Thank you for your reviews, favorites, and follows. They all mean a lot to me. I'm sorry for taking a while with this one.
(also of course Warehouse 13 and these characters continue to not belong to me)
Was it real?
Myka sat up, looking around frantically as if the walls or a piece of furniture would betray the truth. After wiping her eyes she took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, trying to slow her racing heart.
It was just a dream, it was just a dream, it was just a dream –
And just like that she was up and running to HG's room because it didn't matter if it was just a dream, she had to make sure HG was still there.
"Oh, Helena." It didn't come from her mouth, not even from her lungs. "Oh, Helena." It came from her heart. It was pumped into her blood and then circulated throughout her body. Her body spoke: "Oh, Helena."
She had stopped in the threshold, holding onto the door frame as she saw HG lying on the bed, unmoving. She could see HG's eyes glistening from where she stood. The faint sound of a shaky intake of breath from HG was all it took to pull Myka into the room. Cautiously she joined her on the bed, next to her, leaning over her slightly. She cupped her cheek, the touch sparking movement. HG turned her head abruptly to face Myka, and Myka saw it.
And Myka knew in that moment that HG had seen it too. She had seen their world explode. She had seen – no, she had been gone.
"Helena, it's okay. Everything's okay now." She traced her thumb lightly over HG's cheekbone. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Please," she whispered. "It's okay, you're alive, I'm alive. Helena, just-"
"You saw it, too?" The fear was pushed away by the gears in her mind clicking into place. She sat up quickly, Myka following suit, letting her hand fall to the bed. HG ran her hands through her hair and shook herself of her nighttime terrors. "If you saw it too…"
"Do you think it was real?"
HG's eyes drifted away from Myka's as she thought. It hadn't felt like a dream. When she thought back to what she had dreamed, she remembered the events as if they had truly happened. She remembered how it had felt to die. But more than anything she remembered looking into Myka's eyes and letting that be enough. No, not letting it be enough. It had been enough. Saving Myka, being held in the warmth of her gaze – it had been enough. It had been enough to fill the void Christina's death and her time in bronze had carved into her. It had given her enough strength to face death, to face not being. Myka's care, Myka's love, would carry her safely into the unknown, of that she had been sure.
"Helena – Helena, do you think it was-"
"How can it not be?" HG looked back into Myka's eyes. "I felt it. I still – I still feel it, Myka."
Tears came to Myka's eyes. "Dying?"
She said it. She had said the word, a terrible word. The word shattered the air, it broke Myka's heart and the floodgate that kept her tears away. She was crying, not just letting one tear drop tragically down her cheek, instead succumbing to a flood of tears that would not cease. Face red. Nose running. She laughed slightly, still crying, "I can't stop, I'm sorry, I can't-"
"Shh." It was HG's turn to comfort. She pulled Myka into herself, embracing her so tightly that no alternate reality or terrible dream could pull them apart. Myka's legs rested over HG's as she buried her face in sleek, dark hair. HG held Myka's head with one hand and held her back with the other. "I'm here. Myka," and her voice began to shake. "Myka, I'm still here. I didn't leave you. I'm not – I didn't – I'm not…I'm not dead." That word again.
"You were. Yes, Helena, you were. You're not the only one who can still feel it."
They held each other, pressing one heart onto the other, so tightly that not even the air could come between them. And together they felt and they remembered.
Gradually their grip loosened and Myka pulled her hands back to wipe away the footsteps of tears from her face. HG smiled sweetly and brought her hands to rest on Myka's waist.
"What do we do now?" she asked.
"We need to talk to Artie. We need to ask him what's going on, he'll know."
"But he's with Pete, trying to find Claudia."
"Maybe Leena knows something, maybe there's something in the warehouse that will tell us what happened, if it really did happen, or we could-"
Myka had stood up and was now pacing in front of HG, who for perhaps the first time did not feel that the most pressing matter at hand was finding out the truth.
"-we could, we could even ask Mrs. Frederic, if she pops up, because she knows everything, right? Right?"
"What? Don't you want to know what's going on? Don't you want to know what made us see what we saw? Don't you want hard proof that it happened? Or that it didn't?" Don't you want to make sure that you're really here? That you're not actually gone, that we're not actually here, together, on borrowed time? That you won't leave me like that again?
"Yes, of course I do."
"Okay, let's go. Let's see what Leena knows. Let's-"
"Myka, wait." Myka, about to leave the room, turned around to see HG standing up from the bed.
"I want to say something."
Myka softened, putting her need for answers away to allow HG time to speak.
"I've never really said it before, and neither have you for that matter. I think we've always just let it be an understanding between us that didn't need to be named or even directly addressed."
Myka's heart began to race. She's going to say it she's going to say it she's going to say it she's going to
"But after that dream, or maybe it wasn't really a dream, but after seeing that, after living that, I'm not going to take this for granted anymore. I'm not going to take you for granted anymore, Myka. I'm not going to take our time together for granted. I don't want to wait until it's too late. So, before we search the warehouse, before we see what Leena knows, I want you to know – I really can't believe I'm actually saying this. Finally saying this, but-"
Please say it, Helena, please, before I –
"Myka, I love you. I'm in love with you. Maybe from the first time I saw you. And I know there's something between us, even though we've never really-"
- can't keep myself from kissing you any longer.
Myka cut off HG's words with her gentle touch, the space between them erased as if they had never been more than an inch apart.
It felt right, it felt natural. They fit together easily, perfectly, as Myka held HG in a long, deep kiss. "I never want to lose you again. I love you, Helena. I love you so much."
HG brushed a stray curl away from Myka's face and kissed her.
They traded light kisses, smiling through them, unable to contain their joy and excitement for this intimacy. Resting their foreheads together, they shared a breath and a heartbeat.
After a long moment, HG broke this tender silence. "Well. I believe we still need some questions answered, don't we?"
"Yes. Yes we do."
They pulled apart reluctantly, and Myka led the way out of HG's room. Before going down the stairs, she looked over her shoulder, meeting HG's eyes.
"Thank you, Helena. For everything."
HG nodded, understanding the depth of Myka's thanks and unable to find the words to respond. Myka nodded slightly in return. They understood each other.
Myka turned back to the stairs, and together they went down to find Leena, to find the answers to their questions, each still feeling the other on their lips and in their hearts.
This is the first time I've written a scene like this, so please tell me how I did. I'd love to hear your thoughts or advice or anything.