The Story Of "The Circle"

This Story Is Placed As A FanFiction For The Amazing World Of Gumball

Hello, my name is EvelioandZgroup and I am proud to say "Welcome to my 10TH story of this site!" Yes, this has been officially been my 10TH story, if you think the TAWOG awards isn't a story. Well, I'm not counting that, you see a short story will be posted up there, but that isn't for a while. But for now, this is my 10TH story! Now I wanted to make it special, but then I decided to use the only story I never wrote down, but a picture was posted up and I instantly came up with a story, the minute I saw it. I came up with the idea in February, but never decided to write it, but here is "The Circle". Now what makes this special is that this is the first romance story with Gumball and Rachel. So enjoy this story and I'll see if I can show the picture if I could.

It was a normal day in Elmore, no much to go on in this beautiful day. There was nothing that can ruin such a lovely day like today. Meanwhile gumball was sleeping in his bedroom, like any ordinary kid. Though Darwin was awake, so he decided to wake gumball.

"Gumball! Wake up! The house is on fire!" Yelled Darwin, trying to get his attention. With that, Gumball woke up scared and saw that Darwin just did that to wake up him up. "Dude! Don't do that again." Said Gumball. "Yeah, well Penny called me and told me to tell you to meet her at the park. She told me that it was very important, so I'd hurry up if I were you." Said Darwin. With that, Gumball hurried and put on his clothes and noticed something.

"Hey Darwin, why are you up so anyway?" Said Gumball

"Well I'm going to Rachel's house and I'm going to tell her something and I think it's going to be the hardest thing I'm going to do in my life." Said Darwin. "What are you going to tell her?" Said Gumball. "I'm going to tell her that I want to break up." Said Darwin.

Gumball was surprised at what he just said. "You're going to break up with her. Why? You guys were happy." Said Gumball. "No. We just hanged at the party, but never really hanged out or anything. So it's now or never." Said Darwin.

After that, Gumball went downstairs, he rushed downstairs and opened the door. Then he left to the park, while Darwin left too, but to go to Rachel's house.

Gumball went to the park and saw Penny; she was on the side of a bridge that made you cross the pond. Gumball and Penny were already in a relationship, but Gumball felt it was special. He walked and then approached Penny.

"Hey Penny." Said Gumball, in a cheerful mood.

"Hey Gumball." Said Penny, in a dreadful mood.

"What's wrong?" Asked Gumball, acting like the caring boyfriend should. Penny gave him a weak glance, but she decided to talk.

"Listen, Gumball. The reason I wanted you to come was to tell you that I want to break up with you." Said Penny.

"What?" Said Gumball, as if someone just stabbed in his heart.

"Look, you're a nice guy and all, but I feel that we some time apart, but I hope we can still be friends." Said Penny

Gumball didn't know what to think. The one girl he truly loved said that they should break up. He decided to just go along with it. "Sure, we can still be friends." Said Gumball, trying to hide all sadness.

"Great, well I think I should go. I told my mom that I'd be here for a while." Said Penny, feeling a bit awkward. "Yeah, I got to go too." Said Gumball. With that they went their separate ways. Penny went in the opposite direction while he went back to where he came from, but only then happiness could come.

Gumball made it home, but was extremely depressed. He was lacking in steps and when he made it to his room, he went straight to bed. He didn't bother to cover himself. Then after a couple of hours, Darwin came into the room all happy.

"Well I'm officially single." Said Darwin. Then he noticed Gumball in his bed all "dead." As if someone just took a stab in his heart and just left him like that. "So what happened with you, buddy?" Said Darwin, trying to see what's up. "Penny broke up with me." Said Gumball, in a dull and depressed voice. "Oh. I'm sorry dude." Said Darwin. "Well you want to go down and watch some TV?" Said Darwin. "No, I'll stay here." Said Gumball.

Darwin just closed the door and left Gumball in his room. Gumball stayed like that for the rest of day. Gumball felt that he just died and that there's nothing that can cheer him. Though it seemed like he was rather hopeless but sooner or later, he would be happy, but for him, it wasn't meant to be.

Sorry for the short chapter, but you know. I'm working on a lot of stories and writing Life Cut Short movie. Anyway, if there's a story that you like and you want me to make a new chapter already, tell me. I get to it faster if people ask and I tend to forget about stories sometimes. Anyway, my name is EvelioandZgroup and I'm signing off.