Hermione woke up at the sound of a soft voice the next morning. She looked around, not seeing anything or anyone, mostly because they were in the ditch. She decided to ignore it, rolled over and closed her eyes again.
The next thing she knew, she was lifted off of the ground, a hand over her mouth, and felt her hands being tied together. She opened her eyes to see someone holding her feet together, and could see Ron behind him, still sleeping. She fought the hands and tried to scream, but her voice was almost completely silent, due to the hand over her mouth.
"It's no use," someone whispered into her ear, making her turn her head. "You're our prisoner now."
Draco Malfoy walked from behind her to her side, smirking.
"That poor Weasley can't save you now." he whispered, putting a hand on her jaw line and lightly brushing along it, then under her chin quickly.
"I'm getting tired of holding her mouth closed." a girl said from behind Hermione. She sounded somewhat upset.
Draco looked at the girl suddenly, scowling slightly at her.
"Fine." he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a hankerchief. "On three. One, two, three!" he said, shoving the hankerchief into Hermione's mouth as the girl removed her hand.
Pansy Parkinson walked next to Draco, looking disgusted as she looked at Hermione and wiped her hand on her pant leg. She then put her hand into his and smiled up at him.
"We did it." she said quietly, sweetly.
Draco pulled his hand away and walked back behind Hermione. "I know. I did most of the work. Alright, I'll take her from here."
Hermione felt the top part of her body move from one person's hands to the next. A different boy appeared next to Pansy now.
"Let's go." Draco ordered, starting to move backwards. Hermione still wriggled around and tried to scream. Nothing worked. The hands were too strong for her and the hankerchief was shoved too far into her mouth. Pansy tried to stifle laughs as Hermione fought on.
Hermione then got an idea. She pushed on the hankerchief with her tongue and felt it start to fall out of her mouth. When it was almost out, she cleared her throat and got ready for her only chance.
"RON! HELP!" she screamed, right after she spit the hankerchief out of her mouth.
She saw him sit up, looking around. Pansy shoved the dirty end of the cloth back into her mouth as they sped up and Ron went out of sight.
I know this is super short, but I don't know what to do with this anymore. I'm so bored with it. I've kind of lost interest in The Hunger Games... I might just post the last few chapters and be done with it. Maybe I'll add on to it in a few months or something. Only the future will tell, I guess.