
By: sirenskin

Summary: Soledad was getting restless now. "You let her go, Drew! It's your fault! How dare you expect her to come back, much less, acknowledge your existence? It's time you notice what you have and what you used to have. If you want her so much, find her! Don't you realize what you lost when you were done with her?"

Chapter One-The Frustration Inside

Drew stared out the window.

Raindrops quietly thumped against the window, making small streaks of water trail down to the bottom of the glass. Drew felt his breath slow down a bit considerably because he felt somewhat calmer about the atmosphere.

On this very dreary day, when the clouds gathered to let out a what was first a small sprinkle that turned into a small storm with quick lightning flashes here and there, Drew was sitting comfortably next to the large window of his room in the Pokemon Center.

'It wasn't that he was bored.' He decided. 'He just couldn't find anything worth doing at this time of afternoon and day.' Drew ran a tired hand through his light green hair. The bags under his eyes gave the obvious hint that he hadn't sleep for days.

Drew fingered his Pokeballs in his pocket. He needed to talk to someone, or rather, in this case, something, about his current situation.

Roserade would be a good choice for advice. Masquearain would just be good for listening, and Absol and Flygon would just tell him to shrug it off before even listening to what he had to say. His other pokemon that he recently caught maybe two-three years ago (?) didn't know him well enough; didn't know her at all.

Maybe he would go with Masquerain. He didn't need advice right now-well, he did-he needed someone to listen.

Tossing up the pokeball containing Masquerain in it, drew leaned back in his chair, watching the white flash quickly turning into the form of his Masquearain.

The pokemon fluttered in the air, eyes wide, wondering why on Earth his trainer had called upon him. There was no contest coming up; the contest season was over. He didn't suppose that they were to train now, because of the rain pounding against the Center. Maybe it was because-yes, it was because of personal issues. These were some of the things that Masquerain tried not to get caught up into, mostly because he did not have anything to relate to in the situation, so at most times he did not have anything to offer as advice.

"So," Drew drawled, crossing his arms, but then, put them into his pockets instead, not wanting Masquerain to get the idea that he was upset with him. Although, he was upset with himself, but not his Pokemon. "It's been a long time since…you know…" he trailed off, and Masquerain looked at him questioningly.

"Mas, mas!"

Drew sighed and rolled his head around his neck once or twice before continuing. "No, not the contest season. It's been a long time since we've seen…you know, her…"

"Rain, mas, quer, mas!"

"My point is," he tried to explain. "That I've just been…wondering about where she's been, and how's she doing, and well, everything!" He threw his hands up in the air for emphasis, and for a few moments threw away his thoughts too. He couldn't keep it inside any longer, no; he had to say it out loud.

Masquerain jumped up, startled by his master's sudden outburst. A few days ago, it had been fine. Everything had been great, actually, they had just won the Ribbon Cup, which, if Drew wasn't so exasperated at the moment, he might have added, that this was his fifth cup.

Drew continued, at this point not caring whether his Pokemon understood or not. "I mean, how am I supposed to take this? We haven't seen each other in years… I know she was in Kanto, but now, who knows where? She just won another Ribbon Cup; she's as famous as me! How come we never crossed paths? Is she avoiding me or something?"

Masquerain was not used to seeing his master act this way. He fluttered his wings nervously.

"I don't even know why I'm so upset. I don't need her, anyway. I'm Drew freakin' Hayden of all people! I could have anyone I want, so who cares?"

Masquerain was in a slightly shocked state. They hadn't seen the sapphire eyed coordinator for years now, but he never thought that it had bothered his master very much. Of course, he noticed the hopeless crush he had on her when he was in his preteen years and over, but over time, Masquerain had just assumed that the crush had faded away. The eyeball pokemon pondered on the thought, as his trainer continued on, oblivious to the lack of attention.

Drew ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated, for the tenth time that day.

"I care." The words were out before he could stop them. "Oh, Mew. I hate that I care so much after five years…"

"Mas, Mas, Masquerain!"

"No, I can't. What would I even say if I went to see her? Sorry? Sorry for never being there for you when you needed me the most? Sorry for being the biggest douche to ever win a Ribbon Cup?"

Masquerain hovered above Drew's head, trying to become some kind of source of comfort.

"I guess I got too caught up in fame, you know? After I won my first Ribbon Cup, I forgot about you guys, I neglected her, and I just spent my time going after girls behind her back, thinking that I was invincible. I regret it now, I really do. But she'd never forgive me, Masquerain. I just feel like a mess."

Drew stopped himself, and slouched back into his chair, pressing his hand to his forehead. He shook his head slightly, and Masquerain sighed.

"I'm sorry. I haven't told you anything, have I? All I do is train and train and train, and it's wearing you guys out. And here I am ranting about my problems to you when you don't know anything. I haven't spent quality time with you at all lately, have I?"

Masquerain shook its head. For some reason, Masquerain couldn't help but feel uneasy at its movement. It didn't want its trainer to feel guilty; it's not his fault entirely. Just a simple mistake it was, not a big deal. For his relationship, Masquerain decided that it was his fault. From what it had heard so far, he cheated on her, so how can he expect her to keep in touch with him after what he had done to her.

"I'm sorry…"

"So find her."

Masquerain and Drew all turned their heads to look for the source of the unknown voice that came from the direction of the entrance to the room.

Soledad stood at the door, leaning against the frame, looking at Drew with an intense stare, that didn't look exactly friendly, but not hostile either. Challenging, was perhaps the word to describe the gaze that shot across the room into the green haired coordinator's eyes. Flygon, having decided not wanting to get involved in the situation than it already was, returned itself into its Pokeball.

"What are you waiting for, Drew? Find her."

Masquerain hovered nervously next to the window that Drew was previously staring out of. Drew however, returned to the cool and collected look that he wore days before his frustration began.

"Why should I?"

Soledad was exasperated. Really? Did this boy-no man, he was twenty one honestly think she didn't hear everything that was said? Did he really think that she didn't know the history between him and May?

"I heard everything, and I know you meant it too, and don't even try to deny it," she warned, as Drew opened his mouth to protest. "You still love, don't ignore the fact that you do. Why you cheated on her when she was yours beats me, but you can't expect me not to know that you did love her, you do love her."

"How would you know?" he shot back at her. "You weren't there when we were together; you just read what's in the magazines and none of that bull is true!"

"Just stop denying it, Drew. I know you still have feelings for her." Soledad sighed, frustrated. "You love her, you just spilled out how much you care about her in front of your pokemon, but you can't bother to in front of me? Stop lying to yourself? Stop this whole act already! You're just afraid of what others might think of you; you just don't want to show a single weakness!"

"Can you blame me? I've spent my whole life building this impression of me to the world, and I can't have some girl ruining it!"

"She isn't some girl though!" Soledad felt like dying right now. "You love her! Why do you care so much about her, then? Why did you always talk about her, and glare at every single guy that attempted to talk to her? Why did you keep her safe and save her all those times? Why did you follow her everywhere in Johto to make sure she was safe? You care!"

Drew was speechless now. It was no use trying, Soledad knew the deal. There was no point in pretending. "I…"

"That's right!" Soledad sighed. "You let her go, Drew, for what? A one night stand with a girl you barely knew? How dare you let her go like that? How can you think she wants to see you again, let alone acknowledge your existence after what you did to her? And here you are, ranting about it, when all you need to do is find her. It's time you notice what you have, and not what you used to. If you want her so much, get her! Don't you realize what you lost when you were done with her? One day, you're going wake up alone with no one but yourself, and you're going to wonder why. Well, you know what? This is the reason."

She breathed out, panting slightly from her recent yelling. She can only take so much. So with that, Soledad spun on her heel and walked out the door, giving the man behind her too many thoughts to take all at once.

Drew went over to his bed, lying down on it, pulling his hands over his head, and closing his eyes. Masquerain dropped down to the rug next to the bed, trying to take in everything that had just happened.

Drew inhaled and exhaled deeply. He should find her, Drew knew that. He rolled over on his side looking out the window, to see that the rain had stopped and a faint rainbow had spread over the hills outside.

His reflection stared back at him too. Strong, jade eyes planted in the middle of the window, amidst the leftover drops of water dripping down like tears.

A/N: Edited June 2015.