I don't own Gilmore Girls. Enjoy!
He was gone. He was gone and she still couldn't get him out of her head. She just sat there frozen as she thought about everything she could have … no should have done to stop him. It wasn't supposed to end like this. She shouldn't have walked away from him. She shouldn't have let him walk away. They fought so hard to be together why the hell did she let it slip away so fast? She tried sitting on the bridge looking for comfort, but it was their spot. It just made everything worse as all the memories flooded back to her. She couldn't handle it. So, she left the bridge in a haze of tears. It was late in the small town she didn't think to look up before walking out into the middle of the empty street. She never saw them coming. The truck full of drunken teenagers celebrating their buddy's last night in town before joining the Navy speeding down the winding road, she never saw them. They were too busy singing along with the last pop hit to notice the fact that she was walking right in front of them. Navy boy himself was the one who lost control of the car hitting her before smashing into a group of trees that lined the road.
It was the most horrific sight that any member of the Stars Hallow police, firefighters, or paramedics had ever seen. Five of the brightest teens in the town were involved in the most horrific accident the town had ever saw. Two were dead on impact. One managed to walk away from it all. The driver of the truck who was thrust out of the car and through the windshield was rushed to the hospital. But, the most shocking was the young woman that was found on the other side of the street. No one could figure out how she got there. It was a miracle that she was barely hanging on when the police spotted her. As they placed her in the ambulance one of the officers was shocked at the face they saw hiding under all the bruises. "It's Lorelai's girl." He said as he looked at another one of the responders. As soon as the words came out of his mouth the lucky teen who was able to walk away from this broke out into tears. "No, not Rory, it can't be." He kept chanting as others tried to calm him.
These are the moments that parents dread. When they hear the sirens driving through town and can't figure out where their kid is. When the phone rings telling them to get to the hospital as soon as they can. They are moments you never think you would have to experience in your life. Lorelai Gilmore couldn't stop freaking out. The last time she got the call to come down to the hospital it came from her daughter. Why didn't this one come from her daughter? Why couldn't Officer Richardson tell her more? The whys didn't stop till she ran through the emergency room doors to see multiple police officers talking with doctors. She looked over and saw a familiar face sitting in a chair balling his eyes out. He had a cut on his head, but nothing that looked to horrible. "Dean, what is going on?" She asked him not having the patience to wait for another officer or doctor to hold a finger up to her.
"We didn't see her. No one saw her." He said in a mess of tears and panic.
"What do you mean no one saw her?" She practically yelled as tears started to run down her face.
"Ms. Gilmore." Someone said from behind her. She turned around to see one of the officers standing there.
"What the hell is going on?" She asked him.
"There was an accident. Your daughter was walking home and a truck hit her. She is in critical condition." Everything after that was a blur to her. She sat outside the glass window of her daughter ICU room watching doctor after doctor walk in and walk out. She didn't even look like Rory. She looked so helpless. Rory wasn't helpless, she was strong. She didn't even let herself think as she walked to a pay phone and dialed a familiar number. "Luke. I'm at the hospital. Rory was in an accident. I need you." She said into the phone chocking on her tears.
Luke tried to comfort Lorelai the best he could as they sat in the waiting room. They had to take Rory down to surgery. He wasn't sure what exactly they were doing. The only person they would talk to was Lorelai and she was able to explain anything right now. He hated watching Lorelai break down like she was, but he didn't want to look around the room. The only other people there were the other kid's parents. The kid who ran a truck into the girl who was like his daughter. The nurses who walked by acted like they were just waiting to see which one died first which angered him beyond belief. He was mentally cursing one of them in his head when he heard a phone ringing. He watched as Lorelai placed a phone on the table. He reached for it. "Don't bother they will just hang up without saying anything. Rory seems to think it might be Jess, so I took her phone and let her use mine." She said as she looked at him. He just grabbed the phone and walked towards the hallway.
"Hello." He said as he answered it. Nothing he could faintly hear breathing on the other line. "Jess if this is you; I really need you to say something right now." He said waiting for a moment for a response nothing. "Jess, I know how much you love Rory. I know that by now you are probably thinking about running back to her and honestly right now might be a good time for you to run back like you always do. There was an accident. They have her in the ICU, but it's not looking good." He paused again. He heard what almost sounded like crying on the other line. "Well, that's all I guess." Luke said before he hung up. He turned around to see Lorelai standing behind him.
"I need to call Christopher." She said as she took the phone from him. "Why did it have to be her?" She said as she started to cry again. "You never think it's going to be your kid." She mumbled out. He just took the phone from her.
"I'll call Christopher and your parents. Just … okay I don't know what to say here." He said as he hugged her.
It was a typical night. He had just got GiGi back to sleep after her two a.m. bottle when the phone rang causing her to wake up again. "I am going to kill whoever is on that phone!" Sherry screamed as she went for the baby. He just searched for the phone, but the answering mechine kicked on before he could find it. "Christopher, this is Luke, the guy from the diner … you know the one in Stars Hallow. Lorelai really needs you to come here. There has been an accident…" He just searched all over the room for the phone freaking out as he did so. "Rory was hit by a truck. They have her in surgery right now…so if you're listening just come to the hospital." The message ended with that. By that time he had gave up on the phone he was looking for his shoes.
"Sherry I have to go!" He yelled as he walked into the bedroom to see her holding their daughter.
"It's two in the morning." She complained as she glared at him.
"My kid was in an accident!" He snapped back as he tossed on a shirt and slipped into shoes before running out the door.
"You know I think after this they might not make me pay for the damage Jess did to their house." Luke whispered to Lorelai trying to cheer her up. He knew nothing was going to make happy at this moment. His goal was just to get her to stop crying.
"That's who this kid is?" Lorelai asked through her tears. Her last bunch of tears came when the doctors came out to talk to his family. It had apparently had been relatively good news. They said things like "Thank goodness." Even though Lorelai had heard one doctor say they had to take his hand. She would take anything though right now. She just wanted to know that her daughter was going to be okay. She needed her little girl to be okay. She needed to wake up and this all be a horrible dream, but it didn't look like that was going to happen. So, she would settle for okay. She didn't know what would happen if she lost that child.