This last chapter is only short, but it's how I wanted this one to end. It was always intended to be a short story, as I have other long ones that I am in the process of right now. Thanks for everyone who enjoyed this one, and who shared all the wonderful comments.
How often to look back, really reflect on what you have done? What someone else has done for you? Do you ever wonder how you will be remembered, if what you've done or what you are doing will mean anything at all, will they even remember you at all?
Those are the thoughts that run through your head as you take your last dying breaths. It's what you think about. Were you really meaningful to anyone in this lifetime? Was your risk worth it? Or did you give too much of yourself away?
But then there's that moment, you never expect it and for a minute you think you're waking up in heaven. And then there's a hand far too soft, far too real to be in heaven, or is that just what it feels like in heaven? He's unsure and he can't tell if this is all real or if his soul is the only thing living now. But when she whispers his name and a tear falls on his hand that she grips onto. He knows he's not dead. That this is all real.
He tears up at the thought. He hadn't lost her. It was the first thing he thought of. And when he opens his eyes there was no cut across her throat, she hardly seemed hurt. God, everything he sacrificed had been worth it. It always had when it came to her. For her, he would give everything. He almost did.
"Ziva" he whispers, his hand reaching out to touch her, but it won't move. He looks down at the plaster covering his arm. He could say he's been through worse, but that's not really being honest.
"Oh god Tony, I thought you were never going to wake up" she stumbled on the words, because her tears were intruding. He's never seen her this upset. And it's over him.
"I never told you what I should have told you" he comes right out with. He can't hold it back, not now, not ever. She gets where he's going, because she feels it, she feels every single thing he does and she doesn't need him to say it to know, not now, not after what they have been through. She no longer lies to herself and says he doesn't feel it.
"It can wait Tony" she says, squeezing his hand. He's full of drugs and he's been in a coma for just under two weeks. This conversation could be left for another day.
"No, not any longer" he refuses to wait. His one good hand that's around hers grips tighter.
"I don't want to do this alone anymore" he whispers, and she knows he means life. He doesn't want to go on in life without someone else. There's a point when you can't take being alone any longer, and when you get given a second chance at life, you don't hesitate for one second. Tony realizes that now.
"You won't be" she says, and as simply as she says it, it means more than anything she's ever said to him. He can't let her hand go and neither can she. He wants to kiss her, because it's something else he's waited far too long for, he's held back long enough from the things his heart screams at him that he wants.
"Kiss me?" he asks and she smiles, she missed the way he makes her smile. She leans in because she can't deny him what she wants as well. Her lips are soft and his heart feels like it has begun a new life, she has his body thrumming with the want to carry on.
And now he knows as he thinks back to what he's done, the things he will be remembered by. The things he's done, that he will do. It will mean more than anything at all. And he will be remembered he knows that, by Ziva, if not anyone else his memory will live in her. Because she will be the one he will share this with, his memories, his life. It's only the beginning and anything is far game, but he knows they will get through. He was given a second chance for a reason.
Well actually this is like his fifth chance. But he's been kept around for a reason, and he has a feeling that reason is her.