
by: sirenskin

Summary: Soledad was getting restless now. "You let her go, Drew! It's your fault! How dare you expect her to come back, much less, acknowledge your existence? It's time you notice what you have and what you used to have. If you want her so much, find her! Don't you realize what you lost when you were done with her?"

Chapter Seven-A Few Moments

"Oh Arceus," May sighed at the screen in front of her. Her mother looked at her in shock at her sudden outburst of anger.

"Well, then what is going on? I keep getting reporters at our house from PokeNews and Coordinators Monthly, as well as hundred more tabloid magazines!"

May closed her eyes and sat back on her chair. The room seemed so empty and dull even with all of the water pokemon posters that were hung up on every wall. The morning had come way too fast, May decided, and it was too early to deal with her mother's incessant nagging. In the long run, May knew that Caroline was always looking out for her only daughter, but everyone knew how she felt about Drew now. How could her mother not know at this point what was going on? The media always complicated things, making her life a little bit more stressful than it already was.

Why can't anyone just leave her alone!? Not even her own mother could ever understand what she's going through. Every time he gets involved with her somehow, everything goes wrong. May could not even bear to say his name in front of anyone. It just embarrassed her that she was in so much drama with that…man. How did he always manage to ruin any kind of peace she's tried so hard to gain after five years?

"Look, I'm fine, okay? Everything's alright, and don't say anything to anyone. I can handle it," she told her mother. May sighed in annoyance, and shut off the computer before Caroline could say another word. It felt rude and foreign to do so to her own mother, who was only looking for some answers, but now was not the time to give any. Drew had come into her life like a combee, buzzing right through her heart with a sharp stinger but only looking for honey. Once it found some, it grabbed what it could and left for the next flower it could find. May was sick and tired of combees. Drew managed to evolve into a Vespiquen with these new tactics.

Honestly, who did he think he was? To come into her life tossing her roses, fully aware that he was leading her on? To ask her for dinner on her sixteenth birthday, giving her the first of many bouquets she will receive from the arrogant hair flipping jerk. He thought he was so suave, that he could flip her world upside down without giving her a second glance once he found a new challenge. May was so done with him. After all, it seems like he was good at more than coordinating-hurting her over and over again.

The worst part was, May gave everything to him. He was her first real boyfriend, first love, first boy she introduced to her parents, first person she actually trusted with her heart. Every morning, he would hover over her face, whispering, "Good morning, June," to which she would always respond to with a slap upside the head. He was the only person she ever shared her secrets with, or lay with on the grass after a long, tiring contest. He was the first person to ever kiss her in places she never thought she would ever be kissed. He was the first of many things, and consequently, May supposed, her first heartbreak.

May stood up from her chair tiredly; she couldn't get an ounce of sleep for days after he showed up at the Waterflower Gym. How could she? Even Daisy, Violet, and Lily gossiped about her behind her back. Everywhere she went, people were talking about her. Everything was fine before he came to ruin her life again. Oh, when will it ever stop?

Brock knocked on Drew's hotel room in Cerulean City, one late afternoon. He scratched his spiky hair awkwardly, wondering whether he should be here. Of course, he contemplated going over to May instead, but he didn't want to cause her even more stress. He heard about her conversation with her mother, and by the looks of things, she wasn't handling things so well. The last thing she needed was for a friend of hers to bring up the matter and add fuel to the already burning hot fire.

But Drew was different. He wasn't worried about anything besides getting May back, from what he'd heard. That bastard caused all of this, so doesn't he have a right to know what Brock had to tell him?

Speak of the devil, Brock thought, when the door opened to the one and only heartthrob of hearts, Drew Hayden. His hair was messy and his sweatpants looked extra sweaty. Not to mention that his shirt was wrinkled to the max.A light green beard was starting to grow on his face, and the thought of Drew with a green beard made Brock almost burst out laughing. Instead, he swallowed his chuckles into a cough, and stood up straighter. Brock was never that good of friends with Drew-distant acquaintances at best-but he was here for May, and after all of the times he saw May and Drew together, he wanted the best for both of them. No matter what the newspapers said, Drew was a caring guy.

Drew's eyes widened once he saw Brock standing in the dim Hotel hallway. He hadn't seen the breeder in ages, and could not even fathom what on Earth he was doing here. Crossing his arms and flipping his hair out of his eyes, Drew asked tentatively, "What are you doing here?"

"Hey," Brock started. "We need to talk."

Drew gave Brock a cautious look and stepped outside onto the red carpeting of the hallway, closing the door in the process. The long red carpet got stuck over his foot. Kicking it off, Drew faced Brock with a slightly flushed face. "Did May tell you something about me?"

Brock shook his head in slight confusion. "No, but I was wondering if you met anyone named Brenden Birch lately."

Drew's eyebrows shot up, making Brock feel a bit uneasy. "Yeah," Drew said. "We talked a bit when we met outside yesterday. What's it to you?"

"Well, he's a…" Brock searched for the right words. "…a friend of mine, I guess. When I traveled with Ash, May, and Max, we met his father, Professor Elm, and later on, when I went back to visit him, I met Brenden.

"But the thing is, Brenden contacted me, recently. He said he was looking for a picture of a girl in the background of a picture of you and May backstage at a contest. I owed Brenden a favor from a long time ago, so I looked hard enough, and I found a couple of pictures with this girl with long dark hair and dark eyes in them looking at you. Brenden confirmed that those were the ones, so I gave them to him."

Drew shrugged. "So what? She's just another coordinator. I don't care. I don't know why Brenden would want those photos, but still, I don't think it has anything to do with me."

Brock couldn't help but be surprised with Drew's answer. So calm and laid back. He couldn't have been lying.

"Well, sorry to bother you. I better get going."

Drew nodded. "You should," he said, walking back to his room, and closing the door as calmly as he could.

He slumped down to the floor, breathing heavily.

Brenden? First of all, who in the name of Palkia was Brenden Birch? First Gary Oak, then Brenden Birch? Did May only associate with guys who had trees for last names? But then again, Drew's own last name was Hayden.

And second, what does he want with Elesa?

Drew waited on the sidewalk of Cobalt Avenue of Cerulean City, hands in his pockets. His green hair blew lightly in the wind, but this time he made no move put it out of his face. Now was not the time to be seen. He scratched his head, lowering it as he watched from the corner of his eyes a brunette who stepped out of the taxi on the other side of the street. He still felt uneasy at what he was about to do, but at this point, he had nothing to lose. If he was going through with it, he would have to give it his best, or else everything might not go as planned.

The brunette looked both ways (to his left and to his right) before walked forward quickly, as to not get run over by the cars that honked in front of him, wanting to move. He looked serious and quickly walked toward the Cerulean gym.

Drew spotted the brunette make his way over to where he was standing, and immediately put his head down, letting his black, cotton hoodie cover his mass of green hair. He glanced up for one quick second, narrowly avoiding eye contact with the other brown haired man.

When Gary passed him finally, Drew breathed a quick sigh of relief and removed the hoodie covering his face, while putting two fingers up to signal to Brenden who sat on the park bench on the grass side of Cobalt Avenue.

Brenden had nothing to fear. He was simply doing his job to make his friend happy and get a bit of cash in the process. What was the harm in that? Either way, he could always pass it off as an accident, or that he was innocent in the whole scheme of things. Not that May would ever find out anyway.

Brenden grinned and picked up his cell, dialing a number that Drew had already memorized years ago, but was too much of a coward to press send.

May woke up that morning to the ring if her cell phone. Necrofantasia echoed through her room, bouncing off walls and heading straight into her ears. Groaning, she picked it up, yawning before asking, 'Hello?'.

"Hey," a warm voice greeted her.

May sat upright on her bed, wondering who the caller was. She pulled the phone away from her ear to look at the caller ID, only to see numbers.

"Who is speaking?" she asked cautiously. "I don't recognize your voice…"

The man on the other side laughed. "Don't remember me?" he teased. 'But I'm the one that saved you, Miss Tent!"

May's eyes widened. "Brenden!"

She hadn't seen her childhood friend in so long. May never thought that she would see him again until their annual family get together during Christmas. She subconsciously smiled, remembering all of the funny pranks he had played on her, and all of the amazing memories they had made together. It wasn't that she was complaining, but why was he suddenly calling her now?

"How's it going?" Brenden asked. "I heard you were in Cerulean so I decided to stop by."

"Wow," she gushed into the phone. "It's been so long! We should definitely meet up!"

Brenden's voice became suddenly lighter. "Coffee shop on Cobalt Avenue in ten minutes? You know which one I'm talking about?"

"Sure! The one that sells pecha berry tarts as its specials?" Just thinking about the berry delicacies made her stomach rumble. She realized that she didn't even eat anything the entire day so far.

"Yup," Brenden agreed. "My treat, Maymay. We'll have lunch and dessert all on me!" He chuckled, thinking of the blue-eyed girl's infamous appetite for food of any kind.

"Alright, you got it! See you!"

"Yep," Brenden said. "But Cobalt has a crosswalk, so be careful! You might just get run over!"

May laughed. "I'll be fine."

A/N: To everyone that has stuck by this story for over three years, thank you so much! I didn't think that it would take so long to update, or that I would completely be on hiatus for so long. The next chapter in finally where it gets interesting, and the mystery only progresses from there. Another character will make her entrance as a key player in Drew and May's relationship. Review please, and the next chapter will come soon, promise!