It's Jori Week! Ahhh I'm so Happy!
So The Schedule is:
Day 1: Scissors
Day 2: Coffee
Day 3: Rumors
Day 4: Inappropriate flirting
Day 5: Upside down/Reverse
Day 6: Music
Day 7: Family
Enjoy ;)
Day 1: Scissors
"Omg! Tori! It's Valentines' Day!" Cat exclaimed. That's right, Its Valentines' day. The one day when couples are lovey dovey to the max.
"Yes Cat I know…" Tori sighed looking for Jade.
"what are you gonna get Jade?" Cat whispered.
"Cat! Shhh! Remember we don't talk about it at school! No one knows yet!"
"I do!"
"Yes sweetie, yes you do. Now Sh! I'm not even sure where the hell she is."
"Tori, she's just a little late. She'll be here soon." Cat said with a reassuring smile.
"Your right… But guess what I got her?" Tori whispered.
"What?" Cat asked excitedly. Tori reached into her new purse and pulled out a black box. "Wait, You got her black box..I guess that's okay…But I expected more from you Tori…It has been 5 months." Cat babbled. Tori face palmed herself and rolled her eyes.
"Cat, There's something IN the box.." Tori explained slowly.
"OH well OPEN IT!" Cat screamed. Tori opened the little black box to revel a ruby red heart with silver scissors with little gems in it.
"Do you think she'll like it? We're going on a date tonight, and I wanted to give it to her." Tori said.
"TORI! IT'S BEAUTIFUL!" Cat screamed before having a hand pushed on her mouth.
"Shhh Cat…Shhh…"
"She'll love it!" Cat exclaimed.
"I hope so, It's our 1st valentine's day. I want it to be perfect…" Tori explained.
"You want what to be perfect?" Jade whispered in her ear sneaking up on her.
"Dinner." Tori said giving her quick peak on the cheek while no one was looking.
"Oh…So Cat, What are you doing for Valentines' day?" Jade asked.
"Oh, Robbie said he had something planned…But after that I'm going to Jayden's for a sleepover." Cat giggled.
"Have fun!" Tori exclaimed.
"Oh yeah, Tori! Remember I'll pick you up at- I hate you" Jade started than her voice turned cold. Tori was really confused, almost started crying until she realized Beck and Andre were near. She snapped out of it and gave Jade a knowing smile.
"You're still picking on her? Damn, I thought you two we're friends now." Beck joked.
"And I thought I gave a fuck about your opinion for a minute! But Nope" Jade smirked and walked away to her locker.
"Damn, that girl is still as cold as Ice in our last year in school." Andre shook her head.
"Maybe if you guys didn't express your opinion when you know she doesn't care what so ever, She wouldn't yell and get mad." Tori smiled closing her locker and walking to Sickowize class with Cat following Tori.
"What the hell?" Andre and Beck said in illusion.
-Sickowize Class-
"Hello. Hello! So my little love birds, what are all of you doing for Valentines' Day?" Sickowize asked. The class looked at him in silence.
"Okay, we're going to do that. I'll call of your asses then! Tori! What are you doing?"
"I'm going out to a romantic dinner." Tori blushed.
"Really now! With whom?" He asked getting the class intrigued.
"A person that makes me happier than anyone else ever could." Tori smiled. The class 'Awed' at that.
"How sweet! Little Tori is in love! Now…let's see…Robbie!" Sickowize screamed making Robbie jump.
"Uhmm, Me and Cat are going out, It's a surprise." Robbie said.
"Ha! A surprise! I love it! BECK!"
"Going to the movies with my new girlfriend." Beck answered.
"What?" Jade snapped.
"What are you doing today? Or are you cutting children?"
"For your information, As soon as I get out of this place, I'm spending the rest of my day with the g- person who means more to me than cutting children or scissors! Thank you very much." Jade smirked rolling her eyes. The class looked at her in amazement.
"Oh! Who's the new love?" Sickowize asked winking like he knew something.
"Nun Ya." Jade said coldly.
"What is up with you and Tori and secrets?" Sickowize said sitting on his stool. They shared a glance and shrugged at their teacher.
The day went by slowly, maybe because they had plans after or maybe the questioning from everyone from the school, but most of all lying about whom you like, sometimes to people closest to you. But the day did end, and their night had begun.
Tori texted Trina and had told her to go home without her and she was going to Jade's for the night. No matter how much Jade or Tori would hate to admit it, Trina was a big help with their relationship. Trina simply replied with a 'K ;)' and left it at that. She waited by the janitors closet as planned till everyone left waiting for Jade to honk from outside.
As the last few people walked out of the school building, Tori heard that honk, picked up her bag and walked out into the car.
"Hey baby" Jade said kissing her on the lips. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that today."
"Awh Jade!" Tori blushed kissing her back till her elbow hit the honker and it scared them to death.
"Nice Job Vega." Jade laughed.
"Haha.." Tori rolled her eyes. Jade just winked and started her car.
"So, how was your day" Tori asked her.
"Fine, yours?'
"You were here, so it was great!" Tori smiled.
"You're such a sap!" Jade sighed.
"Someone has to be the romantic one in this relationship." Tori said.
"I can be romantic!" Jade defended herself.
"Jade…For Christmas, you ordered us Pizza and we watched ABC family all night. I loved it, but really pizza! No candles?" Tori complained. Jade just rolled her eyes.
"What about new year's! That was romantic!" Jade screamed.
"Grabbing you boob's while we're drunk as fuck is not romantic Jade." Tori glared.
"Wait! Wait! Our 5th date! November 12th! I took you to a fancy restrant and it had those fancy napkins." Jade smiled.
"Aw! Jade you remember the date! But, we didn't really finish eating remember? You got mad at the waiter for hitting on me." Tori giggled.
"But It was romantic" Jade winked stopping the car and unbuckling and climbing out of the car. Tori sat there for a minute waiting for Jade to open the door till she realized she was already fumbling around with her purse trying to find her house key. She simply sighed and get out herself.
They walked in the house and were greeted by jade's mom Cindy. She gave us a hug and had made us something to drink. Jade had Coffee and Tori got Hot chocolate, It was a routine whenever Tori was over. They headed up stairs. To Jade's room and sat down on her bed.
"So, where are we going tonight?"
"Somewhere. It's a surprise, Just dress nice." Jade said.
"Haha I brought like 4 different outfits so, shouldn't be that hard." Tori said laying back. Jade layed back on her side leaning on her fore-arm, making circles around Tori's stomach with her index finger.
She then leaned into a kiss, Tori kissed her back without a thought. Soon enough Jade hovered over Tori making out with her. Sadly Tori pulled away.
"Jade, we have to have something to do tonight. And we need to get ready." Tori said sadly not wanting to stop but they did have to get ready. Jade just sighed sitting up straddling Tori.
"Urg, Fine. Let's go shower." Jade said getting off of Tori and walking to the bath room stripping while walking. "Are you coming?"
"Be there in a sec." Tori said looking at Jade's naked body and admiring it.
"If you keep staring we might not make it on time." Jade said smirking looking over her shoulder at Tori. Tori finally got up and followed her to the bath room to take a shower. Jade turned on the bath water and waited till it got to right temptature. Once it did they climbed in and bathed or showered…Whatever you wanna call it. About 10 minutes later of wetness as their nude bodies drifted against each other they got out and dried up.
"I'm going to do my hair 1st, So you can go get dressed." Jade said to her girlfriend drying her hair.
"Ok, You want the door closed?"
"Nope." Jade answered.
"Kk" Tori said walking into Jade's room. She looked at her out fits and tried to find her 'incase Jade decides to do something fancy outfit'. It was a short red dress that went past her butt by a few inches. With some black tights and dark sliver flats.
"Wow, You look beautiful!" Jade exclaimed walking out of the bathroom.
"Thank you!" Tori smiled.
"You can use the bathroom now."
"Thanks." Tori said walking in there to fix her hair. She lightly curled at the bottom and sprayed some of her perfume on that Jade likes. She looked into Jade's room from the bathroom and examined Jade's outfit. It was a dark blue sleeve less dress with some nice shiny black heels.
"Damn Jade…You look great!" Tori said hugging Jade from behind and kissing her neck.
"Well, I try. Now let's go." Jade said walking out, down stairs trying to leave.
"Nice try Jade! I need to take a picture!" Cindy exclaimed.
"Mom…" Jade sighed.
"C'mon Jade, It will fun." Tori said grasping on to her side hugging her with a smile as her mom took the picture.
"Okay, we're leaving. Bye." Jade said walking out dragging Tori out.
"So, Are you gonna tell me where were going."
"You'll see." Jade said starting the car and driving. They pulled up in the Nozu's parking lot. Tori gave Jade a confused glare.
"Trust me" Jade said getting out of the car and opening Tori's car letting her out.
"Why Nozu's? This isn't ro-" Tori started while walking in. It was dark and had dark red lights with flower petals everywhere. "Oh My God! Jade! Did you do this?" Tori asked.
"No the fairies from never land did Tori." Jade said annoyed.
"Oh My Gosh! Jade! You're so sweet! I love it! I love you!" Tori said jumping around hugging her.
"Anything for my baby." Jade said hugging her back bringing to there seats.
"Speaking of Baby.." Tori said.
"Are you pregnant!" Jade screamed. Tori looked at her with the "what the fuck" face. "Wait, I cant get you pregnant! Are yo-" Jade started.
"Jade, I'm not pregnant. I have something for my baby." Tori said getting out a black box.
"What's that?" Jade asked.
"Your present." Tori said opening it showing a ruby red heart with silver scissors with little gems in it. Jade's eye's started watering.
"Tori, I love you. I love you more than scissors." Jade said getting up hugging her and kissing her.
"I love you too Jade." Tori said smiling.
So that was scissors. Next is Coffee :D I know what your thinking though "Why is 2 days late?" If you must know, I've been like practically dead for the last few days. But I hope you liked it. I did.