A/N: So because I got so many reviews. (Fifteen. I almost cried guys!) I decided to be nice and give you the year later chapter. You're Welcome!:)

One Year Later

She almost runs out of the airplane as the pilots announce that everyone may now get off. She puts her carry on bag over her shoulder and she's out the door as soon as the stewardess opens it. She jogs to luggage carousel and stands impatiently at the carousel for her flight.

"Oh Nina!" She hears yelled across luggage claim. Nina turns around and sees Trudy walking quickly towards her. She gathers her into a hug and squeezes her.

"Trudy!" Nina exclaims.

"Oh we've missed you so much love! Especially Fabian." Nina blushes when her boyfriend's name is said.

"And you haven't changed a bit," she says as she gives Nina's flushed cheeks a light pinch.

Nina turns back to the carousel that is now starting to rotate with luggage. Nina gives a loud sigh of relief when she sees that her only suitcase is the fourth one to come out. She grabs it quickly and looks at Trudy.

"Is that it lovey?" Nina nods and Trudy steers her out of the airport.

"Oh they'll all be so excited to see you. Amber may love Willow but we all know she wishes it was you instead." Nina smiles. Willow, a quiet British girl with flaming red hair had taken her spot at Anubis. Amber had complained the first few days of school but after Nina told her to give Willow a chance, they had became fast friends.

Willow had met Nina over web chat a few times so they knew who the other was but that was it.

They walk out into the cool England air and Nina takes a deep breath as Trudy calls for a cab. Once Nina's suitcase and bag are in the trunk, she climbs into the backseat and listens to Trudy fill her in on everything.

"Mara and Fabian are so nervous for their speeches tomorrow. Everyone's been reassuring Mara she'll be fine and we all believe it, but it's Fabian we're all worried about. He always did stutter when he was nervous." Nina laughed. If one thing would never change it would be Stutter Rutter.

Trudy rambled on for the rest of the ride while Nina took in the night time view of England. She had always regretted never going outside of the school walls. Everyone always told her how gorgeous it was. They pulled into the train station after about five minutes and Trudy grabbed Nina's bags while Nina's eyes adjusted to the bright lights.

Nina grabbed both of her bags from Trudy as they walked to the platform and they stood on there anxiously waiting for the train to arrive. The excitement and hyperness Nina had felt earlier were slowly fading, leaving her feeling jet lagged and tired. After they were settled on the train and it started moving, Nina quickly fell asleep.

She woke up to Trudy shaking her shoulder.

"Come on lovey. Just a twenty minute ride to the school and then you can really sleep." Nina nodded and grabbed her bags yet again.

Going through the small station they had gotten off at, Nina took in everything like the first time she had came to England. And nothing had changed, which really didn't surprise her.

She set her bags in the backseat of the van and climbed into the passenger side. Trudy stayed silent for this ride as Nina tried to watch for the signs to the school. When they finally pulled in and Trudy parked besides Anubis House, Nina's energy came back full blast. She shook with excitement as Trudy unlocked the doors to Anubis house.

As Nina walked in, she was ambushed by memories of creeping around in the dead of night and she smiled.

Trudy whispered to her that she could leave her bags behind the couch in the common room and Nina nodded. She set them back there and grabbed her pajamas from her carry on. She walked up the stairs to the girls' bathroom and went to go change. As she walked out, she bumped into a girl with flaming red hair.

"What are you- who are you?" Willow asked tiredly.

"Nina. Remember you met me while I was video chatting with Amber a few times." Willow's hazel yellow eyes widened.

"Nina?" She asked. Nina shushed her.

"Yeah. The one and only."

"What are you doing here?" Willow quietly asked her.

"To watch you all graduate." Willow smiled.

"And to see Fabian of course." Nina blushed.

"Well it was nice meeting you Nina. I'll see you in the morning yeah?" Nina nodded.


"See you then Nina." Nina quietly sneaked past her old room and dashed down the stairs. When she reached the common room, she saw that Trudy had already put two pillows and a blanket on the couch. Trudy appeared behind her.

"I can't say you won't be waken up early, but you can sleep here for tonight lovey and we'll set up a cot in Amber and Willow's room for tomorrow night." Nina nodded and climbed onto the couch.

"Goodnight Trudy." She quietly called.

"Night lovely." Nina rested her head on the pillow and quickly fell asleep.

Fabian walked into the dining room only to see a blanket covered figure on the couch in the other room. He shook his head and wondered if it was Mara or Joy on the couch. He sat down to eat as the rest of the house came straggling in. Amber appeared next, her bright blonde hair curled in tiny ringlets.

"I'm so excited Fabian. Today we are high school graduates!" She squealed. Fabian nodded nervously.

"That we are Amber." Amber shook her head already knowing what was wrong.

"You won't stutter today Fabian. I can feel it!" Fabian gave her a small shrug and Amber shook her head. Amber glanced at the couch.

"Mara or Joy?" She asked.

"Dunno. Who do you think?"

"Probably Mara. She probably couldn't sleep as it was and Patricia's snoring wouldn't help." Eddie and Jerome walked in next.

"My girlfriend's snoring wouldn't help what?" Eddie asked as he grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl. Amber pointed at the couch.

"I think Mara must've slept on the couch last night because of Patricia's snoring." Alfie walked in followed by Willow.

"Morning boo!" Amber exclaimed.

"Morning Ambs." He kissed her cheek, causing Amber's cheeks to flame up, and grabbed an apple.

"Who do you think is sleeping on the couch Willow?" Amber asked. Willow looked towards the couch and fought back the smile she felt coming on.

"Must be Mara."

"That's what I was thinking!" Amber exclaimed. Patricia walked in and sat next to Eddie.

"What are we talking about?" She asked.

"You're snoring and who you sent to the couch last night." Patricia's eyebrows knitted together. She opened her mouth to speak when Mara and Joy came in chorusing, "Good Morning!" The whole house fell silent and everyone but Willow, Mara and Joy looked at the couch.

"What is it guys?" Mara asked. When she saw the covered figure on the couch, she did a quick head count. When she saw everyone was there, she stood there looking quizzically over at the figure.

"Who could it be? Trudy?" Trudy started to walk in with a plate of food but when she saw everyone but Willow was looking at the couch, she slowly backed into the kitchen trying to make no noise.

"No because I smell food." Alfie said as he and everyone else stood up. They all quietly walked over to the couch, Willow staying very close to the table.

"Who is it then?" Joy asked.

"Maybe it's an alien." Alfie said.

"Alfie!" They all hissed. He raised his hands in defense.

"You never know!"

"Poppy?" Eddie asked, looking at Jerome.

"And why would my little sister be sleeping on the couch?" Jerome asked. Eddie shrugged his shoulders.

"Piper?" Amber said.

"Poppy would be much more likely than Piper, Amber. Piper doesn't even go here!" Patricia exclaimed. Amber shrugged her shoulders. When they all stood surrounding the figure, they all looked at each other.

"Who's gonna pull back the blanket?" Fabian asked. They all looked towards Patricia and Eddie.

"Why are you looking at me?" They simultaneously asked. They all gave them a look and both rolled their eyes.

They did Rock, Paper, Scissors and when Eddie won, he slid away from the blanket while Patricia took a tentative step forward. She lifted it a little and when she saw the face, immediately dropped it. Everyone looked at her.

"Well?" Mara asked. Patricia pulled the blanket all the way back and Amber squealed so loudly even Willow who still stood at the table covered her ears.

"Nina!" She screamed. Nina's green eyes popped open and she quickly sat up when she saw that everyone surrounded her. They stood so quietly that Victor could've dropped his pin and been pleased.

"Hey guys." Nina tiredly said. Everyone started talking all at once and Amber attacked Nina with a hug so tight that Alfie and Eddie had to pull her arms to loosen them so Nina could breathe.

"I've missed you soo much Nina!" Amber exclaimed.

"I've missed you too Amber." Amber squeezed her one more time and then everyone else but Fabian joined in on a group hug. Willow met Fabian's eyes over the group and gave him a smile.

Willow and Fabian had became best friends in Nina's absence, except not like the best friend he and Nina had became.

"Hey guys don't you think we should eat before we're all late for graduation! It would be hard explaining why the Valedictorian and the Salutatorian were late." Everyone but Fabian went back to the breakfast table and turned around when they sat. Fabian pulled Nina up and led her to his room, which caused Amber to give a loud sigh.

Fabian locked the door behind them so that way Eddie or someone couldn't interrupt them and turned towards Nina who stood there tiredly. Fabian scooped her up into a hug and she squealed with laughter as she was lifted up into the air. As she touched the ground she leaned up to kiss him and she felt both of his hands cradle her face.

The kiss was long and sweet and both could feel the longing and happiness being relayed through it. Fabian pulled back first and set his forehead on Nina's. Nina noticed that he had grown an inch in the time she had been gone.

"Why?" Was the simple question that came out of his mouth.

"Did you really think I wouldn't come watch you guys graduate? I love you all too much to miss it. And besides you all watched my graduation on Skype." Nina kissed him again. "And miss the salutatorian's speech? I really couldn't stay away then." Fabian smiled and his blue eyes smiled as well.

They pulled away and Fabian grabbed Nina's hand as they walked into the dining room where an extra chair sat in between Fabian and Willow for Nina. They all chatted and Willow and Nina began to learn more about each other, seeing that they were going to be roommates at UCL. Amber had chosen to go to Chelsea.

When eight o' clock rang out from the clock, everyone ran to their rooms to get ready. Fabian and Nina parted with a kiss and Nina went upstairs to get changed. She quickly slid on her favorite dress, a plain purple dress with ruffles on the skirt, and ran to Amber and Willow's room to do her hair and watch them put their caps and gowns on.

Amber already had her bright yellow gown on and was complaining about the color.

"Willow why does our school have such horrid colors. I would've much rather worn scarlet!" Willow shook her head.

"Well I wouldn't have. Amber I have red hair!" Amber turned to look at her and nodded.

"Yeah that wouldn't have looked good." Willow rolled her eyes and went back to straightening her hair. Nina plugged in her straightener and waited for it to heat up.

"Nina will you help me with my cap? I really don't want it to mess up my hair too bad." Nina nodded and grabbed the yellow cap that sat on her bed. She held it above Amber's head and lowered it until it was finally settled on it

"Perfect!" Amber turned towards Nina.

"It's not crooked or anything is it Neens?" Nina shook her head and hugged her.

"Nope. It's perfect Amber." Amber wrapped her arms around Nina.

"I wish you were walking across the stage with us Nina." Nina pulled back and wiped at her eyes.

"Me too Amber." Willow put her cap on and waited until the girls fell silent.

"Is my cap crooked?" Willow asked. Her red hair fell to the middle of her back and her bangs were swept behind her right ear.

"Nope. It's fine Willow." She nodded and started to put on her gown. Nina started touching up her already straightened hair and when the three were finished, walked out of the room with their arms linked. Mara, Joy and Patricia stood in the hallway as well and Amber and Mara linked arms.

They walked down the stairs, Patricia leading the group, and Willow at the end. Trudy stopped them before they could reach the foyer, her camera pointed up at them. The boys all stood behind her with their scarlet caps and gowns.

"Let me get a picture of you all before you come down." Nina went to unlink her arms.

"No Nina you stay there too. You're a much apart of this picture as everyone else." Nina gave Trudy a watery smile and linked her arms with Willow and Amber again. Trudy took the picture and shooed the boys to stand up there as well.

Eddie stood in front of Patricia and Joy, Jerome stood in front of Mara, Alfie stood in front of Amber and Fabian stood in front of Nina. Mara, Amber and Nina had both of their hands on their boyfriends' shoulder while Joy had a hand on Eddie's right shoulder and Patricia had one on the other. Trudy lifted her camera to take the picture when Nina stopped her.

"Wait!" She called out. She pulled Fabian up a step so he stood in between her and Willow. She leaned up the staircase to put Willow's left hand onto Fabian's shoulder and then Nina did the same with her own.

"Now we're good." Trudy smiled and took the picture. She had them come down a few at a time.

"Alright you two stand right in front of the door." She directed at Eddie and Patricia. They stood there awkwardly, knowing that everyone in the house was looking at them.

"Well come on now. You two have been stepping out now for three years. Snog her or something Eddie!" Everyone laughed at Eddie's confused face. Patricia rolled her eyes.

"Stepping out means dating and snog means kiss. You'd think you'd know this after three years!" Patricia rolled her eyes and kissed him. Trudy took the picture but the two of them continued to kiss.

Trudy cleared her throat and the two reluctantly pulled away.

"Enough of that for now. We've got to get going here quickly. Okay now Joy come down here." Joy walked down and stood besides Patricia. They hugged each other, both of them looking at the camera.

"Now you Mara." Joy, Mara and Patricia stood in front of the door, their arms around each other. Trudy took the picture.

"Now you Jerome." Joy and Patricia went to stand behind Trudy with Eddie and Jerome stood next to Mara. They also stood there awkwardly.

"Now any other time I can't get the two of you to stop snogging." The house erupted with laughter and Jerome bent down to kiss Mara. Trudy took the picture and scooted them behind her as well.

"Amber and Willow. Come on now lovelies." They bounded down the stairs and hugged, both of them looking at the camera. Trudy smiled at the camera.

"Willow to the side. Alfie you next." Alfie started down the steps but as he went to step off, his foot caught his gown and he fell to the floor. Both Amber and Trudy groaned while everyone else laughed.

"Up, up Alfie and next to Amber." Amber leaned up to kiss Alfie and the whole house was shocked. They had never seen Amber and Alfie kiss before. Alfie pulled away first and when he did, both his and Amber's cheeks were flushed. Trudy smiled again and glanced back at the small group behind her.

"Jerome and Alfie." The boys stood next to each other, their arms around each others shoulders.

"Nina and Fabian come down now. Fabian stand behind me while I get Amber and Nina." Fabian did as he was told and Amber and Nina took their picture the same way Amber and Willow had.

"Now Willow you get in there as well." Amber stood in the middle and all three girls wrapped their arms around each other.

"Fabian and Eddie. I almost forgot about you two!" Trudy exclaimed. Eddie and Fabian walked to the door and put their arms around each others shoulders as well.

"And last but not least Fabian and Nina." Nina went to go take Eddie's spot and she looked up at Fabian. He smiled and cradled Nina's face in his hands again and kissed her.

All the girls cooed and the boys cheered. They pulled apart and like Amber and Alfie, their cheeks were flushed.

"Okay off we go lovelies!" They started to walk out the door when Trudy stopped them.

"Wait! I forgot a pair. Fabian and Willow." Everyone went to stand behind Trudy except for the two of them. Willow hugged Fabian's side and Trudy took the picture.

"There. Now I have everyone. Fabian and Mara you have your speeches?" The pair nodded.

"Okay then off we go!" They paraded across the lawn in a large group, Fabian and Nina the only couple holding hands, talking loudly.

"This is so exciting!" Joy exclaimed, linking her arms with Patricia.

"I know. Soon we'll all be off to college!" The group walked faster and left Fabian and Nina strolling behind them.

Nina linked her arm through his and leaned her head against his scarlet shoulder.

"I've missed you so much." Fabian said as he tilted his head towards her.

"I've missed you too."

"I'm so glad you came." Nina took her arm out of his and grabbed his hand.

"I'm glad I came too."

"So where are you going after this?" He asked as he braided their fingers together.

"Well I talked with Amber's parents and I was planning on staying with her for the rest of the summer considering she is the only one of the Sibuna's who isn't going to UCL." Fabian sighed.

"With some time for you in there too." She teased bumping her hip into him. He laughed.

"That's good. I don't think I could've waited another three months to see you."

"Oh it's only two and you know it." They fell into a comfortable silence, the rest of the Anubis crowd chattering loudly ahead of them.

"Are you nervous?" She asked, looking up at him. He looked down at her with a smile.

"No. Not anymore anyways." He told her. He leaned down to kiss her and Nina smiled against his lips.

"So do I get to hear any of this brilliant speech before graduation actually starts?" She asked after they pulled away.

"Nope. You have to wait. Just like the rest of them."

"But Fabian..." She whined.

"No whining. I told the rest of the house no as well as I am telling you." He kissed her.

"We have to separate now. There's a surprise waiting in the auditorium for you."

"But you didn't-"

"Fabian there you are! You're supposed to be at the front. Go go go!" Mr. Sweet exclaimed. Nina sighed and walked over to Trudy who stood near the entrance.

"Ready to go in lovely?" She asked. Nina nodded.

"Second row. I'll be with you in just a second." Nina nodded and walked towards the front. She shuffled into the row and sat in the two empty seats in the center.

"Mum when are we going to meet Nina?" A voice to her left asked. Nina glanced up, not letting anyone know she was listening.

The voice belonged to a little girl with brown hair and green eyes.

"Soon sweetheart. Fabian called me this morning and told me that she was here. She'll come eventually Katie." Katie huffed and slumped in her seat.

"I can't believe my little brother is graduating." An older girl with red hair and blue eyes said.

"I know I can't believe it either Isabelle. Fabian's my little boy." The woman said, wiping her blue eyes and tucking her red hair behind her ear.

"Oh mum. Stop crying. It's not like he's going to a different country. He's already assured you many times that he and Nina are staying here." A girl with red hair and green eyes said.

"Yeah mum he'll be alright." The older girl reassured.

"Excuse me." Nina said, all the girls and the man at the end turned to look at her.

"I'm Nina. You all must be-"

"Fabian's family. Oh dear you're much prettier than Fabian described. And he said you were gorgeous!" Nina blushed.

"Let me introduce us all. I'm Ann, Fabian's mother. This is Isabelle." She said, gesturing to the older girl with red hair and blue eyes.

"This is Olivia." She said, gesturing to the girl with red hair and green eyes.

"And this is Katherine, but we call her Katie." She said, gesturing to the little girl who shyly waved at her.

"Oh and at the end is Richard, Fabian's father." She said, pointing to the end at a man with brown hair and green eyes. Nina smiled.

"It's nice to meet you all." Trudy came shuffling down the row at this point, sitting down to Nina's right.

"Hello Ann." She said with a smile. "It's nice to see you again."

"Hello Trudy, same with you." Trudy looked down at Katherine.

"And is this Miss Katie, the little girl who I've heard all about?" Katie shyly nodded.

"Yeah." She said, glancing up at Trudy with her green eyes.

"Well it's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too." There was a ruffling noise and everyone looked up at the podium to see Mr. Sweet playing with the microphone. They listened to him speak for twenty minutes before he finally announced Mara, who nervously shuffled up to the podium. She glanced down at Nina, who gave her a supportive smile before taking a deep breath and starting her speech. Her speech was fifteen minutes long, but Nina heard none of it, too busy looking at Fabian who stood at the side of the stage.

When his name was called, Fabian walked up to the podium, looking forward. When he reached it, he began searching for Nina again. Their eyes met and Fabian took a deep breath.

"Goodbyes are not forever, goodbyes are not the end, they simply mean I'll miss you, until we meet again. -Anonymous" Fabian paused. "This quote is what I hope will describe us all. That our goodbyes are not the end and that they won't last forever. They'll just mean 'I'll miss you' until we meet again." Fabian caught eyes with Nina again.

"This quote is to show us that we may say our hardest goodbyes, but really, all they are are I'll miss you until we see each other again." Fabian looked back at the graduates.

"So when we say our goodbyes to our classmates," he said, looking around at people like Amelia. "Our housemates," looking at Amber, Patricia, Mara and Jerome. "And our friends," looking at Nina.

"They aren't really goodbyes. They're I'll miss you's. And this is what I hope our class will realize. That even though were moving on to bigger things, and we say goodbye to the people we have spent four years of our lives with, we won't really be saying goodbye. We're saying I miss you." Fabian fell into silence and the crowd applauded him, Nina giving him a bright smile. He walked over to where the rest of Anubis stood behind him, standing in between Amber and Patricia.

Mr. Sweet talked for another five minutes, something about all of them moving on to bigger and better things and then took a deep breath.

"And now for the graduates. We will do go house by house in alphabetical order. First house, Anubis. Jerome Clarke." Jerome walked down by Amber and took his diploma with a smile, walking off the stage and to the chairs empty chairs that sat in front of the stage.

"Mara Jaffray." Mara passed through Amber and Fabian, her valedictorian medal catching on Amber's gown and swinging as she walked to the podium. She also took her diploma with a smile, walking off the stage to sit next to Jerome, who wrapped his arm around her.

"Willow Jenks." Willow passed through Fabian and Eddie, and almost skipped to Mr. Sweet, excitedly smiling and taking her diploma. She walked off the stage and sat next to Mara.

"Alfred Lewis." Alfie passed through Eddie and Patricia and as he went to step off the stairs, his foot caught in his gown again and Eddie and Patricia both grabbed onto his gown before he could fall. The rest of Anubis had to try very hard not to laugh as Alfie walked over to Mr. Sweet with an embarrassed, yet proud smile.

"Joy Mercer." Joy walked down by Patricia and walked fast to Mr. Sweet. She took her diploma, bit her lip to fight back a squeal and walked to sit next to Alfie, all the while bouncing in her seat.

"Amber Millington." Amber took a graceful step off the stairs in her six inch high heels, how Nina had no idea, and took her diploma from Mr. Sweet with a large smile on her face.

"Fabian Rutter." Fabian stepped off the stairs and walked towards Mr. Sweet with a proud smile on his face. Nina saw the flash from his mother's camera to her left and Fabian's cheeks immediately flushed. Nina bit her lip to keep from laughing and Fabian caught her eye as he walked to his seat.

"Edison Sweet." Eddie walked off the steps while Patricia was trying very hard not to laugh. Mr. Sweet looked as if he wanted to give Eddie a hug but refrained himself from doing so and Eddie walked down to sit next to Fabian.

"Patricia Williamson." Patricia stepped of the stairs, her curly red hair bouncing as she walked and took her diploma with a smirk before walking down the steps to sit next to Eddie, who also wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

They sat through six other houses before Mr. Sweet had them stand up.

"I would like you all to move your tassels from your left to your right." Everyone did so.

"I am proud to announce the graduating of class of 2014!" Everyone's caps were thrown high into the air, well as high as they could with the ceilings and everyone cheered.

It took Anubis twenty minutes to be reunited and walk back to the house, their families following behind them.

Nina and Fabian stayed behind, watching as everyone, Fabian's family included walked back to the house. Nina wrapped her arms around Fabian's neck and Fabian wrapped his arms around her waist.

"So what do we do now?" She asked, tilting her head.

"We go back to the house, let me get out of my gown, eat some cake, talk with my family, and then tonight we will sit on the couch and watch whatever movie you want to." Nina smiled.

"That sounds tempting. Any movie?" She asked.

"Any movie." Fabian said. Nina leaned up to kiss him.

"I guess that's alright. But first one back to the house has to make the popcorn!" She said, pulling herself out of his arms and running to the house, her shoes in her hands.

"Hey! That's not fair!" He called out after her, his gown billowing in the wind.

Nina set the last box down next to her bed and collapsed on it.

"I never knew moving into a college dorm would take so much effort." She said. Willow walked in and dropped a box next to her bed.

"I know." She said, sitting down in her chair.

Fabian walked in next, holding two boxes.

"Um girls. A little help here." He said, staggering in the door way.

"Do you think we should help him?" Willow asked, turning to Nina.

"I don't know. He did tell us that he'd be able to clear out the car all by himself don't you remember that Willow?" Willow nodded.

"That I do Nina. And he also told us that he would be able to carry three boxes at a time. I don't see three boxes there do you Nina?" Nina shook her head with a slight giggle.

"Why no Willow I don't."

"Ha ha ha." Fabian deadpanned. "Very funny. Now will one of you come grab a box!" Willow sighed and grabbed her box from the top. Nina stood up and grabbed her box, leaning over it to kiss him.

"Hey no kissing the labor!" Willow exclaimed.

"Thank you very much sir." Nina said, setting the box on top of another.

"Your very welcome but if you don't mind I'll be going to make sure Eddie isn't totally destroying our dorm." He pecked Nina's lips.

"See you later Neens."

"Later!" She called after him. Willow turned towards her.

"Why are you two so adorable?" She asked. Nina shrugged.

"I don't know." Willow sighed.

"I want a relationship like yours. You two are so adorable and gross and lovey-dovey and I love it." Nina laughed.

"Thanks Willow."

"Well I'm going to see if there are any cute guys. Be back later Nina!" She exclaimed.

"Bye Willow." She called after her. Nina opened up a box only to be met with a surprise.

'Nina, here's a little picture I took at graduation! -Amber' The post-it said. Nina picked up the picture and laughed. It was one of her and Fabian standing outside the auditorium after graduation.

"Amber how did you get this?" She asked the empty room with a shake of her head. She set it on her desk and laid down on her bed. Maybe Fabian was right. 'Goodbyes are not forever, goodbyes are not the end, they simply mean I'll miss you, until we meet again.'