(WELL CLEARLY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN YEARS sorry, senior year so COLLEGE STUFF AND MORE WORK. It's winter break so I had time. It's not the best chapter but..It's something :'D)


Peter screamed at the top of his lungs but received no response.


Still silence. Peter took a huge breath, and yelled once again.


Peter heard the sound of steps creaking and Tony sighing. He rolled over on the floor and put a hand to his side. Tony opened his door and looked down.


"Ughh…I-I cut myself with the blade you gave me..f-for Christmas…"

"…why did you do that?"

"It wasn't on purpose I…was making Pop's something and…my hand slipped…."

Tony bent down over Peter, moving his hand as he inspected the cut on his side. His side was covered in what seemed to be blood and there was a large scrape under his ribs.

"Hmm….seems pretty serious. "

"It is….a-and I can't even…finish….finish the gift I was making pop's…I'm such a disappointment."

"No, you're the perfect son, only….this blood smells an awful like Hawaiian punch and corn syrup. "

Peter gulped and looked up at Tony to see a raised eyebrow.

"Must be all that…junk I eat huh."

"Oh sure. Also…."

Tony pinched the end of Peter's "scrape" and pulled it off.

"I must be some magic healer because your cut comes right off."

"…woah. Um…thanks?"

"Cut the crap Peter. Trying to get me to sympathize isn't going to relive you from punishment."

Tony got up and left, closing the door firmly. Peter sat back up and sighed, clearing faking an injury wasn't the best idea. But it might have worked when he was younger. Peter used a tissue to wipe the fake blood off his side and sat back down at his desk to think. If he couldn't get out of punishment he could at least do something to take away some of Steve and Tony's bitterness towards him. He left his room to go take a shower and think when he heard something coming out of Steve and Tony's room. He peered around the corner when he heard Tony talking to Steve.

"You'll be okay right? I mean he's just a stupid teenager. I was stupid teenager."

"It's not the he's a teenager it's that he wants to be an adult too soon.."

"Hey woah, woah, okay you were technically only twenty something when you became a hero. You can't say he's rushing into things."

"Yes but I'm still an adult! He's not joining the army he just thinks he can put on a suit and swing around town like it's nothing. I don't want him to join the Avengers when he'll take it all for granted."

"He wouldn't take it for grant-"

"So you're supporting him?"

"Man you sound like woman, no, I'm just saying that why it was wrong of him not to tell us about stopping some low class criminal we can't assume that means he doesn't know what he's doing."

"But he doesn't. I hardly knew what I was doing when I became Captain America. I was still the same kid from Brooklyn that I always was. The only difference is that I was ambitious and I knew from the beginning that I wanted to fight for this country. I know Peter wants to help but he goes out there for fun!"

"You can't compare him to yourself! Your situation was different."

Steve huffed and sat more upright on the bed. Tony sat beside him and rubbed a hand in Steve's hair.

"Peter is probably more of a hero than me….you're just upset that he could have been killed or sent off. So let's just let his punishments rot him and you, go to sleep."

Steve turns over and says nothing.

"But uh, don't sleep too long….I don't want you to wake up in the year 2082."

Tony chuckles while Steve chucks his pillow at him. Peter hears Tony get up to leave the room so he dashes away and into the bathroom before Tony could notice. Peter sits on the seat of the toilet and rubs his face.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm the worst child of two dads on the planet."

"Ha okay, if this doesn't work….well no it's going to work."

Peter rushed to find a match to light the candles he set up on the table. He angled the plates with the napkins and silverware perfectly then lit the two candles. He adjusted his fancy bowtie that he got from his Doctor Who costume and called for Steve and Tony.

"DADD- wait, screw it, Jarvis? Can you get my dads for me?"

"Of course."

Jarvis beeped into Steve and Tony's room.

"Your son requests your attendance in the dining room."

"Um…okay then."

Tony gave Steve a look who only shrugged in return. They left their room confused and headed to the Dining room. Peter could hear them coming down so he finished his set-up and waited.

They came around the corner and Peter cleared his throat.

"Sir, er…Sirs, your dinner."

"Heh um…what's this?"

"I just said, your dinner. I made it myself. I'm the chef and the butler."

"Well, we got that but, why did you make us dinner?"

"Because, out of the goodness of my heart, I felt like you two deserved a private peaceful dinner. "

"…okay. Well it looks nice."

Steve and Tony sat down at opposite ends of the table and looked at Peter. Peter pulled out a notepad and a pencil and looked back at them.

"So….what would you two like?"

They both chuckled. Tony scratched his head and picked up the menu Peter had out.

"Well there's…only one thing on here so, we'll have that. That okay with you Steve?"

"It's fine with me. "

"Okay good because Chicken and macaroni is the only thing I know how to make. Sooo, yeah. Anything to drink? I forgot to ask.."

"Wine's good."

Peter scribbled it down then made a suspicious look.

"….might need some I.D. "

Both Tony and Steve gave Peter a questionable glance.

"I just uh…you both look so young thought I should…check….it was joke, I'll just get you something from the bar."

Peter hurries off to fetch them some wine when Steve gets Tony's attention.

"This is the butt kissing I've heard teens do these days."

"Hey, I'm sure you were a goodie twoshoes when you were his age."

"Well that's different! I was raised that way."

"Pfft sure, yeah."

"Don't make me ask for a kiddie menu Mr. Stark~"

"Calling me childish?"

"Well, that. And short."

"Oh ha ha. Want ice in your drink Capsicle? "

"You said you wouldn't call me that!"

"Times change pretty boy~You'd know."

Steve throws his napkin at Tony just as Peter returns.

"Soo….I didn't know what you wanted so I just grabbed the first 3 wines I saw so have at it."

Peter placed the 3 wines on the table along with a bottle opener. He pulls a tray over with a plate of two legs of chicken, a bowl of macaroni and corn of the cob. Peter takes a fork and serves them the food carefully. If he spills it his sucking up will go to waste.

"Alright so you two love birds enjoy your dinner. I'll be in my room. Reading a novel."


"Yes dad, it means book."

Steve giggles and Tony rolls his eyes.

"Go read your novel."

Peter smiles and dashes to the elevator and up to his room. He changes out of his butler outfit and puts on some normal clothes then, shoots Gwen a text, grabs his wallet, leaves his room, and goes down the stairs and the elevator to the first floor.

Peter's phone vibrated and he took it out expecting it to be a message from Gwen.

"Hey Peter, dinner 's great but you should really get back to reading your novel or I'm throwing your suit out the window."

"….dang it."