A/N Hello everyone! This is my first story, so please constructive criticism only! This will eventually be femslash, so if you don't like it, don't read it. It's rated a high T for safety, and some graphic imagery so consider yourself forewarned, for there to be a light at the end of the tunnel, there's gotta be some darkness. And last but not least I'd love to hear your feedback, and barring hell or high water (more like no Wi-Fi or schoolwork) I will try my hardest to update regularly! So enough of my rambling, happy reading!


What a Difference a Day Makes

Chapter One


Stop staring!

I reminded myself, refocusing my eyes onto the case file in front of me and away from my co-worker whom I had been shamelessly ogling a moment earlier. I heard the click of her heels as she strode to the door of my office, and my heart fluttered at the possibility of what she wanted to talk about.

Work! You're working right now, she's your colleague, stop making a big deal out of everything you lovesick idiot!

I pushed the irate little voice in my head aside and subconsciously fixed my hair before burying my attention in the file again to try and look inconspicuous. But I was having a hard time reading about the horrific and grisly details contained there. I nearly jumped when my door was pushed open, and Emily seemed to notice.

Well of course she noticed she's a profiler, it's not like she pays extra attention to you…

"Hi Emily." I greeted her warmly, trying to sound somewhat like the put-together Agent Jareau I'm supposed to be.

"Hey JJ, I just had to drop off the file on the Fayetteville case, are you okay? You seem a little on edge." She asked softly as she slid the file onto a clear space on my disaster-area of a desk.

"Thanks, yeah I'm fine, just jumping at shadows. Comes with the job I guess." I tried to sound calm when in reality it was taking all my resolve not to melt beneath the gaze of her warm chocolate eyes.

"Well I can understand that, I nearly had a heart attack last time Sergio knocked over a vase! But if anything's bothering you, I'm always here to talk to." I softly chuckled, doubting she'd be up to hearing what was really on my mind.

"Thanks Em, I know." I nodded, while fussing with papers on my desk nervously. The smile I got in return was barely a flash of brilliant white teeth, but no one smiles much around here, not when we're surrounded by photographs and files of humanity at its most vicious. She had almost made it out of my office when she was nearly bowled over by the whirl of colours that is Garcia, who was currently clad in a light blue dress with green edging and printed bumblebees tracking lazy trails across the fabric.

"Hey Emily, JJ! Boy Genius and my Chocolate God over there are heading out for drinks tonight? Are you two lovely ladies available?" she asked while gesturing emphatically at Reid and Morgan who were currently waiting out in the bullpen.

"Sure, I've got two hours or so until dinner's on at home, I can come, how about you Em?" I inquired, already dreading her answer upon seeing the flash of regret in her eyes.

"Sorry, I can't make it. I'm going on this trip with my mother tomorrow and I need to pack. One of her ambassador friends from Syria is involved in a charity where they're building schools for the local kids and my mother volunteered me to go along with her and help, at least for a week or so. She hoped that doing it would help drum up business since she's in-between assignments." She groaned and I struggled to cover up the disappointed mask I now wore.

"Wow, that's an amazing opportunity!" I exclaimed, before giving her a congratulatory hug which in my opinion was way too short.

"Aww! A little mom and daughter bonding time!" Penelope gushed, and I had to hold back a laugh at the comical grimace on Emily's face.

"Yeah, thirteen hours on a plane next to Ambassador Prentiss. Fun. I'm actually hoping that we get called out to catch some killer and I have a reason to cancel. I love what we'd be doing and the cause we're doing it for, but my mother…" she trailed off.

"Makes serial killers seem like a picnic?" Garcia finished, and Emily sighed in agreement.

"Well, I have to get going, we have a plane to catch tomorrow morning at four and if there's one thing that Ambassador Prentiss is not, it's late." She sighed, and my heart went out to her. Her and her mom never saw eye to eye and thirteen hours in close quarters was going to be the worst torture ever imagined.

"Well, I hope you all have a good time, and if it means anything, me and my babies would be all over making sure she can't leave this country, but diplomatic status is one thing that even the All-Seeing Oracle of Technology can't mess with. Oh, and I'll make sure to pop by your apartment and see to it that Sergio has food, water and some company. Toodles!" Penelope said as she headed off back to "her lair". Emily started off in the direction of the elevator before I called her back.

"Emily!" she turned, with a look of… was that anticipation? I had so much to say to her, I would tell her how I'd loved her ever since I had set eyes on her the day she arrived in Hotch's office, how every moment I was able to spend with her was a gift, how I thought she was the most gorgeous woman I'd ever met, how I found her geeky side adorable, how I loved it when she spoke different languages, frankly I'd at least tell her goodbye if I could get my brain to form coherent sentences.

"Yeah JJ?" she cocked her head to the side and I wondered if I was blushing as hard as I felt I was.

"Just travel safe, we need you back in one piece." I half-joked before my voice took on a softer tone. "It'll be a long week without you; I'll miss you-erm- I mean we'll miss you, the team I mean." I stuttered, and she chuckled softly before stepping forward and embracing me in a hug.

"I'll miss you too, and the team as well." She mocked slightly while I nestled my face in her shoulder. From anyone else, it would seem snarky and rude, but from Emily, you could tell she was joking just as two friends normally would. Still, I feigned insult, trying to keep the moment light and keep my head, while the intoxicating fragrance of her hair teased me.

"Are you mocking me Emily Prentiss?" I asked once she pulled away, and I clasped my hand to my heart in fake hurt.

"Wouldn't think of it Jennifer." She replied in mock-seriousness. And with a flash of deep brunette hair, the elevator doors closed and she was gone. Little did I know that the ominous feeling I felt settle in the pit of my stomach was true, and I wouldn't see the real Emily Prentiss for a lot longer than one week.

A/N So what did you think?