A/N: Holy CRAP it's been too long. Sorry for anyone who thought I wouldn't update, but here goes. Hope the longer chapter has made up for my lack of updatedness haha.

It was early the next morning when Maura awoke to a rather sticky heat that gathered about the old cot she inhabited. She glanced around the bedroom, taking in the sound of a gently snoring Gianna from the bed above her.

Maura sat up quietly, her body sore from all the shaking and worrying she did the day before. Her chest and throat still hurt from the tears she cried from fear. Although she may not have known Gianna for too long, they had grown quite close and developed a bond in their short time together.

She sat down on the small bed beside the Italian woman, placing her dainty hand on Gianna's hip under the light blanket. The snoring stopped and Maura found herself at the end of a dagger that had been hiding under the Italian's pillow.

"Gesu Cristo, Maura!" Gianna recalled the dagger into its hiding spot, running a hand across her sweaty forehead. "I could have killed you!"

"I'm sorry, I did not realize - "

Gianna sighed and put her hands up. "It's of little importance…I am sorry to have frightened you."

"Considering what happened last night, I do not blame you," Maura allowed Gianna a small grin, still feeling her heart pounding in her chest. "Your hands, how do they feel?"

"They have been better, il mia dolce," Gianna patted the little space beside her on the bed, "lay down, let us sleep."

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable,"

Gianna shook her head. "Please, mi piacerebbe,"

Maura lay down gently beside the tall woman, lying on her side to give Gianna most of the room. She was surprised when the Italian placed her arm around her gently, laying her bandaged hand up around Maura's free-flowing golden hair. Gianna let out a rather large sigh before placing a small, wet kiss on the tiny woman's head.

"I am glad Korsak was able to bring me back to you," She whispered, her husky voice even more so than usual.

"I would not have allowed anyone else to fix your hands," Maura replied softly, "especially not that Luccio that your mother seems to take a liking to."

"Luccio is an uomo strano, but before you came to Venezia, he was all we had for medicina," Gianna replied, her voice growing weak with sleep. "But I am glad we have you now…you are much better with pazienti and much più bella."

"Well, yes, my features are that of idealistic women painted mostly by Raphael, Michelangelo, Boticelli…"

"Maura, I was paying you a complimenta, you do not have to back it up with your fatti folli."

"Mi dispiace, Gianna." She felt herself blush.

Gianna sighed again and whispered sleepily, "Though, to have you forever placed on paper would be un onore e un privilegio…"

Frediano walked silently into the wooden walled office of Korsak, holding his sword as he shut the door behind him. Korsak had dozed off in the late afternoon while petting one of the stray dogs he kept locked away in his office while on duty. The dog perked its scruffy head up and began to bark rather loudly in Frediano's direction, jarring Korsak from his sleep.

"Ah, Frediano."

"Fall asleep on me, old man?" Frediano laughed, flashing his superbly white teeth. "The guards, they've asked you to come look after Houssam."

"Why can't they do it?" Korsak yawned and allowed the scruffy pup off his lap. "Good girl, Josephina."

"Josephina…?" Frediano raised one of his eyebrows.

The older man stood and stretched his arms above his head. "Yes, Josephina…after a rather tough woman I knew growing up at home, now shush."

"Va bene, va bene." Frediano raised his hands above his head and laughed. "Anyway, they want you to try and get some information out of him…he wont talk to anyone else."

"Hmm," Korsak stepped toward the door and motioned for Frediano to follow him. Together, they walked down the hall and down a set of stairs that led into the dungeon.

Houssam was seated on a small stool, his tough hands carving an image out of a piece of wood while he hummed. Upon seeing the captain of the guard, he laughed, not lifting his head to greet Korsak.

"So, you have come to try now too, Capitano?" He continued to laugh. "I will talk to no one but Gianna Rizzoli. Bring her to me."

"You really think she would grant you that honore?" Korsak replied, folding his arms over his chest.

"If you want any information, you will give me that honore." He snapped.

Frediano rushed the barred doors and slammed his fists down on them. "È compiaciuto stronzo, come osi cercare di ottenere la sua - "

"Frediano," Korsak shouted. "If Gianna comes to you, you must allow either he," He gestured to Frediano, "or myself to be in attendance, si?"

"No," Houssam replied, still not looking at them. "But you will allow Dottore Isles to be here with Gianna."

"What do you want with her, stronzo?" Snapped Frediano.

"I will speak to no other man, moor." He laughed again, and then stopped when he caught his finger on his knife. After allowing the blood to dribble off onto the wood he was carving, he laughed again. "How fitting that I should bleed for her."

Houssam tossed the carving over to where Frediano was standing and then turned his stool into the corner. The young man picked up the carving, glancing it over and few times and then handing it to Korsak.

"It's Gianna," He whispered.

"I know," Replied the Captain, "and I fear what will become of her if we let her loose with this pazzo."

"No, no, I refuse to allow Gianna to see him, Capitano," Maura whispered angrily. "That would not help her healing in any way."

"It has nothing to do with that, dottore," Korsak sighed, his eyes tired, "I'm sure if Gianna knew how much it would help, she would not hesitate."

"It's not good for her though," Angela piped in from the corner. She had been silent until now. "Capitano, mia Gianna needs rest and no stress like Dottore Isles says she does...perhaps she can see this pazzo in a few days."

"Please, donne, please, understand where I am coming from," He begged.

"What is going on?" Gianna interrupted, coming in from the kitchen door, a slice of bread in her hand.

"Gianna, we need you to speak with Houssam," Korsak blurted out.

"If you want him to live, I suggest you do not allow that," She replied rather harshly, scoffing.

"I really do not care if he lives or dies, but the Doge will not allow us to put him to death until we find his motive," Korsak replied, folding his arms again. "He says he wont talk to anyone but you, Gianna."

"Then I will speak to him,"

"Gianna, no," Maura placed her hand on Gianna's arm, "I don't think that is a good idea,"

"No, it is not, Maura, but it is what has to be done," The tall Italian replied, "if you want to see this pazzo put to death, then I will have to talk to him."

"Then I am coming too,"

Gianna sighed and rolled her eyes, "Maura..."

"No, I am coming...if anything to protect you."

She rolled her eyes again. "Maura, how do you intend to protect me? With a corsetto?"

Both Korsak and Frediano sniggered, their eyes averting Maura's now icy gaze.

"I am quite capable with a knife, Gianna, thank you," She snapped, "I am a doctor after all."

Gianna sighed. "If you insist."

"I do."

"Fine, then we will both be speaking to him, Korsak," Her chocolatey eyes shifted upward to the older man by the door.

"Good, and you will speak to him tomorrow. He does not deserve the speediness he wishes to have."

Gianna smirked. "Oh no, he does not."

A/N: In case you were wondering, "Luccio" is Pike..."Luccio" loosely translates to that (in weapon form). Enjoy, and PLEASE comment!