I walked inside and took a quick surveillance glance at the shop. The place reeked of cheap coffee and desperation, and the second-rate jazz music was too soft for my tastes. The prices on coffee were ridiculous! Four dollars for a cup of coffee? What's in it, crack? I thought. There was one girl sitting in a corner with her nose in a book, and one person behind the counter. The place was deserted. Perfect, I thought.

"Excuse me? Can I borrow a phone?" I asked the barista.

Hot damn! Look at this smokin' hot grey and black beauty! The way she holds herself signifies she is single... impression of a ring on her finger. Must be recently divorced. Damn, I'd tap that - even here in the shop, in the middle of the day. I could lean her up against the counter... Wow, I gotta get laid.

"Sure," she replied handing me the wireless phone.

I grabbed the phone and dialed my dealer Dave's number. As I listened to the hissing silence on the other end of the line, my eyes drifted back to the girl whose nose was buried in the book. There was something familiar about her... The phone rang twice, its tinny buzz sounding in my ear, and then the telltale click as the call connected. I turned back to the counter away from the girl, assuming a casual pose but keeping my voice low.

"Dave, I'm out," I muttered.

"Lobo! Man, long time. Where you calling from?"

"Can't talk, man. I'm getting another phone, and I'll call you soon. But for now meet me at the shop, and bring your best."

"You got it, man." The phone clicked off, and I handed it back to the barista with a winning smile. She rolled her eyes and took it back, and began to wipe down the giant silver contraption that made four-dollar cups of coffee. Without crack.

My eyes swept back to the girl with the book, and the feeling of deja vu was stronger than ever. Plus, she was cute - smoking hot body, pure white fur. So I went over, turned a chair around so the back was facing her and sat down.

"Don't I know you?" I asked flashing her my biggest grin.

"No," she said, not bothering to look up. A little thing like No had never stopped me before, so I reached for her book.

"I swear, I have seen you somewhere before." I chuckled, pulling the book down. Lavender eyes stared back at me, and I got lost momentarily in their depths.

"Why are you such an idiot?" she asked.

"Why are you such a snob? All I did was ask a question," I laughed. She wouldn't get rid of me so easily. Must live in one of those big houses at the edge of town, I thought.

"And I answered your question, but you still won't leave." She slid her book out of my grasp and attempted to bury herself in it again, but I stopped her with a gesture.

"Wait a sec." I looked at her more closely now that I had removed the book from in front of her face "You're that lawyer's secretary, right?"

"I have no clue what you're thinking in that big head of yours," she sighed, putting the book back up between us.

"No, seriously. I saw you at the jail. You were with this lawyer - you work for him, right?" I stated, remembering the lawyer's face.

"Look, I'm studying. If you don't mind..." she said pointedly, annoyance thick in her tone. Those beautiful lavender orbs were staring daggers at me.

"Ahhh. Not a secretary, then. Student? Local college, must be," I said, and she set the book down again, a heavy sigh falling from her beautiful lips. She began to gather her things. "Where you going? We're having such a nice chat, sweet cheeks," I grinned, and she threw me another sharp glare as she stuffed her notebook into her bag.

My mystery girl stood up, her white fur shining like a ray of light. She slung the bag over her shoulder and stalked out of the shop, and I chuckled. It was sad to see her go, but oh, to watch her leave...

"Sir, you gonna order anything?" The barista was leaning over the counter, an annoyed look on her face.

"Huh? Oh, uh... maybe just a black coffee. None of that frilly shit," I ordered, and a moment later the barista brought me a styrofoam cup. I handed her two bucks as Dave walked in and began looking around for me. "Yo man, over here!" I called from the table where my mystery girl had sat.

"Yo dude! Good to see you again!" Dave yelled as he walked over and sat down in front of me.

"You bring it dude?" I whispered taking a sip of my black coffee.

"It's in my trunk. Come on, let's get out of this crap hole," he laughed as we left the coffee shop.

When we got to his car he opened the trunk and there I saw ten cases of Howling Moon beer and two bags of pot.

"Is this all the beer?" I asked shocked that he didn't bring more.

"Hell no, the rest is at my place," he laughed again.

"Good, 'cuz this is nowhere close to the amount I am paying for," I chuckled.

"I know, I am your supplier after all," he grinned.

"And you are repaying me for my work in the joint, remember? I protected your friend?" I stated.

"Exactly why you are getting this much Howling Moon," he explained.

"Point taken." I shrugged as I hopped on my bike. "You still know how to get to my house?"

"Yeah, it's the big ugly shit right? Shouldn't be hard," he joked.

"Ha ha, very funny," I mocked as I rode off, and he drove behind me.

Man I missed hanging out with friends. The one thing you don't really have in the joint. You have allies and enemies, but no friends.

After we got finished unloading my whole supply and Dave had gotten the rest of what he owed me, Dave stuck around for awhile. We played some video games and B.S.'d, and he left at about ten o'clock. I said goodbye to Dave and went upstairs to sleep in a real bed for the night. My old room was just the same, and it felt almost like I wasn't alone in the house as I set my alarm for six o'clock so I could wake up early enough for school.

Goodnight mom, good night dad, I thought as I drifted off to a place where happiness rules.

I was having a very good dream about that mystery girl when I heard this annoying buzzing sound. I groaned, and flipped over to slap the snooze button, killing the awful noise that had interrupted my dream. After a few more snoozes, I stumbled downstairs to get some breakfast. Too lazy to cook anything, I went automatically to the cabinet and pulled a box of cereal from the shelf, along with a bowl and a spoon. I was still half asleep, and went to the fridge seeking milk, the thought that the fridge should have been empty not occurring to my comatose mind. I had sat at the table, cereal and milk in hand, when suddenly I wondered just where the groceries had come from.

"Good Morning sir," I heard a cultured voice say from behind me, and I nearly jumped out of my fur.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, shocked.

"Rolf Krantz - I was hired by the state to look after this place while you were away. I took the liberty of stocking your dresser and closet with clothes, and polishing the Ducati. Nice bike," he said.

"Um thanks, but why are you here? No one has been around to pay you for several years?" I asked.

"I'm all paid up, no worrying about that, it was taken care of by your parents' estate. But now that you're back, I'm finished here. Nice to meet you," he explained as he turned and left.

"Okay. That was weird." I shrugged as I finished my cereal.

A/N Hey Everyone hope you liked this chapter and sorry If Lilly wasn't mentioned *wink wink nudge nudge hint hint* anyways please leave a review showing how much you like/dislike this chap! peace on the streets saaaaaaaaaaaaaan!

A/N2 After doing a bit of research things didnt add up so i have started making minor changes in the story Lobo used to be 17 when he went to juvi now he was for reading!

~James firepaw~