I finally came around to find I was still in the training room, with Ratchet nearby. The medic slowly woke to look at me, his optics dull and dim. All I could feel was pain. Everything hurt from whatever the simple statement had done to me.

"Ratchet…" I called softly, trying to get past the pain.

"I'm right here, just hold on… I'll be over soon," he said, starting towards me. I nodded only to feel the pain fill my body from head to toe, making me almost wish for death. All I could do was scream myself mute as burning agony ripped through me and I could see nothing but white. Every fibre was bursting with a need to scream to me that it couldn't handle any more than what it was going through already.

Ratchet spoke to me again but I couldn't hear his words, the sounds blending together. I was sure I could hear my body protest as I struggled to my feet, thinking if I was standing less of my skin would be touching the ground to spread the pain. Very briefly I noticed that something had changed, seeing as the floor suddenly seemed so very far away.

I looked up through clearing eyes and watched as Ratchet approached me slowly. I didn't like the way I seemed to be so much closer to his height. I stayed still, not trusting myself to try to have the strength to move away. Besides, he knew more than I did about what was going on. He was the medic, not me.

A fresh wave of pain started, centered on my heart. Unable to support myself any longer, I dropped to my knees, making Ratchet pick up the pace. When I spoke I was surprised and horrified to find that I said something in another language. One that seemed too foreign to be a human language. I grabbed my chest as the pain became regular and predictable, falling into a pattern. The room was spinning and Ratchet reached my side. I reached out to him and blue energy burst to life, racing across Ratchet's armour and making his optics go dark. And finally, I fell conscious as my body gave up the fight.

The next time I opened my eyes, I was staring at the endless ceiling of the base. Data ran through my sight, scaring me but also offering me a strange comfort. The diagnostics were obviously from my own body, meaning that I was still alive and alright. Ratchet came into view and that relief grew though his expression was frightened, pained, and concerned. He reached for something before I felt a needle enter my neck and I couldn't stay awake.

Cybertron stretched out before me.

The buildings were in good condition from before the war.

The war that claimed so many lives and destroyed the planet.

The war the Autobots fought against the Decepticons.

The war that set Optimus Prime against Megatron.

Thirteen pillars of light formed a circle around me.

There were six red, six blue, and one green pillars.

The red pillars seemed to be fore Decepticons while blue was for the Autobots.

Each pillar held a Transformer.

Six Decepticons were in the red, six Autobots were in the blue, and one femme was suspended in the green.

I knew five of the Autobots having met them myself.

Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Arcee, and Bulkhead were held in the blue light.

The sixth, a mech, was red and apparently named Cliffjumper and for some reason the sight of him was saddening.

Ratchet was released from his pillar of light and finally broke the silence of this world,

"Here you are, Crystal. We're here to help you understand what you are."

Across from him a Decepticon descended from his pillar and laughed as if someone was telling a joke.

"So that's your name. Crystal. Fitting."

"Ignore him. Follow him and you'll become a Decepticon like him."

"Who is he anyways?"

"I'm Knock Out, the better medic."

"And obviously quite crazy if you think you're better," I snarled getting a grin from Ratchet.

"Crystal, come with me."

I followed when Ratchet moved away from the pillars as well as Knock Out.

"So what am I?"

"Whatever you want to be. Project: Crystal was a project that resulted in your creation. Emerald was too valuable to lose to the Decepticons. When they learned of her existence, we needed a way to keep her safe."

"So you just… made me? Just because your little project wasn't able to protect herself?"

"Wake up, and everything will be explained."

"I won't if it means waking up to you!" I shouted, thoroughly annoyed at him.

Ratchet sighed and gently touched my face.

"Please Crystal. Wake up for me. Emerald, Optimus and I will help you when you do."

"Fine. I'll wake up from this nightmare," I finally said.

The world around me faded into blackness and I was lost to the darkness yet again.