If I were immortal

By: Kera Alter

I DON'T OWN ADVENTURE TIME if I did Fiona and cake would be back awhile ago….

Fiona once again slipped into her corner she found, away from cake and bmo, to be alone prince gumball yet again rejected her and kept acting like she didn't matter until he needed to be saved… as always she didn't really know why she liked him, other than the fact she thought he was gorgeous, he had no scars, he always ran away, he couldn't adventure if it was life or death he would try to bake. She took her retractable sword and through it at the same place where she always did. Not knowing of the eyes that could see her. He knew this hiding place he made it. He heard the banging and came to investigate the sight of her crying throwing her favorite sword that pinky gave her awhile back. Getting a little bit closer he saw the big marks on the wall showing the repetitive motion of something hitting the wall he always cared about her ,pinky didn't never did. But as he thought this Fiona started crying and blaming herself, he snapped he couldn't stay away anymore, gumball said "she's off limits" and "she's mine" but clearly wasn't after her. He didn't even know that he killed her inside every time they saw each other. Then Marshall saw something he didn't believe she took her hat off and started writing a note she crumpled it up and left the room. Not 5 min later cake was asking why her hat was off Fiona's voice wasn't heard. He went to the crumpled note and read it.

Cake: I'm sorry I can't stay in ooo anymore I love you sis but I can't explain this gumball broken me so many times I don't know if I want to save him anymore.

Gumball: jus just goodbye okay?

Marshall: if only I was immortal

Goodbye guys


Marshall was confused what was the immortal part supposed to mean?

its the first chapter so its not very long sorry r&r hope you liked it /_^