Since they had met, Satoshi had been more than kind to Houtarou. He didn't treat him like everyone else. During middle school, he would only eat lunch with Houtarou. On numerous occasions, Satoshi would make something extra for his friend and try to feed him. Of course, he was denied each and every time. That was okay, Satoshi liked a challenge.. As the weeks and months went by, Satoshi never did anything less affectionate with his classmate. But when girls became involved- More particularly, when Mayaka got involved, Satoshi had to make some changes. He began to flirt with the girls and entice them with his suggestive facial expressions but that was only a small taste of what kind of treatment Houtarou received.

The destruction of space when Houtarou was near, whether he had to move his chair or slid his legs under his desk just to get close. The suggestive smirks and grins flashed towards the brunet as if he were eyeing his prey. The waggling eyebrows and extremely expressive eyes that seemed to undress him each time they shined.. Those were only a few of the things that Satoshi would tantalize his friend with.

Fukube teased and flirted continually, only pausing to get some sleep- yet even then he found himself doing the same in his dreams- and this hadn't come to a stop. Not even when Houtarou passed it off, assuming it was just his personality and puberty making a intoxicating cocktail. A concoction he did not want to take a drink from. But as they progressed through middle school and into high school, it had gotten more and more obvious that there was most definitely some sort of intention hidden.

Now that they were in high school and passed the stages of puberty, Satoshi's actions portrayed exactly what he wanted. He didn't even hide it when others were around, yet Chitanda and Mayaka hadn't said a word about it. And to no surprise, Houtarou hadn't either- he didn't even acknowledge this fact.

That-That irked Satoshi. He craved to see the emotion of Houtarou's face change while thoughts caused his emerald hues to flicker and avert just to look at anything but that damned face that screamed accomplishment. Satoshi yearned to see a dust of pink across the olive skinned cheeks and even a little bead of sweat to roll down his temple. Not only that but his tongue began to lust after the taste- bitter but it came from Houtarou.. And he wanted it.

Satoshi's flirtatious attitude became more and more demanding to be praised. Yet Houtarou's actions-rather, lack of- did not change. The caramel headed teen's fuse shortened, it was only in due time that he would explode like a ticking bomb- a ticking bomb that was ignored. Houtarou should have known. . You do n o t turn your back on a






