
A lone figure stood out against the great expanse of the clear blue, arms hanging loosely at his side, face upturned to greet the sun. The sun smiled down upon him, and whispered something so softly it gently rustled the young man's hair and clothes like fingers combing through a cherished one's head. The smooth planes of the man's face changed, creasing with delight. Another friend joined the conversation, a bird swooped past, her voice echoing on the hilltop. The ebony haired young man angled his head towards the greeting, listening intently. When a lull in the song came, he pursed his own lips and allowed a quick response then waited for a return.

The communication of sorts continued back and forth like playful duelers, until the bird trilled a goodbye and left, angling its direction towards Camelot. The boy watched it go, an ache rising in his chest as he gazed out over the expanse. It hasn't been that long but it still feels like a great deal of time has passed. Why does it feel like it has been so long? I should be cherishing my time with my Mother and I do, but for the past week my thoughts keep returning to Camelot, to Arthur and Gaius, Gwen and Morgana.

The boy shivered, a sudden cold gripping his body. It was as if someone had thrown a blanket over his head, separating him from the loving warmth of the sun. Turning around, he searched for the reason for the chill but found none. The sun was still shining over him; there was only a slight breeze. No outside reason for his chill. As the realization hit him, he turn his attention inward.

I haven't felt like this since...I left Camelot. Since THAT night, which means...Arthur, he's in danger. Spinning around, the boy sprinted down the hilltop, taking care with his steps so as not to stumble and fall down the path. He zigged zagged down the path, dodging rock protrusions, fallen limbs and the occasional wild creature. At the base of the hill, down a few yards he came upon the view of the small house that had puffs of smoke drifting lazily to the sky. As he neared he saw the door open and his Mother step out into the light, a rag in her hand as she wiped her hands clean from the remnants of her baking. There was a small smile on her face, like most of the times he saw her, she was consistently smiling.

Mixing with the sudden anxiety was guilt, and it warred inside him to become the dominant emotion. I just got her back and now I am just going to leave her? Well, it's not like I can't visit her. Yeah, but will you? So busy being the Prince's manservant, will you be able to spare time for your own Mother? I can't NOT go. He needs me. It is my destiny and I want to go. I want to help him, and see Gwen and Gaius again, and the Lady Morgana.

It was at that point that he realized that he was approaching his Mother at a speed that would result in a collision. He dug his heels into the grass, his feet tangled over himself causing him to tumbled the last few feet. He rolled to a gentle stop at the feet of Hunith, who merely smiled down at him, while reaching down to help extract him from his own feet.

"Mo-mother, I-I-"

"What is it? What's wrong, son?"

"I-I need to go-to return to Camelot."


"Yes, it-its Arthur, he needs me. I have to go-now."

"Merlin, it is alright, I understand."

She laid a hand on his cheek, and gently moved it so that he would look her in the eyes. He did so with great reluctance as evident by his averted eyes, whose stared just slightly over her shoulder and to the left.

"I will pack you a meal and your clothing, and you can leave before midday."

"Are you sure? I-I could...um..."

"You will follow what you feel is right. That will lead you to where you need to be with no regrets. You know I love you, now and forever. I always will."

"Thank you Mother, and I you. I will be back, often; I promise you this."

"I know you will."

They walked into their home together, arms around each other. Hunith worked on preparing the food while Merlin set about gathering what he would need for the immediate future. They worked in silence for the most part, with only glances stolen between the two when the other thought they weren't looking. Almost in unison they turned to face each other, Hunith with two plates in hand and Merlin with his leather satchel in one. Gulping back his emotions, Merlin set the bag down next to the door and helped his Mother to set the table for their final meal together.

They ate slowly, savoring the food and the company of the other. Merlin seemed to finish first, although he took care to mop up the last of the soup, his favorite his Mother recalled. Sighing lightly to himself, he glanced up through his bangs to find his Mother had stopped eating before her plate was clear. She was just watching him, a smile on her lips as was normal but there was a difference with this smile. Sad. I am making her sad.

Merlin cursed himself, and his destiny. The last thing he wanted was to make his Mother sad, but he had done so still, inadvertently. Unable to voice his thoughts, he reached out and laid his hand onto of hers, covering it completely. She slowly flipped her hand over so that it was palm facing up and used the new leverage to grip his hand tightly. They remained clasped for several long and emotional minutes.

Eventually, Hunith broke the grip, pulling away slowly. She leaned over and let her hand rest against his prominent cheek; which she noted wasn't nearly as much as before now that she was able to feed him properly, he was nearly a normal weight for a boy his height. Still on the slender side but not nearly as much. I hope he doesn't loose the weight he's put on while in Camelot. Perhaps, I should write to Gaius, he would look after him properly, I'm sure.

She drew back allowing her hand to fall back to the table where she braced herself. Merlin stood up as well, and started to clear the dishes from the table. Hunith tried to protest, but he shushed her.

"Please, I want to."

His Mother silenced her protests at his words, only nodding her acceptance. She watched him, as he moved familiarly through the house, cleaning the plates of food. She watched his his back muscles stilled, his arms stopped moving and he just stood there.

"It's time Merlin. As much as I want you to stay here and be happy with me, I know that you are needed in Camelot with your friends. It is okay, Merlin."

She took several steps forward when she noticed his shoulders start to tremble, her hand coming to rest on his back. At her infantile touch, he spun around and enveloped her in a tight hug. His arms wrapped tightly around her, he squeezed her to his chest, locked in a desperate embrace. Hunith's arms came to envelope her only son, clinging just as tightly to him as he her. Each ignored the slight wetness that soaked into their clothing as a few tears were shed by the other.

When Hunith could feel Merlin's resolve weakening, she broke the embrace, cupped his cheek in her hand and turned her back on him. With a quiet break in her voice, she bid her son a farewell.

Merlin stood there for just a few moments longer, steeling himself against the sudden overflow of emotion; then, he turned and walked to the door, a slight drag in his step. Stooping to pick up his pack, he glanced backwards to where his mother stood, her back straight and proud.

"Farewell Mother, I shall see you again in a fortnight if the Prince will permit it, and every other weekend I can manage."

"I will look forward to your visits. Stay safe, my son. I love you."

"And, I you."

With those words hanging in the air, the young man opened the door and left it open as he stepped in the sun and forward to his destiny, his stomach still roiling impatiently. Taking a deep breath, he glanced back to find his Mother standing in the doorway her hand raised in a wave, he raised his own hand a smile on his face knowing that his Mother was there and would be. Turning back towards his destiny, he faced forward resolutely and focused on putting one step in front of the other.


Blue eyes danced across the vibrant grassy knolls, watching the shadows cast by the wise tall trees of old, leaves waving him forward in the soft breeze. He breathed in deeply, relaxing at the scent of spring. He walked the well worn path to the main gates, his feet tracing the same path he had taken only a few weeks ago. The soft padding of leather boots echoed close to the lone traveler, immediately his eyes sought out the dirt beneath his feet. As they came closer, Merlin's shoulder rounded, hunching in on themselves. A male voice called out to him.

"Hello! Good afternoon to you, Sir."

Remaining mute, the former slave nodded his head in reply and continued on his path. The other man's feet sounded past him, and Merlin slowly relaxed once he could no longer hear him. After another short period time he came across a band of travelers, this one he supposed was a family as there were two younger person accompanied by two older person, a man and woman. One of the children was a young girl who has hair the color of spun gold.

This time, Merlin glanced up and nodded at the man and woman and briefly made eye contact with the girl, whose face burned crimson as a giggle escaped her lips. He caught a glance of amusement between the woman and her husband at the girl's antics. He could also feel the weight of the girl's eyes on his face as he past by, this constant gaze made his own neck burn. He quickened his steps, and made sure not to glance back.

As more and more travelers passed by the lone young man he grew more comfortable and bold exchanging greetings. As his eyes fell upon the beautiful sight of the white castle, nearly blinding in the bright sunlight he gave an enthusiastic hello to an older man on his way to the outlying villages.

Having been on the road for a few hours, Merlin felt he had time to take a little detour. Settling himself against the trunk of a sturdy tree, he leaned back, his eyes closing on their own as he breathed a sigh of relief. His feet throbbed gratefully at the reprieve. Within a few minutes his head tipped to the side, as his body slumped in boneless relief unaware of the world passing by.

Soft, cold fingers brushed through the bangs of the sleeping former slave causing him to stir slightly; however, it was the whinny of a horse that roused him from his slumber. Jerking from his dreams, he threw out his hand instinctively, which only barely stopped him from toppling over. Blinking blearily his eyes caught sight of a bright red blob next to him. Still bracing himself up on his forearm, he could hear the snickering coming from said blob, accompanied by a decidedly amused nicker from a horse.

"Did you have a good sleep?"


Blinking a few more times, Merlin was finally able to make the figure out into a recognizable figure.

"Sir Leon!"

The recently freed slave jerked up to a more dignified position, his neck burning in embarrassment. He stood up and inclined his head towards the amused knight.

"Hello Merlin."

"Oh, no, what time is it?"

"It is getting late, regrettably I can stay no longer. You are coming to the feast, yes?"

"Yes, but don't tell Arthur."

"That is fortunate as the Prince has been rather unbearable as of late. In fact, I have heard I'm on numerous occasion muttering under his breath about certain chores he had been saving for your return."

Merlin grimaced as the knight grinned at his expense.

"Is the feast to start soon?"

"In about two hours time."

"Ah, you should not have wasted time with me, Sir Knight!"

"I could not in good conscious leave you vulnerable to attack just outside the gates of Camelot. Then I would be forced to deal with Arthur myself."

Merlin chuckled, watching as the knight mounted his steed and pivoted around and started off towards the castle with a nod towards the boy. Watching him ride, Merlin gathered his own belongings in hand and shouldered them. A quick glance at the sun revealed he had slept for a lot longer than he had anticipated. I must have slept for a few hours. How long did Leon stay to guard me?

Quickening his steps, Merlin followed the same path as the knight, his eyes darting to gauge the sun's position. As it approached the reaches of his line of sight he continued to quicken his steps until he was running run tilt towards then the citadel after he passed through the main gates. He dodged around peasants as they returned to their homes, nodding to the guards who got stuck with the unfortunate task of remaining outside the feast to insure their safety.

Taking the stairs to Gaius' chambers, he pounded his way to the door and burst inside. Gaius spun around, one hand on his heart at the sudden entrance. His face lit upon recognition.


"Uncle Gaius, hello. I ...ma...ade...it..," he fumbled at the end as he tried to catch his breath.

"Almost missed it, if you are referring to the feast, in which, Arthur will be pronounced as Crown Prince. Which you still might do if you do not set your things down in your room and accompany me to the feast forthwith."

"Oh, right, sorry Uncle."

"How is your Mother? She is well, I hope?"

"Yes, very well. We moved closer to Camelot, on the outlying villages along with several others from Ealdor, using a portion of the compensation from the Queen."

Merlin did as directed and was back at his Uncle's side in a minute. Together they made their way to the main doors, where they were admitted without incident. The feast had already started, the King standing at the front with Arthur before him. Listening intently to the words that were spoken, the former slave couldn't help the feel of satisfaction that swelled within his breast; a large smile on his face, the tightness that had been prevalent through his journey to Camelot loosened slightly.

His musings were interrupted by thunderous applause of those around him, including Gaius. The newly Crowned Prince of Camelot turned to meet his subjects, head adorned with the circlet of his station, eyes sweeping over the crowd, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. He nodded at several of the knights as they came to congratulate him, but his eyes consistently roaming the crowd. He laughed at some remark, almost out of sync with the joke but managed to cover it, as he excused himself to drift further through the room.

"I have to admit, I was surprised to find that they were able to make such a crown to fit your oversized head."

Crown Prince Arthur pivoted on his feel in a well honed moved, his arm sweeping out, wrapping around the thin neck of his servant and pulled it close as his other hand rapt him on the head. Merlin squawked in protest, his hands scrambling for a hold but the Prince was too strong, and he too weak. An instant later he was released, to find that the crowd had not witnessed the Prince's lack of protocol.

"Merlin! I thought you were going to miss it."

"I told you I would be at your side, and so I shall."

"Hopefully not at all hours, I don't think I should be able to bear it."

"Tut, tut, Sire, I have heard tales of your increased bad temperament while I was away."

"What? My bad temperament? Huhn, Morgana was in more of a twist than I."

Merlin opened his mouth to reply but the words died in his throat as glass shattered around them and a shape charged through a glass window. Crashing to the floor before them was a tall imposing figure astride a black horse. An unseen wind caused his black garb to flutter eerily. Screams erupted all around them, as their subject scrambled to flee from before the figure. His horse snorted in agitation, shaking its massive head while it's rider glared down at the knights who immediately surround the Crown Prince, pushing Merlin towards the back. The tension that had faded was back at full force. Merlin's hands twitched, wanting to use his abilities to defend his friend but knew he couldn't in such a public place. He faced the threat from the back of the knights, his back straight, eyes focused, mind reeling.

By your side, like I always will be.

A/n: annnnnnnd scene! Yup that is it folks, what happens to our heroes? The journey continues in the real Merlin tv series from BBC, I always I invisioned that my series would lead back off into the original, with a few obvious changes but still enough that it could transition somewhat easily to their episodes. (In this case: Episode 9, Excalibur; I figure that the episodes will just be a little out of order with my changes)

Soooooo what did you think? Like it? Hate? Confused by it? I would absolutely adore you if you could leave me a note and let me know about our journey together; and hoped it only got better as it went along.

Thank you all for joining me! It has really been a blast writing it, stretching my writer's wings and soon soaring to my original works once more.

6-11-13 HDS/Rehabilitated Sith