Surprise! I'm back with another chapter! I was going over some of the new (well, new to me, the most recent was from August) reviews and saw one that really caught my attention among all the other amazing reviews you guys left!
I would love to thank Chloe for their review and apologize for not seeing their review sooner. I too enjoy sibling fluff and I'm truly sorry about what may or may not have happened to your sibling, and I'm so glad that this story is being of some help to you! And while I do have a life, I also have time for those of you who truly enjoy my stories and want to read more! You guys are what keep me writing!
Mabel had been doing so well these past few weeks, Dipper had noticed one day at the dinner table as he watched her eat an entire tray of pancakes that Wendy had made them (Stan was in prison again, go figure, and called Wendy to take care of them until he got out; which Dipper had no arguments towards, but had given his sister many teasing opportunities). She even put more whipped cream and maple syrup on hers than she ever had. His only question was why she hadn't been gaining the weight to show it.
Don't get him wrong, she had gotten back to a healthy weight for her age, but with how she was eating around him, it didn't seem realistic for her to not have gained another ten pounds.
"And then Dipper went and jumped in the pool, but when he came up his t-" Dipper threw a hand over her mouth before she could finish and blushed as Wendy had already put it together and started laughing.
"Oh man, Dipper, your sister has a bunch of dirt on you," she said as she started to recover, "you better not ever make her mad." She advised in such a serious voice, that he gulped in fear and looked at his sister who had chosen that time to lick his hand.
"Gah!" He exclaimed as he took his hand away and began wiping it off with a nearby napkin. "Was there any real purpose in doing that other than to annoy me?"
There was the sound of a fork clanking down on a plate but no response. He looked up and saw Mabel's face straight, but her eyes were clearly on the verge of spilling tears. His eyes widened when he realized what he had said, but before he could say anything else, she got up from the table and ran upstairs, the sound of a door slamming shut followed.
"What was that about, Dipper? Something's been going on between you two for weeks now, I knew it the first time you had your arm around her shoulder." Wendy said with a slight glare in her eyes. "What's going on." She demanded.
"She's been going through a lot and still is. I said something without thinking and now I need to go fix it." He said before taking off out of the kitchen and up the stairs. "Mabel!"
"Go away! I just annoy you!" She exclaimed from behind the closed door to their room. He opened it with no problem and walked in, finding her huddled in the corner of her bed, sweater over her face. He mentally sighed. Sweater Town.
"Mabel, I didn't think when I said it. Siblings are supposed to annoy each other, it doesn't mean I'm ever going to leave you. I would never. Anywhere you go, I'm going to go. Anywhere I wanna go, I'm going to bring you; kicking and screaming if I have to." he said before slowly and carefully getting up on the bed next to her, wrapping an arm around her.
"Y-You don't think I'm annoying…?" She asked with a sniff. He wrapped his arm tighter around her and crossed his legs before bringing her into his lap ((AN: Kind of like how Nani did with Lilo in Lilo and Stitch)).
"You're my annoying sister and I love you for it, I'd never leave you for it. If you didn't annoy me, I don't think life would be as fulfilling." He told her honestly. She pulled her head out of her sweater and looked at him with teary, wide eyes.
"Really?" She asked hesitantly, but with a begging tone. He pulled her closer and rocked them back and forth.
"Of course. I love you for you, Mabel. When you were reserved and not annoying me as much, I knew something was up, but I was so stupid and never connected the dots. I didn't know you were holding back because you thought I was going to abandon you if you annoyed me too much. If I had known, I would have dropped everything and spent way more time with you." He told her. She didn't respond, so he just kept rocking them back and forth, humming You are my Sunshine while rubbing her back.
He knew he had to talk to her about her lack of weight gain even though she was eating more than she used to on a normal basis, but for now he would comfort her for as long as she needed. All he cared about was her feeling wanted, feeling loved.
"Sorry for intruding," he looked over at the sound of Wendy's voice and felt Mabel's head whip up at the sound of it as well, "but I need answers if I'm going to be taking care of you two for possibly the next few weeks." She walked over and sat at the opposite end of Mabel's bed.
"Only if Mabel says it's okay, I'm not going to betray her trust like that." Dipper told her before looking down at his twin. She sighed and nodded before burying her head into the crook of his neck. "Alright."
"So," Wendy started, "what's all this about, from the top. You said she was going through something, but didn't go into detail."
"Mabel was struggling with anorexia for a while and when I found out, I started helping her. When you saw me with my arm around her, it was in comfort. I had already known for a little while before that." He explained before tightening his hug around her ever so slightly. He looked at Wendy and saw shock in her eyes but also realization, like her suspicions had been confirmed. His eyes narrowed as he glared at her.
"You knew?!" Mabel flinched at his tone, so he rubbed her back gently and lowered his voice. "You knew about this?"
"I suspected something," she said, "but didn't know what it was exactly so chill. I had just about as much knowledge as you."
"Fine." He said in defeat.
"What started this, Mabel?" Wendy asked the girl in a gentle voice.
"I didn't want Dipper to leave me… so I didn't let myself eat unless I didn't think I annoyed him… then it started to be that I wanted to get skinnier, as if that would help…" she confessed. Wendy sighed and ran a hand through her ginger locks.
"Mabel, I would never have thought you of all people would develop an eating disorder…" She said with a slightly upset tone. "That's why I never made the connection, you always seemed so happy and carefree, you never seemed to care what anyone thought of you."
"Well I cared what Pacifica thought for some reason… probably because she was so popular…" Mabel said with a sigh. Dipper shook his head.
"No, she wasn't popular, she just had money. Money can't buy real friends, it can just attract a glutton." He told her. "If those two girls that hang around her weren't rich, I can bet you they would be asking for things all the time or that Pacifica would have to buy them things all the time to just keep them around if they weren't just doing it to increase their own popularity."
"Yeah, for real. They're all little… well, you know. You aren't, Mabel. You're a beautiful and caring girl that Pacifica could learn a thing or two from, not the other way around." Wendy told her. "I'm going to help you, too, but only if you want to accept it." Mabel looked to contemplate it and nodded her head.
"Hey Mabel," Dipper started slowly, "I need to ask you something important." He said. She looked at him curiously, but didn't say anything which he took as a sign to continue. "Why aren't you gaining anymore weight? I know you shouldn't be gaining massive weight, but every time we weigh you, your weight only fluctuates around two or three pounds either way. You've been eating more than you used to before all this started, so you should at least have gained another five or ten pounds, I never see you exercising either."
"I…" She didn't finish, she couldn't. She didn't want Dipper feeling disappointed in her. Wendy's eyes widened a bit with realization.
"Mabel, have you been sneaking out to exercise when he's asleep?" She asked. Dipper between to two girls in concern, even more so when his sister didn't answer.
"Mabel…?" When she nodded, he could only gasp. "Mabel… why didn't you tell me?"
"I thought you would tell me no since I'm supposed to be gaining weight and exercising would make me lose weight." She said sheepishly.
"Mabel, obviously you're doing good with not letting your weight get under a healthy number again. What I'm concerned with is how much you're exercising."
"To keep off that many pounds, she has to be exercising for hours at a time." Wendy said. "It's no easy task."
"Bel, how many hours are you exercising a night?" Dipper asked her, using his special nickname for her. She buried her face in his chest before answering.
"Maybe four hours… jogging for half of it, crunches, push ups, and upside down sit ups the rest of the time…" Dipper looked a bit confused.
"Wait, what are upside down sit ups?" He asked curiously.
"I hang upside down on a branch by my knees and curl upwards like a sit up until my chin touches my knees." She explained. "I've been doing this for about a week and a half…" She told him. Dipper gave her a slightly impressed look, but remembered why she was doing it.
"Mabel, I'm not saying you can't exercise, but I don't want you doing it for more than an hour a day, and I want you to at the very least let me know when you start and when you stop." He said. "And I don't know why you felt a need to eat as much as you have been lately so can you explain that too?" He asked. She sighed but nodded.
"You always looked so proud when I ate something…" she told him. He mentally slapped himself.
"Mabel, I'm proud of you for trying to overcome this, and I'm especially proud of you for telling me and Wendy all this. You don't have to do more to make me feel proud or to get me to notice that you're doing better. I know you are. I feel proud of you every day, Mabel, and nothing can change that." He told her before bringing her into another tight hug. She smiled at him and looked at Wendy.
"I'm sorry for making you worry or anything…" she told the older girl sitting on her bed. She gave a small smile and waved her hand dismissively.
"Don't be sorry, kid, I'm just glad you're getting better." She said.
"I'm proud of you." Dipper said before kissing his sister's forehead.
Mabel loved her twin, she really did. She loved that he could be proud of her even though she messed up. He stayed focused on what she's accomplished, not what she failed or screwed up. He focused on the good side of her, telling her everything good he saw when she could only see bad. She loved her twin because he was her happiness and she now knows that she is his.
Dipper is her motivation to reach her goal of happiness.
I hoped you liked this chapter! I tried to finish it as fast as I could (I managed to finish it in like a day and a half?) because I love that you guys enjoy this story so much! I'll try and update my other stories soon! If you guys have any suggestions for a story, please let me know! I'm trying to challenge myself! The fandoms are Code Lyoko, South Park, Gravity Falls, or Big Hero 6. Reviews are love and PMs are awesome too!
Love yalls!