Okay this is my first one-shot so go easy Please and Review. Please and thank you.

No P.O.V

Maya stood at her locker placing all of her books inside like she did at the end of everyday.

"Maya" Maya turned around to come face to face with her 'Never gonna be friend' Campbell.

"Yes Cam?"

"Can you do me a favor "

"Sorry I only do favors for friends"

"Look I'm sorry about what happened with Tristan but think about it from my point of view." Maya did understand she knew Tristan was wrong and cam's reaction was pretty reasonable she had to admit she would probably do it too...

"Fine what can I do for you?"

"Can you pretend were going out." Maya dropped the book from her hands.


"Pretend to-"

"No I heard you .Why?"

"The guys have been ragging on me lately and I just want to be able to sit home and do my work so I can get out of this school I can't do that if they're constantly riding me about a girl." Cam finally met her Eyes with his pleading ones. This is what Maya give in.


"Thank you so much, now all you have to do is Admit to what they say if they ask have we gone out. Don't worry they know I'm a virgin so they won't push as far as sex." Maya nodded

"Okay. I gotta go my sister is waiting for me I'll see you tomorrow." Cam nodded and walked away to his group of friends.


"Ohh what did Campbell want?" Katie asked her little sister.

"He asked me to be his fake girlfriend "

"What Why?"

"To get the Toronto Ice heads off his back." Maya said mockingly

"You know what this means she said looking at Marisol." Maya shook her head.

"Makeover" they shouted simultaneously Maya shook her head getting into the car dreading the fact that her parents had to go on that cruise this week.


Maya got out of Marisol's car .Parked in Degrassi's lot. Last night the girls went all out on her they straightened her hair then re-curled it with loose/tight curls she borrowed some of Katie's clothes .A pair of black leather jeggings and a red shirt with some designs on it. They even made her put on lip gloss Maya had to admit she did like it she even got a few looks from guys while walking in the school,

When Maya got to her locker after 6th period she saw that Cam was waiting there for her, Or so she assumed.

"What's up Cam"

"You look nice Maya. Not saying you didn't before because you did you always look beautiful but-"

"Cam what's wrong?" She demanded

"They don't believe me" He said


"The guys they don't believe were dating"


"What should I do"

"Why did you pick me out of all the girls in this school" Maya digressed from the conversation.

"Your different from other girls you are the perfect package and I respect you more than any girl I have ever known" Maya stared at him.

"Are you sucking up?"

"No of course not it's the truth"

"Fine I'll help but only because you just made me very happy." She paused and looked at his TIH jacket "Give me your jacket"

"What why?"

"Do you want help or not" Cam took of his jacket and handed it to watched as she slipped it on and let her hair out of it's messy Bun. She held out her French Textbook. "Hold my book" He grabbed it out of her hand as she put he hand around his waist .When he noticed what she was doing he put the book in his right hand and put his left arm around her shoulders.

They walked to the lunch room in silence but when they got there a lot of eyes were on them. They took a seat in the corner .Cam looked at Maya for took off the jacket and placed it in his lap. Then she put her hand on his arm, Cam had no idea what to do so he just stared at her hand .He watch das she dragged it up his arm and to his neck then she pulled him into a kiss. As shocked as Campbell was he still responded gladly. One kiss turned into a make-out session and they were glad Simpson wasn't in the lunchroom today. When they broke aprt they saw almost the whole lunchroom staring at them in shock. Maya stood up and pecked Cam on the lips she walked away heading to her normal table with Tori, Tristan and Zig. All eyes were on her but she just took out her lunch and started eating.

Cam sat at the tab;e with his team who were all eager asking how far he's gone and is she any good. Cam just replied "She's not that type of girl" However he had a huge smile on his face thinking back to the Kiss and how good it felt to be that close to Maya .After the lunch bell rang Cam ran out of the room to French Class.

Maya and Cam glanced at each other all through the period each thinking about the kisss and what would happen if they were actually dating. Maya smiled at the thought but deep down knew Cam was pobally just some Hockey face flattened and just in time the bell rang signaling the end of the day . Maya was gonna hurry out of class but and Somebody pulled her looked back for her and saw Cam he smiled and waited at the front Entrance for his friend to give him the deets.


"Hey Cam so did they buy it" She said referring to them 'Dating'

'Yeah that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about" Cam looked up at Maya from his seat. Standing her grabbed her hands and was shocked when she didn't pull away."I was wondering if maybe you wanna—you know go out on a date with me"

"What as one of your little plans"

"NO for real I think I really like you and once we kissed it just felt so nice so I wanted to give it a try and see if there was anything between us "Maya raised her eyebrows at Cam .

"Why me?"

"Besides the reasons I just explained Why not?"

"We are complete opposites you're a jock and I'm a Geek cute geek but geek none the less"

"Because with all the Drama that goes through these halls I just want some peace of mind I won't mind missing practice for someone like you"

"Cam I don't know-"Cam leaned down and kissed her he pulled away "Cam" feeling her resistance he kissed her again and she settled into the kiss.

"Fine Saturday at 8" Cam nodded and watched her as she walked out of the room.

"I might have a girlfriend "He whispered to himself. Smiling he walked out of the room to his hockey practice.


Review please.