It was quiet. So quiet. There was no pain…no agony. In the empty blackness a form lay on the ground, floating aimlessly.

"So…this is what death is like." Cordelia thought as she lay motionless, curled on the ground. "It's not that bad…" She concluded. "It's so quiet. Death."

That was what she had wanted for years when she was younger…hadn't she? To be alone in the quiet, to not be judged for what she was. Besides…this death hadn't been an unprepared death. She had been expecting it for weeks…maybe years…and yet, her heart seemed to disagree with her, seizing up in fear.

"You knew this was going to happen." She scolded herself as she forced herself into a sitting position, staring at her hands. She didn't understand why she had regressed back to when she was 19, but she didn't care. She was dead. It was inevitable. Everyone was bound to die at some time…some lived for ages...others like her were discarded and their lives were cut short. Yet this wasn't what she had expected. Endless darkness. She had heard of the muggle version of what they called heaven, which was pure white. Though some of the ideas of their version of heaven was ludicrous, there were some ideals she had wondered that she would have been able to see.

Maybe this was hell…but then again, this didn't meet any type of version of hell she had ever read or thought about. Why…why couldn't her death actually have something to show for? She had been prepared for this.

"You knew this was going to happen. You prepared yourself. You prepared Aries…Aries…Oh Merlin."

It was like a slap in the face. She stared at the darkness surrounding her, the burning in her eyes growing and finally the tears that had been prickling in the corners of her eyes cascaded down her face, as a dry sob tore out her throat.

"My baby."

He still needed her. And yet she wasn't there for him. Even if she hadn't had a choice. He was alone. She covered her face, trying desperately to staunch the tears from flowing.

"He's only a baby! He can't be by himself! He needs me!" She cried out desperately, as though someone could hear her plea. But no one did. The weight of what had happened became all too real, and she felt the darkness swirling around her, as though it meant to engulf her very being. Her tears slid down faster and harder on her cheeks as loud sobs echoed. "I-I abandoned him…He'll grow up alone because of me."

"No he won't."

The voice startled her. Dimly, she thought that she recognized the voice, but she couldn't be sure. She stiffened, looking around for the person who had called out. But it seemed the darkness had blinded her, as she found no source. Then she blinked, her eyes narrowing in the distance. A sphere…a hazy sphere…but a sphere nonetheless had seemed to pierce the darkness. And it began to grow, pushing the darkness away, wiping it backwards. Cordelia stared at the entrance of the light sideways, only turning when the light had expanded enough to look like a road surrounded by darkness, beyond the road of light, it had shot vertically up. It was though a gate had been partially opened, allowing the light to stream in through the crack.

But it wasn't the light that she now stared at, as more cracks began to appear and banish the suffocating darkness away. It was the figure that stood in the light, his figure shadowed by the bright rays.

"It's okay. He'll grow up strong and loved. And it's all thanks to you."

Slowly she turned, staring at the figure with wide eyes. She recognized that voice. The deep tenor that she had fallen in love with so many years ago. Slowly she covered her mouth in shock at the recognition, tears sliding down her face as a sob sounded. The light had prevailed, and the darkness began to seep away as the light washed over her.

He hadn't changed a bit.

"I'm so proud of you…Cordelia."

She struggled to stand, as though she was a baby and was relearning how to walk. She stumbled a few moments, before she began to run towards the figure, a bright smile that she believed she had never given other than around their son gracing her face, her arms outstretched.

Regulus stood there, a smile on his face that she had only seen whenever she had been with him. He was wearing a grey robe over his clothes, his arms outstretched. She all but tackled him, almost fearful for a split second that the moment she would run into his arms, he would disappear and she would be in the darkness again.

But he didn't. He wrapped his arms around her and spun her. Even when he set her down, she didn't move, just clutching him, murmuring his name over and over again.

"I missed you." She whispered, looking up at him. His eyes were kind, considerate. They were no longer plagued with the guilt that he had dragged around for the years that she had known him, the pain that been masked in the grey eyes. "I missed you so much."

"I know. I know." He murmured kissing her forehead again and again, drawing her close. "And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I never wanted any of this to happen."

She let out a soft laugh, nuzzling his chest.

"You've been working hard all this time." He murmured softly. "I'm sorry…for leaving you like that."

"It is alright." She murmured in response.

"I was always watching over you. You know that right?" She nodded in answer, a smile on her face. He traced her cheek, and gave her a kind smile in return. "You raised our son wonderfully."

She shook her head, still smiling, though slightly pained and bitter. "No I didn't. I made only mistakes."

"No you didn't." He replied calmly, tracing her face with his hands, cupping it with them. "Aries grew up nicely."

"I wanted to make you proud to call him your son." She whispered. He let out a laugh, and she trembled. How she missed that laugh. He gently moved his thumbs under her eyes, and she looked at him. He was smiling brightly and she felt her insides warm.

"You and he made me the proudest man in the world." He whispered, drawing her close. She smiled before pulling herself to him, and meeting him halfway, kissed him. It had been so long, and she had missed this. He pulled her close, gripping the back of her skull tightly as she wove her arms around his neck.

She would always miss Aries. Terribly. But she knew he would be alright. He would make friends that she and Regulus had never had. He was strong-willed, much more than she had ever been in her teenage years. Things would work out for him. She knew it. Besides…she would always watch him throughout his life. Even if she couldn't be seen by him, she would always be there. And now she wouldn't be alone. He would be there with her.

"Let's go." He whispered against her mouth when they finally parted. She nodded, and together hand in hand, the pair walked into the blinding light.

Hand in hand. Together again.

There is a story of a boy and a girl, and the makings of their lives together of something so strange that it would seem to be impossible, or the story of a fairy tale.

But it was their story nonetheless.

They met during the summer and fell in love in those three years that they had. But they were a pair of star-crossed lovers, their fates already delivered. Still, they clung to each other, treasured those memories that they possessed of each other. During life and even during death, their hearts were each other's and they waited diligently to be reunited.

For they were lovers of a fallen time, destined to be separated in life.

But united in death.











