Chapter One: Prologue

Disclaimer: I do not own Covert Affairs.


Stu Heatherton closed the file he was given, rubbing his forehead at the headache that was already brewing. This Op was some piece of work.

He looked up at his boss, his mind whirling. He opened his mouth a couple of times, to ask a question, voice a concern, only to shut it again. It was insanely risky. The costs, both occupational and personal should it fail, were astronomical. But the more he thought about it, worked through all the angles and possible scenarios, he couldn't help but be in awe of its brilliance.

It would take months of groundwork. A simple cover wouldn't be enough. They would need to create lives with roots and history.

Layers upon layers of complex plays. Intricate chains of contingency plans. It was every handler's best nightmare. Then there was the team they were sending in.

"They don't exactly have a track record for keeping things clean and by the book." He commented. "I doubt that's changed."

Joan tilted her head. "Was that a question, Heatherton?"

He shook his head. "No, Ma'm. I'll get started on this right away."

"And I can trust you to remain discrete on the…particulars." Her gaze told him exactly what would happen should any of it leak out.

He gulped and nodded.

"Good." She went back to her paperwork.

Though he recognized the clear dismissal, he hesitated. "Ma'm, you do know that they've barely spoken a word to each other in months?"

She didn't look up from her work. "Yes, I am aware of the rift between Agent Walker and Agent Anderson. However, they are both highly trained operatives fully capable of setting aside personal feelings to complete a mission."

Knowing he had no ground to stand on, he sighed and made his way back to his desk. This would either be the clusterfuck of the century, or an epic win of wins that would go down in CIA history.

Either way, this was going to be one long Op. He made a mental note to renew his migraine prescription and tell his girl he'd be busy for the next few months.


In her office, long after Stu had left, Joan made a phone call from an encrypted line. "Everything is set. They should arrive on schedule."

"We'll be ready and waiting."


Author's note: I'm not even going to mention this last episode, but it did spurn me to get started on this piece. Short and vague, but I'll make up for it in the next chapter. I can't promise frequent updates, but I do promise a completed story. Thanks to everyone who have

read and reviewed my stuff so far!