A/N: Once again guys thanks for all your reviews. I'm not good at responding to reviews unless the person asks a question so if you were looking for a response I suggest asking something. Anyway this is the first virtual reality challenge. Also theres something I forgot to mention earlier: there will be no aftermath episodes. This is because I've always found the actual aftermath episodes to be both pointless and badly written.
Total Drama Ultimate
Chapter 3
Last time on Total Drama Ultimate: We have our first challenge. The underdogs pull together as a team and win while the winners are left swimming in the muck. Alejandro is the first person eliminated after beating the crap out of Owen! Ouch! Will the winners pull it together? Find out today on Total Drama Ultimate!
*Opening plays*
The next day the wild cards were seen hanging around on their floor. Noah and Eva were playing a game of chess on the desk in his room. Eva was having trouble deciding what move to make and Noah was getting impatient.
"Just make a move already."
Frustrated the muscular girl slammed her fists down on the desk. "Just give me a minute!" She then noticed half the pieces had been knocked over. "Arrgh!" Eva knocks the entire chess board off the desk and onto the floor. "I hate this game!"
"So much for controlling your temper, iron woman." Noah started to pick some of the pieces up off the floor.
"Hey I'm getting better," Eva helped pick up the rest of the pieces.
"Eva's right." Izzy said suddenly appearing behind Noah. "A long time ago she would've broke the board in half then tried to take a bite out of it!"
"Ah!" Noah jumped back in surprise at the redhead's sudden appearance. "Where'd you come from?"
The crazy girl gave him an unnaturally large grin. "Believe me Noah, you don't want to know."
Noah sighed. "What's with this crazy team? Everyone on it is insane."
"Well you're on the team, so doesn't that make you insane too?" Eva pointed out.
"No comment," he deadpanned.
Izzy: My team this season is so great! Everyone's so much fun! Chris even decided to make me captain! Noah said it's cause I'm the queen of crazy, but there's this one guy on my team who's even crazier than I am! His name is…
*End Confessional*
"Hey guys," Harold said appearing at the doorway. "Come on, Mike and Dakota just got back."
"Back from where?" Eva asked but Harold had already left. The three left Noah's room and headed down the hall. They saw Harold, Trent, and Sierra waiting near the elevator.
The elevator door opened and Mike and Dakota walked out. "How'd it go?" Harold asked.
"It worked," Mike answered. "The elevator will take us to floors one through four without a problem. I got to see Zoey—
"And I saw Sam!" Dakota interrupted. "He told me he missed me. Isn't he cute?"
"Aww you should've let me come!" Sierra moaned. "I wanted to see Cody-kins!"
"Who?" Dakota asked.
"The short brunette with a gap in his teeth." Noah told her.
"Oh yeah I saw him." The rich girl remembered. "I think he was playing cards with those two girls Lindsay and Beth."
"Did he ask about me?" Sierra asked hopeful.
"Uhhh…no, sorry." Mike said feeling awkward. "But we did try to take the elevator up to floor five. It didn't work though; nothing happened. Same thing when we tried six."
"Makes sense," Eva shrugged. "Not like Chris wants us snooping around up there when there isn't a challenge."
As they discussed this Trent smirked. Though he had not said anything he had listened to every word.
Trent: This is good. Now I'll be able to use the elevator to sneak down to the winner's floor to see Gwen. But I should make sure to do it when no one else is around.
*End Confessional*
Ten minutes later Chris' voice on over the intercom. "Hello contestants! Ready for your second challenge? Take the elevator up to floor six and get ready for today's challenge!"
The three teams took the elevator up to the sixth floor. As it went up they wondered what Chris would have them do now. As they got out and looked around they noticed it was nothing like the fifth floor. While that floor looked almost identical to the second, third and fourth, the sixth had a lot of empty space in it. The walls and floor were painted white and there weren't any rooms or furniture in the way.
Instead in the middle of the room were twenty nine foldout chairs with an electronic device on top. Each of the electronic devices were attached to what looked like a computer sitting in the middle of the chairs. The teenagers looked around curiously as they walked further into the room.
"What are those?" Harold said indicating the electronic devices in the middle. He started to walk over to them but was suddenly tripped by Duncan. He fell flat on his face and Duncan, Gwen and Scott all started to laugh. "Gosh!"
"Nice one," Scott elbowed Duncan. "Now watch this." The redhead rushed forward behind Mike and pushed him onto the ground.
"Nice!" Duncan high-fived him. "You're alright."
"Over here people!" Chris said grabbing their attention. He was standing near all the folding chairs. Everyone walked over to him wondering what was going on. "Today's challenge will involve using virtual reality. So you'll all get a crash course right now!"
"Virtual reality?" Jo raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were just kidding about that."
"Nope!" Chris smiled. "Totally legit."
"Wow…" Sam said in awe. "It'll be just like playing a video game only I'll be right in the middle of the action! It's every gamer's dream!"
"Does it work?" Cody asked. "Virtual reality is the future of gaming, not the present. Even if it works it must lag and be really buggy."
Harold's eyes grew wide. "What if our minds are trapped inside like in dot/hack? We'll be stuck in virtual reality forever!"
Chris rolled his eyes. "Enough stupid questions! It works okay? That's all you need to know. Now it's very simple. You just sit down in a chair and put the virtual reality device over your head. I'll explain the actual rules of the challenge when we're all there."
The twenty nine contestants hesitantly sat down in a chair and picked up the strange device they were supposed to put over their heads. "Well here goes nothing." Gwen said putting the device on. Suddenly her body went limp against the chair.
"Wait for me!" Sam said putting the device on just like Gwen did. The same thing happened. The others cautiously followed their example. Once the device went over their heads their consciousness left their bodies and was taken elsewhere.
It took Sam a moment to readjust his eyesight as everything looked dark. Looking down he could see his hands in front of his face. He tried to move his fingers and they moved just like they would with his real body. In fact he realized he appeared to be in his real body; it looked exactly the same.
All twenty-nine of them (plus Chris) were standing on what appeared to be a very large and presumably tall tower. It was made of stone and completely flat with what seemed to be no way to get down. When they looked out all they could see were clouds for miles and what appeared to be a setting sun. But if they looked straight up they could see the stars overhead.
"Where are we?" Cody asked nearing the edge. Looking down he gasped; they were so far up he couldn't see the ground. If there even was a ground.
"Everyone gather over here." Chris said. "Looks like you're all here. That's good. First let me update your wardrobe." The host snapped his fingers and suddenly they were all dressed in outfits similar to what Cody and Tyler wore in Greece during World Tour. But that wasn't the only difference…
"Wings!" Lindsay exclaimed turning her head as far as she could to see her back. "I have wings!" The teenagers suddenly became aware that human sized wings had appeared (grown?) on their backs. Each pair of wings was a light golden color and differed in size based on who they belonged to.
"Calm down," Chris said trying to speak over everyone else. "The wings are for your challenge. Today's challenge is all about learning how to fly. There are three rounds. The first round is easy." Suddenly Chris stretched his hand out in front of him and some of the clouds dispersed. The contestants could now see a similar pillar to the one they were all standing on off in the distance.
"See that pillar? You just have to fly over there and land safely. It's only about a mile away. We'll go by teams. Since team underdog won last time they get to go first."
"Is that supposed to be a prize?" Anne Maria complained. "Cause it sounds more like a punishment."
"Ummm Chris?" Owen asked looking worried. "It's a long way down. What if we don't make it? What if we fall?"
The host slapped the big teen on the back. "Don't worry about it Owen! You'll fall maybe twenty feet then get kicked out of virtual reality and wake up in your body. At which point you'll have to wait until everyone else is finished."
"Oh, okay Chris." Owen said sounding only slightly reassured.
"So team underdog! You're up!"
The ten members stepped forward while everyone else stayed safely in the middle. "So…who wants to go first?" Zoey asked nervously.
"I'll go!" Sam said feeling brave. "I want to be the first one to try this out."
"You can do it Sam!" Dakota cheered from the sidelines.
The curly haired teen walked over to the edge. Looking down he suddenly felt woozy and gulped. Clearing his head he tried to focus. "Here goes nothing!" He bent his knees and leapt forward.
His body started to fall until his wings began to flap. They flapped furiously trying to keep Sam in the air and while he flew a few feet he seemed to be lopsided. Trying to right himself and continue flying seemed too hard to do at once and Sam lost control. "Aaahhh!" He screamed as he finally fell like a rock.
The other nine members of team underdog watched him plummet and looked worried. "That…was not reassuring at all." Cody admitted.
"Let's not waste anymore time underdogs!" Chris yelled at them. "Somebody else better try!"
"Oh! Let me try!" Lindsay said stepping up to the edge.
"Linds, are you sure?" Beth asked her BFF.
"Yeah, maybe I should go first?" Tyler suggested.
The dumb blonde shook her head. "I really want to fly Tyler and I think I can do it. Plus you always call me angel so I must be able to fly right?"
Tyler wasn't sure how to respond to that so he just nodded and gave her some space. Lindsay took a running start and leapt off the edge in a swan dive. She immediately fell and Tyler worried that his girlfriend was gone when suddenly she popped out of the clouds flying upwards.
"Hey this is fun!" Lindsay yelled back to the others as she flew toward the other pillar. She didn't seem to have any trouble at all but flew evenly and quickly. A minute later team underdog all cheered as she landed down safely on the pillar.
"All right!" Tyler said energized. "Lindsay did this and so can I!" Running off the ledge he leapt awkwardly into the air. "To the EXTREME!" And while he may not have been as graceful or as fast as his girlfriend Tyler managed to make it too.
Next up Cody, Beth and Zoey all tried. And while Beth didn't make it Cody and Zoey did. Brick went next and made it halfway before he fell. Surprisingly Katie managed to make it all the way but neither Ezekiel nor Anne Maria could do it.
"Alright," Chris said after all ten were done. "Team underdog that means five of you made it and five of you didn't. Not bad, but not good. Moving on next are the wild cards."
"So which one of us is the most suicidal?" Noah asked. "Because they're going first."
Suddenly Dakota stepped up to the edge. "I'll avenge you Sam!" She leapt off and started flying toward the other pillar.
"Does she even know what she's talking about?" Mike asked.
"I believe Dakota's emotions may by overriding her logic." Dawn answered.
"She's just in love!" Sierra put her hands together and sighed. Harold raised an eyebrow.
"Who cares!" Izzy smiled. "All Izzy cares about is that she made it!" They turned to look to see Dakota had successfully made it to the other pillar.
"So who's up next?" Noah asked unaware that Izzy was making a jump right as he said that. He turned around to see her flying off. "Figures." She made it to the pillar with Dakota, but Eva who went next fell.
Dawn and B jumped at the same time and while Dawn made it B didn't. Mike was up next and looking nervous. "Oh crap I can't do something like this! I'll have to call on Svetlana to do it for me." Suddenly he gasped dramatically. Feminine eyelashes and makeup appeared on him. "Svetlana can fly in her sleep!" he confidently flew from one pillar to the other before returning to Mike.
Trent went next and didn't make it but surprisingly Harold did. After Sierra made it to the other side Noah was the only one left. "Come on Noah, time's a' wasting!" Chris said impatiently.
"Do I have to?" He asked. "I won't make it."
"Yes," The host answered. "Ratings show fans like it when contestants try and fail rather than just giving up."
"Fans are cruel," Noah muttered under his breath. He stepped up to the edge and leapt off. Doing his best to keep himself balanced he was flying, just slower than the others. He was about seventy-five percent there when he ran out of energy. "You have got to be kidding me." He dead panned as his wings stopped flapping and he fell into the clouds.
"Too bad for Noah!" Chris smiled. "That means team wild cards has six people who made it and four who didn't. Team winners you're up! Don't let me down."
The last nine stepped up. They had seen everyone else go through with it and were itching to give it a try. Well most of them anyway.
Realizing this was her chance to get some power Heather came forward. "As team captain, I'll go first." She said daring anyone to say otherwise. Luckily for her no one did which was probably because Jo didn't think she'd be very good at flying.
Heather seemed to have a natural talent for speed though not necessarily aim. She seemed to miss the pillar entirely before turning around and landing on it. "Well that's one." Jo muttered. "Who wants to make it two?"
"Lightning wants to try!" The black jock ran forward. "Lightning strikes!" He called out as he leapt into the air. He seemed even faster than Heather but sadly without the ability to stay in the air. No matter how fast he went he was still descending and soon fell down below the clouds.
"I'm going next," Duncan said preparing to jump. Suddenly he was blocked by Courtney's arm almost hitting him in the face.
"I don't think so." She said. "It's my turn. You can go afterwards."
"Hey nobody tells me what to do!" Duncan said getting angry.
"Just let it go Duncan." Gwen told him.
"Yeah whatever." He muttered. Courtney looked arrogant as she turned away and prepared for her jump. She took her time preparing and apparently it was too much for Duncan. Right before she was going to jump the punk shoved her off the pillar. She plunged into the clouds with a scream and lost.
Duncan: What? Like you wouldn't have pushed her off too.
Courtney: How DARE that Neanderthal! He is so dead next elimination!
*End Confessional*
Duncan took his turn and somehow managed to get to the pillar. Gwen was right behind him and also made it. After them it was Owen's turn.
The blonde gazed down at the clouds below. "I'm umm…I'm not sure about this guys."
"Just do it already fatty!" Jo yelled at him. "We need to win this round so we need everyone to pass!"
"Yeah just do it already." Scott told him.
Owen gulped. He knew he didn't have a choice anymore.
He jumped.
For a moment time seemed to stand still. He seemed to be frozen in midair stuck like a statue. Then time started again and he fell like a rock. He might as well not have had the wings in the first place.
"Well we all saw that coming." Jo scoffed.
Leshawna heard this. "You knew that was going to happen and you just let him fall? What's wrong with you?"
"What was I supposed to do? I couldn't carry him across." She shrugged.
"That's cold."
"Whatever," Jo shrugged. "It's my turn now." She fearlessly jumped off and flew toward the pillar. The jockette didn't seem to be all that good at flying however the amount of effort she put into it was amazing and by clinging to the edge she managed to get to the other pillar. Leshawna went next and then Scott but neither of them managed to make it.
"Well that's the end of round one." Chris sighed. "Team winners finish with four passes and five fails. Now onto round two." The host snaps his fingers and appears on the other pillar alongside the fifteen survivors of round one. "Going up!" He snapped his fingers again and the pillar they're standing on suddenly starts to rise into the air.
"What's going on?" Katie asked holding onto the pillar for dear life.
"Keep your pants on; I'm just taking us to the second part of the challenge."
When they got high enough the pillar suddenly stopped ascending. Looking around they could see that they were much higher in the sky and the stars were a lot closer. "Congrats on making it to part two." The host told them. "But this is where it gets harder. In part one all you had to do was learn how to fly. But now we'll put your flying skills to the test!"
With a snap of his fingers many of the clouds below them were dispersed and the teens could see various hoops that seemed to be floating in midair. Each hoop was large enough that a person could pass through easily without getting stuck. However managing to maneuver yourself through one in midair would not be easy.
"Part two is a bit of an obstacle course." Chris explained. "It's simple. You'll need to fly off this pillar and through all seven rings successfully before flying back here. If you manage that you can go on to part three. However you are no longer doing this in teams. Instead they'll be three turns where five of you will go at the same time. Obviously you can't all go through the rings at the same time so you'll have some maneuvering to do. This also means you can sabotage your opponents."
The fifteen contestants looked worried at that point. "If you hit one of the rings you'll immediately lose your wings and fail. If you fail to go through any of the rings you will also fail. The first five going are Cody, Zoey, Izzy, Harold and Duncan."
Cody: I know it's not real. We all know it's not real. But that doesn't make it seem any less scary!
Harold: To master flight I must learn from the masters: birds! I must think like a bird. I must be the bird! I am birdman! Ka-caw!
*End Confessional*
"Ready?" Chris asked. "On your mark…get set…fly!"
Izzy jumped first followed by Cody, Zoey, then Duncan and Harold. It was a long fall down before they had to pull up to approach the rings. In front was Izzy who seemed fearless and the most enthusiastic. "Whoo!" She cheered passing through one ring with Cody right behind her.
But she was slightly to the right of the second ring and crashed into it. And with Cody right behind her he slammed straight into her. They both slid down the ring and out of the game.
Next up was the redhead Zoey who managed to get through not one, not two but six of the rings. However as she approached the seventh she knew she was going to hit it so she banked and turned the other way. "That was close," She sighed in relief until she realized her wings had disappeared. "Wait! No!" She cried out as she fell and lost.
Duncan and Harold were neck and neck but the punk wasn't about to share victory with his favorite punching bag. "Sorry dorkus, but this is where you get off!" He shoved Harold as hard as he could causing him to lose control and fall. Duncan laughed until he felt something dragging him down.
Looking down he saw Harold had grabbed onto his leg and was holding on for dear life. "If I'm going down Duncan I'm taking you with me!" The punk tried to shake him off but it was no use and they both fell out of the game.
Chris slapped himself in the face. "They all lost? Alright second round is Heather, Jo, Lindsay, Mike and Sierra."
"This one's all mine!" Jo said before being the first to leap off. She was followed by Sierra, Mike, Heather and Lindsay. Pulling up to reach the rings Jo was too low and she barely hit the lower part of the first ring. She pointlessly tried to hold on before slipping off seconds later.
Sierra made it through half of the rings before one of her wings hit the ring and she was sent plummeting down. Heather was having trouble staying up and realized she was about to fall. Right in front of her was Mike so she grabbed his legs in order to pull herself up. "Hey let go!" He tried to shake her off. But it was too late as he wasn't paying attention and fell out of the rings so they both lost.
But then miraculously Lindsay made it through all seven rings and managed to come back to land on the platform beside Chris. The host looked generally surprised. "Nice job Lindsay. So far you're the only one to make it. If the third group fails we may not even need round three. Which reminds me; Gwen, Dawn, Dakota, Katie and Tyler you're up!"
"Wish me luck Lindsay!" Tyler said before flying off toward the rings. He was followed by Dakota, Gwen, Dawn and Katie. Unfortunately for the jock it seemed his luck didn't hold out as he slammed into the first ring he came across and lost.
On the other hand Dakota wore a determined look on her face as she went through all seven rings and landed back with Chris on the pillar. Gwen got caught in the rings but before she fell she grabbed Dawn determined to take the nature girl down with her. This left only Katie who approached the rings but turned around at the last second causing her wings to drop her.
"Well I guess that's it for round two." Chris said annoyed that the winners had lost. "Dakota, Lindsay, you two are the only ones going on to round three."
"Yay!" Lindsay cheered. "Where's round three?"
"Right here," Chris snapped his fingers again. "Round three is almost identical to round two with a slight difference. You still have to go through all seven hoops, only now they're all on fire! Also you have to avoid the cannonballs being fired at you and the streams of fire."
"Oh…" Lindsay said deflated. "That sounds hard."
"I can do it." Dakota nodded. "Bring it on Chris!"
"Let's get this over with." Chris sighed. "Ready…set…fly!"
Lindsay and Dakota both leapt off at the same time. As they descended a cannonball suddenly shot in front of them. It startled them but neither turned around. As they kept flying they saw other cannonballs being shot off from different sides each time. They came close at times but both girls managed to avoid them.
Suddenly a wall of fire rose up right before the first ring. Lindsay almost got singed but slowed down just in time. This allowed Dakota to pull ahead. While Lindsay took her time avoided the fire on the rings Dakota rushed forward without any hesitation.
Another wall of fire shot out from the left toward them. Dakota flew upwards but Lindsay turned to the right. Unfortunately for her a stray cannonball was headed that way and hit her in the stomach. With a gasp she fell out of the game. Dakota however had passed through all the rings and landed safely beside Chris.
"Wow Dakota, you made it!"
"I won?" Dakota asked excitedly. "Yes I won! I won! I won!" She cheered.
"Grats," The host told her. "Now let's get back to reality and tell the others." He snapped his fingers one last time and everything went back for Dakota. Feeling her body she realized she was back and pulled the virtual reality helmet off her head.
"The second challenge is over!" Chris announced having taken his own helmet off. "And Dakota won, making the wild cards today's winners!" The wild cards all cheered and patted Dakota on the back.
"Whoo! Go Dakota!" Sam cheered. Some of the underdogs gave him a look. "What? She's my girlfriend." They shrugged.
"As the winners of the challenge the wild cards will receive a complete home entertainment system as their prize." Chris informed them. "For coming in second the underdogs get nothing and for the second time the winners will face elimination."
The winners all looked pissed when they heard this.
Half an hour later the winners were gathered down on the first floor. None of them looked happy. Some were glaring at others, some were whispering in small groups. Just then Jo stepped forward.
"You're all pathetic!" She told them with her hands on her hips. "You just let those losers walk all over you!"
"Hey you lost too!" Lightning pointed out.
"Yeah, but not in the first round!" Jo countered. Lightning gulped as he remembered he had lost in round one. The jockette turned back to the group. "All I'm suggesting is we should get rid of one of the losers who lost in round one. Eliminate the weakest link so only the strong remain!"
"Courtney lost in round one," Duncan pointed to the CIT. "We should eliminate her."
"What?" The girl said surprised. "I only lost because you pushed me off!"
"Eh," he shrugged. "You would've lost anyway."
Heather, who had been quietly listening up till now, suddenly interrupted. "I agree with Jo." Everyone suddenly turned their attention to the queen bee. Jo looked slightly surprised. "Five people failed the first round: Owen, Courtney, Scott, Lightning and Leshawna. I suggest we pick from these five and eliminate the person we believe to be the weakest member of our team."
"Now wait a minute," Courtney spoke up. "That's ridiculous. I suggest we find a more civilized approach to eliminating someone."
"Like what?" Gwen asked.
"Well umm…." Courtney paused. "We could…you see…"
"I like man-lady's idea," Scott spoke up looking at Jo. "I already know who the weakest link in our team is so I'm not worried."
Lightning nodded. "Lightning thinks that's fair. No way he'll get eliminated with this person still around."
Whether they said it or not almost everyone had already agreed to the plan so they headed to the voting area. "Wait! Guys!" Courtney tried to stop them. "We should discuss this!" But they had already left.
*Voting Confessional*
Duncan: If I've learned anything about Courtney, it's that she talks big game but can't back it up. Once she's gone this team will be much less uptight.
Scott: I'm voting for that fat kid Owen. Last night we had to air out our floor after he farted! The guy's gotta go.
Courtney: That punk Duncan is going to pay for pushing me off!
*End voting confessional*
All the votes had been counted and Chris stood behind his podium with the nine members of team winner seated in front of him. "So team winners…you seem to have lost again. Is this going to be a habit?" He asked them. "Are you going to be here after every challenge?"
"Just get on with it Chris!" Heather yelled at him.
The host glared at her. "Fine. Eight of you are safe, but one of you is not and that person will be eliminated from the game and cannot come back. Ever. The following players are safe: Scott, Leshawna, Heather, Gwen." He threw a small chocolate to each of them. "Also Lightning, Duncan and Jo." He threw them a chocolate too leaving only Courtney and Owen."
"Oh no!" Owen said looking around him. "I'm in the final two…again!"
"This can't be happening!" Courtney freaked. "I can't lose yet!"
The host smirked at their panic. "Courtney, Owen, neither of you made it past the first round and neither of you has made any friends. One of you is going home tonight, but who? The last person safe is…
"Oh no!" Owen sobbed dramatically. "Say it isn't so Chris!"
The host looked away. "I'm sorry Owen, but your team has spoken."
"I understand," he wiped a tear from his eye. Turning to his team he addressed them. "I want to thank you guys for being on my team…even though none of you really liked me. Also I'm glad I was in this season…even though I didn't have any fun."
Chef appeared and put his hand on the big guy's shoulder. "Time to go tubby." He led Owen to the door and with a final wave goodbye he left the game.
Courtney (sighing): I'm safe! That was a close one. Well I knew I wouldn't get eliminated, but you can't be too careful.
Duncan: Owen? Didn't see that one coming. But I'm not too surprised. The guy had his time in the spotlight already.
Heather: What can I say? On a team as ruthless as this one a guy like Owen just doesn't belong. We were doing him a favor really; saving him from becoming someone's alliance pack mule. And now that he's gone we can really play the game. Watch out underdogs and wild cards because this just got personal.
*End Confessional*
Up on the fourth floor the wild cards were enjoying their prize. Izzy made sure everyone was out enjoying it including dragging Noah out of his room. And just as the redhead leader attempted to get the brainiac to eat more pizza the elevator to their floor opened. All ten of them turned their heads to see the entire underdog team get out.
Cody was in front and led his team over to Izzy. "Izzy," he said, "I have a proposition to make your team."
"If this is about Sierra trying to sneak into your room at night I don't know anything about it." She lied.
"Uhh…no. That's not it."
"Oh," she relaxed slightly. "Then what?"
"I want to make an alliance between our two teams." He told her. "The underdogs and the wild cards working together to take down the winners."
Some of the wild cards looked surprised and even started whispering to each other. Izzy just looked intrigued. "Oh? And what would be the specifics of this alliance?"
"That our two teams work together in challenges when possible to force the winners into last place." Cody explained. "The alliance will last until there are no more winners left in the game or until the teams dissolve. Whichever comes first. Once the winners are no more our alliance will end and we will agree to compete against each other fairly."
Izzy considered it. "But why should we ally with you and not the winners?"
"To put it simply…because the winners are jerks." He laughed. "Most of them are people both teams dislike or even hate. I'm sure Harold for instance wouldn't mind if we helped get rid of Duncan."
"I sure wouldn't!" Harold spoke up.
"As for allying with the winners yourselves," Cody continued. "Well good luck with that. They're too arrogant to even consider it. They think they're better than us and don't need our help."
"Good point," Izzy nodded. "Plus some of the people on our teams are in relationships so this would make that easier."
Cody held his hand out. "Do we have a deal?"
Izzy spit in her hand before shaking Cody's. "Let's make them regret underestimating us!"
Both groups started to clap.
"Whoa!" Chris feigned surprise. "A group alliance? Looks like the winners may be in trouble! The wild cards won a round and the winners lost a player but now it looks like they've finally gotten serious! Who will pull ahead? And who will be pulled apart? Find out next time on Total Drama Ultimate!"
Jo: Owen
Heather: Owen
Duncan: Courtney
Gwen: Courtney
Lightning: Owen
Leshawna: Heather
Owen: Jo
Scott: Owen
Courtney: Duncan
Not the greatest elimination ceremony, but I can't imagine a team like the winners keep Owen around for very long. Let me know what you thought, especially in regards to the challenge. My next update may not be as quick as this one. Later.