Final Fantasy and all related trademarks belong to Square Enix. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Epilogue: Final Fantasy

By nightdragon0

"Gargh! Argh!!" Glenn sprang up, dripping with sweat.

He was even more startled to find himself back home in his room. Sitting up in his bed, Glenn glanced out the window to find everything as he remembered and crowds of people all moving about.

"Wow, that was some blast there, eh Bahamut?" Glenn muttered. "Bahamut? Hey? You there?"

Glenn reached down and realized his pendant wasn't there anymore.

Or was never there?! Glenn's heart raced.

Jumping out of bed, he sprinted and threw open his bathroom door. There was a large mirror there, but Glenn only saw his own reflection and not Bahamut's.

"Mom? Dad?!" Glenn entered the dining room and found a note on the table from his parents, saying that they would be back late again.

The digital clock on the wall showed a date much later from the time he remembered crossing over into the GFs world, but it was as if he had spent all those weeks there and no one had noticed he had been missing. It seemed just like...nothing had ever happened at all.

"Man..." Glenn sighed, slamming his fists on the table. "Was that all a dream? Damn, Bahamut...I..."

(You'll what? Aw...5 minutes and you miss me? I'm so touched!)

"Bahamut!!" Glenn raced to the bathroom and stared into the mirror. "Is that you?!"

In place of his reflection was that of Bahamut Zero's armored face, with a wide smirk on his face.

(Is it me? How many other dragons do you remember bonding with?) Bahamut Zero growled.

"'re here!" Glenn cried happily. "What happened?! Are how about the others?! Are they all right?!"

(Why don't we go meet them?) Bahamut Zero suggested. (You know, at the place this all begun. I'm sure they'll figure it out too.)

"Oh yeah! Let's go!" Glenn nodded, climbing out onto the rooftop.

Once there, he felt a familiar change as the silver armored form of Bahamut Zero too over. Though the dragon was now back to his regular size, he was still very large in comparison to his other forms.

As he took to the sky, another figure came into view.

"Looking good!" Phoenix waved.

(Feels great, huh Glenn?) Ashley called.

(Definitely!) Glenn laughed.

It wasn't long before they arrived back at the cliff overlooking the sea...specifically the same one where the humans and GFs had met for the first time.

Leviathan, Ixion and Valefor were already there, and waved as the pair entered.

"Hey guys!" Bahamut Zero landed.

The group had gathered in front of the circular metallic gateway. It glowed briefly as a portal opened and Madeen stepped through.

"You're late." Ixion remarked.

"Sorry, but I had to find my way from Japan to our home world and then to here." Madeen laughed. "They're slowly getting the portals fixed, but we need to be careful about how we use them."

(It wasn't easy, but we made it.) Cid added in.

(But how about you Bahamut?) Glenn asked. (You know, about what the immortals told us.)

"Yeah, well...I'm supposed to be dead." Bahamut Zero nodded. "But at the same time, I was sort of 'reborn' into Bahamut Zero during that last battle."

"And you have a new life because of that?" Phoenix gasped. "Wow..."

"Why should you be so surprised? Isn't that how your rebirth thing works?"

"A little, but whenever I'm reborn from the flames, I become a different being. And I don't have memories of my past life." Phoenix shrugged. "At least, I can enjoy this one with you."

"Hahah..." Bahamut Zero laughed, taking her claws in his.

(And what happened after the battle? How did we end up back here?) Brad queried.

"I used the remaining energy of that explosion to send us all back to our 'home points'. Us being pretty close to that dimensional gap allowed me to do that." Bahamut Zero explained. "And it affected our partners more, bringing us back to the place they considered home. Which is here of course."

(That about clears everything up.) Aldrea noted.

"Things are going pretty well back in our world to." Madeen informed them. "Shiva, Ifrit and all are working on rebuilding. Odin's disappeared however, saying he was challenged to a duel with Gilgamesh and Yojimbo. He's not retaining command of his troops, and well, left that all to me."

(You're the leader now?) Cecil gasped.

Valefor gave an impressed whistle as well.

"Yeah. I'm not like dad or anything, but I suppose I have a responsibility to stand up to." Madeen scratched his head. "I know dad would've wanted that for me."

"There's one last thing then." Bahamut Zero spoke up. "And it's about all of us..."

In several flashes of light, the 6 humans suddenly found themselves standing beside their GF partners.

"Wow, it's been a long time since we've talked like this." Ashley looked up.

"Yeah, I really know the feeling." Glenn nodded. "Hey wait...does that mean you guys are...leaving?"

Everyone fell silent for a while.

"We knew the day would come eventually." Ixion said sadly.

"I'll bring you back to Japan before we proceed." Madeen put a claw on Cid's shoulder. "You're a great kid though. Nice working with you."

"Me? A kid? Speak for yourself." Cid poked his side.

Cecil and Valefor glanced into the other's eyes for a second and then hugged each other.

"Actions speak louder than words, eh?" Cecil smiled.

"I'll miss exploring the seas with you." Brad patted his partner's forehead.

"Heh, I enjoy the company too." Leviathan nodded. "Gets a little lonely there."

"You're really different now, but you'll always be that gentle Unicorn I first met." Aldrea stroked Ixion's mane.

"I know. You take care too, all right?" Ixion followed up.

"You keep kicking butt, eh Ashley?" Phoenix raised a fist.

"As long as you keep at it too." Ashley placed her fist against Phoenix's.

"Glenn..." Everyone turned towards the dragon as he caught his breath.

"Got something overly sentimental to tell me?" Glenn leaned forward, smiling. "Aw, come on big guy..."

"There's only one thing I have to say to you." Bahamut Zero growled. "Raarrr!!"


Everyone stared in shock as Bahamut Zero gave Glenn a punch in the face. Not at full strength of course, but more than enough to send Glenn rolling over.

"That's for all the times I've wanted to hurt you so badly, but I couldn't because we were either junctioned or I'd hurt myself doing it." Bahamut Zero smirked.

"Grrr...that's enough! Get going you stupid dragon!" Glenn pointed towards the portal.

Slowly, all the GFs and Cid began walking towards it. At the last moment however, Bahamut Zero turned and glanced back. That caused everyone to pause with him.

"You know, it's probably gonna be a little messy back home." The dragon commented. "We all could use a little vacation. How about we stay here and hang out with you guys for a while longer?"

"Really?!" Glenn jumped up in joy.

"Yay!" The other GFs cheered.

"Well, I don't see anything wrong with it." Madeen winked. "Keep in touch with Cid and me, and we'll keep updating you."

"See you soon everyone!" Cid bowed.

As Madeen and Cid disappeared through the portal, the 5 remaining pair touched each other's hands/claws again. It reinitiated the junctioning process, with the Guardian Forces in control and their human partners watching through their eyes.

"So, a little vacation eh?" Phoenix nudged Bahamut Zero's side. "What do you have in mind?"

"Well, no idea really." Bahamut Zero muttered. "We've never had much time off in the past."

(Aw, you can save the world, but you can't think of a simple way to relax?) Glenn smirked. (Kinda sad you big dumb dragon.)

"Glenn! Shut up this instant!" The silver dragon snapped.

(Wanna make me, scale-brain?)

"Grrrr...wait till the next time I have a chance to get my claws on you!!"

(Well, you can just strangle yourself in the meantime and hope I feel it.) Glenn continued.

"Grrrr...gggarrrrgghhhhh!!" Bahamut Zero moaned. "What force in the universe possessed me to spend more time with a mentally-challenged human like YOU??"

(Hey, takes one to know one.)

Everyone burst out laughing as Bahamut Zero dropped to his knees, groaning.


-- END --

Author's note: Well, that's it then. The Final Fantasy series is a game I've always enjoyed, and it was that plus a crazy little dream I had that got me started on this fic. It's that passion I have for dragons, and Bahamut is certainly one of those.

If you're here, then I have to thank you all for reading. All your comments, reviews and support have certainly helped out a lot.

Once again, thanks!
