M'gann didn't know what it was.

(Circus tents, the smell of buttery popcorn, air whipping in her face)

But every night she dreamt of a place she had only been to once.

(The sound of a train, laughter, hits and pulls as bodies fly through the air on the trapeze)

It was strange and the memories were different. She wasn't as familiar with the place. Never wore a big white dress or felt love like that.

(A child small and smiling, chubby precious hands and cheeks, adoration of a man's familiar eyes)

They were someone else's and she could only sense their presence in fleeting passes. Robin will be laughing with KF and she would stop what she was doing sensing the intruding presence before it just... Disappeared.

(Laughter and love and hugs and kisses)

Tonight was the one with the most clarity -

(Flying through the air-)

- and -

(- just kissed her little boy's forehead -)

- love -

(- didn't realize it was -)

- and -

(- goodbye)

- horror.

(Ropes snapping, realization, reaching out for her son, recognition of hopelessness, rejoining her husband on the ground)

M'gann had woken body thrumming prepared to fall, so close to the ground, only to realize she was in her bed. Blinking she noticed she was crying, lashes wet and hands trembling she wipes them away.

It's too early but she gets up. The presence is strong and she feels it in the kitchen. It's hovering, staying, distracting her from the nightmare.

(Broken bodies hurt but the look in her son's eyes will haunt her until the end of time)

M'gann is not the only one awake.

Robin is up and sitting on the couch. The tv is off and it's dark.

She hears sniffles.

Her footsteps are silent and his head snaps up only when she turns the light on.


His eyes -

(Big and blue and shocked and scared)

- are familiar and she realizes they are the ones from the nightmare.

Suddenly it clicks and for a second she doesn't know what to do, doesn't know how to act.

She walks to kitchen and gets a class of cool water, something she's seen on tv and she hands it to him silently.

He sips greedily, eyes puffy and nose red.

She runs her fingers through his dark, dark hair and suddenly she knows what do.

"Will you help me bake cookies?"

He nods.

The third presence in the room leaves as she gets Robin talking and laughing when they make a mess in the cookie dough.