Okay, I know I sort of disappeared off the face of the planet and I'm really sorry. Here's a little preview to a short story I'm doing (yes, I'll update Behind The Music, just a little stuck on writing).

This was inspired by a few angst stories that have absolutely broken my heart and made me cry like a baby (cough "Swimming in Miami" & "All for Austin" cough). This was also inspired by the song Both of Us by B.o.B. and Taylor Swift as well as an amazing Twitter friend I've made who was kind enough to share some stories and let me use them for inspiration. I hope all is well.

Heart Beat

Never in her life did she find the white walls so imprisoning. It was as if they mocked her younger thoughts. The white walls had always seemed inviting almost; a sign of new life, of purity, and of innocence. But the situations that truly happened here seemed to dawn on Ally at a pace faster than imagined.

The last time Ally Dawson was in the hospital she was thirteen and welcoming her baby cousin in (what felt like) a safe world. She could remember the excitement she felt, knowing she was about to hold a person so innocent, so new, so…pure. No wrong doing had taken place around the baby yet and her heart swelled at the thought of something so good. Her heart sped up with excitement and happiness, overwhelmed by the joy of a new being, one who she could guide through life.

But today, her heart sped up for a different reason.

The red that covered his shirt, his pants, his entire body contrasted the pureness and whiteness of the walls.


The word seemed to taunt her and attack any hope she could find.

'This is Austin you're thinking about. He can make it,' she would think to herself. Yet that word, the horrid reminder it was, came back to her mind and her heart would break each time. She knew how serious it was if he had to be taken by a helicopter.

'His hair was red and his skin was pale, Ally,' a part of her told herself (the same part that felt the need to haunt her with the image she'd created of her love being airlifted to the hospital). His bright blond hair had turned a crimson red and his tan face had turned a sickly light color. Her heart sunk more.

She was losing hope and one thing Ally Dawson never did was lose hope, especially in one Austin Moon.