She slowly walked back towards the house the long way around. Fabian and the others had no idea where she was at the moment but she needed to be alone so she could process what Mr. Sweet had just told her.

"Nina, I hate to remind you of this now." He paused, giving Nina a pitiful look while she stood there confused.

"Nina your scholarship ends on the last day of this school year."

She felt numb as she walked, not even paying attention to the things around her. Fabian and Joy could have been making out right in front of her and she would've been totally oblivious.

Before she knew it, she was deep in the woods unable to tell where she was. She sighed and started to walk towards a fallen tree when she caught her foot on a root that stuck out of the ground and fell into a mud puddle.

"Great. My day just keeps on getting better and better." She mumbled to herself as her uniform dripped with mud.

She sat on the tree and pulled her hair into a ponytail. She sighed and looked down at the ground. She felt the warm tears running down her face, but she didn't care.

She didn't know how much later it was when she heard the voices.

"Nina?" There was silence and then there was another person.

"Nina? Nina where are you?" She heard the familiar voice call to her. There was a rustling and then Amber appeared through the bushes.

"Nina! We've been looking all over for you! Guys I found her!" She called out to the woods, her voice echoing back at her. Eddie, Patricia and Alfie all burst through the bushes. There was still rustling behind them and then Fabian appeared.

"Nina." He sighed. She looked up at him and her eyes welled up with tears.

"Nina?" He asked cautiously. She sobbed then and Fabian immediately hugged her, closely followed by the rest of Sibuna.

None of them knew how long they stood there, but eventually Eddie said something.

"What do you mean you're leaving at the end of the year?" He asked. Eddie had joined Sibuna after hearing Nina's thoughts after a Sibuna meeting. When he asked Patricia about it, she had sighed and called for Nina and Fabian.

After explaining the mystery of both of the previous terms and the meetings about the voices in Nina's head. Eddie then said that he heard voices all the time, sometimes the voices being Nina, other times he didn't know. The fact that Nina and Eddie could hear each others thoughts hadn't sat very well with Fabian or Patricia.

Nina sniffled as everybody but Fabian pulled back.

"My scholarship only lasted three years. It was originally only two but after all the Chosen One stuff my first year, Mr. Sweet added another year to my scholarship." She said as she wiped away the tears.

"Nina I can talk to him-" Eddie started.

"I already tried Eddie. I talked about the Chosen One, Osirion stuff and he still didn't change his mind." The whole group fell silent as Nina cried once again. Amber sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her.

"We still have a month together Neens. We all have a month together." Amber said as she looked around at the rest of Sibuna. "All us Sibuna's.

"Now how about we go home, ask Trudy to bake her special chocolate cake and have a Sibuna movie marathon." Amber said. Nina sniffled and gave Amber a small smile.

"Sounds like fun Amber." Nina said as she stood up. The rest of Sibuna stood up as well. Fabian and Nina stood on the left of the line, followed by Alfie, Amber, Patricia and Eddie. All three couples held hands as they walked.

Amber noticed that they stood in a line and grabbed Patricia's hand as Alfie grabbed Nina's and they walked united as a group to the house.

They didn't let go until they got to the stairs of the house and Eddie and Patricia walked in first.

Trudy stood at the door and led them all in before grabbing Nina and burying her in a hug.

"Where were you? You had us all worried sweetie. It's a good thing Eddie thought to go check in the woods for you." Fabian's face showed that he was a little annoyed when she said that.

Trudy pulled back and looked at her.

"Dearie you're covered in mud." Trudy glanced over at the group and saw that Fabian was too.

"Fabian you are too! What happened?"

"I went to the woods after Mr. Sweet told me that my scholarship ends at the end of the year. I wasn't ready to see anyone so I went for a walk.

"I tripped on a root and I fell in a mud puddle. Amber found me and then the rest of the group followed and then Fabian hugged me. That's why Fabian is covered in mud." Trudy's eyes filled with tears and she gave Nina another hug.

"Why don't you go take a shower dearie and I'll make you anything you want. Fabian you go take one too." Trudy looked at Fabian.

"Okay Trudy." Fabian gave Nina a kiss on the forehead as he passed by and then walked to the bathroom.

"What do you want me to make you dearie? I can make you chicken pot pie, some apple pie, maybe my chocolate cake?" Nina's eyes lit up at the mention of chocolate cake and Trudy laughed.

"Chocolate cake it is. Now how about you go upstairs and take a shower before that mud dries." Nina gave Trudy one last hug.

"Thanks Trudy." She whispered. Trudy squeezed and then pulled back.

"No problem dearie." Nina walked up the stairs, Amber and Patricia following close behind her. While Nina showered and changed, Amber and Patricia grabbed movies from both of their rooms and set the computer that would show the movies up in Nina and Amber's room.

When Nina walked back into her room, the rest of Sibuna, except for Fabian, sat scattered around the room.

Amber and Alfie sat against Amber's bed, both of them in their pajamas, Alfie's arm around Amber's shoulders.

Patricia sat against Amber's headboard, her feet in Eddie's lap, both of them in their pajamas as well. Nina crawled into her bed and pulled her blanket over her. The door opened and then Amber reached up to press play on the movie.

Fabian sat next to Nina's bed, as he had the year before when they were trying to get the amulets off Victor, and Nina handed Fabian two of the pillows off her bed.

Nina slid her left arm off her bed and braided her fingers in between Fabian's. Fabian squeezed her hand and Nina felt a tear slid down her face. A tear of sadness. A tear of future loneliness. A tear of future heartbreak.

Nina bit back a sob, making only a small gasping sound, causing Fabian to look up at her.

When he saw her tears, he climbed up onto her bed and pulled her into his arms, where she started sobbing.

Eddie had been watching the whole thing, having heard Nina's thoughts before Fabian had heard her gasp. Patricia and Amber prepared to go comfort her but both Eddie and Alfie stopped them.

Fabian rocked her back and forth slowly, whispering quiet nothing's into her ear.

The rest of Sibuna turned their attention back to the movie, occasionally glancing at the couple. Nina eventually fell asleep and Fabian held her still, not wanting to let her go.

Fabian fell asleep not too long after Nina did, leaning back against her headboard. When Trudy walked in ten minutes later holding Nina's cake she sighed and held her hand to heart, feeling for the young couple.

Amber and Patricia readied excuses for them but Trudy waved it away, saying both of them had had a long day.

She did send the rest of the house downstairs to eat supper though. Throughout supper, Nina and Fabian woke up only to readjust themselves, Fabian lying down with Nina on his chest.

When Amber and Alfie walked in after supper, Amber sighed and gave Alfie a peck on the cheek before grabbing the computer and leading Alfie downstairs to Eddie's room so she, Alfie, Eddie and Patricia could finish the movie.

When the last day of school came, the house prepared themselves for Nina's goodbye. Mick walked up to Nina and gave her a hug.

"I'm sorry we didn't get to know each other better over the past three years but thanks for making my best mate happy." Nina gave him a squeeze.

"You take care of him Mick." She said as she pulled back. He nodded. "Bye Mick."

"Bye Nina." Nina walked over to Mara who opened up her arms.

"Bye Nina." Mara said as she wrapped her arms around her. Nina set her head on Mara's shoulder.

"Bye Mara." Nina pulled away and wiped away a tear. Nina shuffled over to stand in front of Joy.

"Bye Nina." Joy said as she hugged her.

"Take care of Fabian for me okay? Make sure he remembers me." Joy pulled back.

"Fabian could never forget you Nina." Nina hugged her again. "Thanks Joy. For everything." Nina said. Nina wiped away another tear. Nina moved to Jerome who had his arms crossed.

"Bye Jerome." Nina said, holding her hand out for a hand shake. Jerome reached out and gave her a hug.

"Bye Martin. Thanks for the adventures." Nina pulled away as the door opened.

"Come on love. Everyone else is waiting in the van." Jerome, Mara, Mick and Joy all buried Nina in one last hug and then pulled away, Trudy led Nina out the door while Nina wiped away her tears.

Fabian slid open the van door and Nina climbed into his arms, crying. Eddie shut the door and Trudy drove off. Fabian slid Nina into the middle and Amber also wrapped her arms around her. The original Sibuna.

Eddie and Alfie sat in the back while Patricia sat in the front, occasionally lifting a hand to her face. They pulled into the train station and everyone climbed out. Patricia and Trudy grabbed Nina's bags while Eddie and Alfie said their goodbyes.

"Alfie." Nina said as she grabbed him for a hug.

"You take care of Amber. Don't let her push you away, you take care of her." Nina fiercely whispered into his ear. He nodded.

"You were an awesome Sibuna member. You were so brave and helpful and I can never thank you for that." Nina pulled away, tears streaming down her face.

"Bye Alfie."

"Bye Nina." Nina gave him a kiss on the cheek and another hug and then moved onto Eddie. Eddie buried her in a bear hug.

"Who else is going to speak English?" Eddie asked. Nina choked out a laugh.

"Guess you'll have to learn British won't you?" Nina paused. "Thanks for being a great Osirion Eddie. Even though it did cause some issues for us." Eddie nodded.

"Yeah." Eddie pulled back. "I'm sorry I couldn't get my dad to tack on an extra year on your scholarship." Nina shook her head.

"It's okay Eddie." Nina kissed Eddie's cheek and gave him another hug.

"Bye Eddie."

"Bye Nina." The train pulled up at that point and Trudy handed Eddie some money.

"Here's some money for a cab. Take it back to the house and the rest of us will be back later." Eddie nodded and he and Alfie walked out of the small station.

The train pulled to a complete stop and no one got off. Trudy, Amber, Patricia, Fabian and Nina all climbed onto the train and walked into an empty coach. Trudy sat away from the group and Amber and Patricia sat across from Nina and Fabian.

The train ride to London was silent besides the occasional sniffle from Nina. The train pulled into London and Trudy and Patricia grabbed Nina's bags again while Amber and Fabian held both of Nina's hands.

They walked to Heathrow like that, Amber grabbing Patricia's hand as they walked.

They walked into the airport and they all squeezed each others hands, preparing themselves for the goodbyes that were coming quicker than they wanted.

Nina checked in and Trudy and Patricia handed over her bags. Once Nina was checked in, they walked towards security and then Nina turned around.

"Guess this is it huh?" Nina asked. Amber tackled Nina for a hug.

"I'm going to miss you Nina." Amber cried. Nina started crying once again.

"I'm gonna miss you too Amber." They held each other for a little bit.

"You were the best best British friend I could ask for Amber. You were always there for me and you were such a help with Sibuna, even if we didn't acknowledge it."

"You were the best best American friend ever too Nina. I'm gonna miss you so much. You call me. And text me. And email me and everything! I better hear from you as much as Fabian does." Amber said before she pulled back.

"Bye Neens."

"Bye Ams." Amber grabbed her in a bone crushing hug one last time then went to stand next to Trudy, who had already wished her her safe travels, knowing that the last goodbyes would be the hardest and longest.

Patricia moved to stand in front of her next and grabbed Nina harshly.

"I don't usually do hugs but I'll make an exception for you." Nina choked out another laugh.

"Thanks Patricia." Nina paused. "Thanks for everything. And I'm sorry for any problems I caused between you and Eddie this term." Patricia pulled back and shook her head.

"It wasn't your fault. You and Eddie couldn't control your freaky Egyptian connection." Nina laughed again and hugged Patricia again.

"Bye Patricia."

"Bye Nina." Nina felt Patricia glance up and Nina took a shaky breath, knowing that she still had to say her hardest goodbye. Patricia pulled away and turned Nina towards Fabian.

Nina and Fabian stared at each other for a while and then Nina ran into Fabian's arms.

"I love you. I love you so much." Nina said, she inwardly sighed once she realized that that was the first time she had ever said those words to him. "I love you and I need you to know that before I leave." Fabian squeezed her tighter and whispered into her hair.

"I love you too. But you already knew that." They held each other as Nina cried.

"You Skype me. And text me and call me and anything else I'm missing." She told him. Fabian held her tight.

"It's only a year. I'm only gone for our senior year that's it. And then I'm applying to colleges over here." She said, speaking more to herself.

"Don't you go uncovering any new mysteries while your back home Nina. And don't you dare forget about us." Fabian said. Nina squeezed him tighter, if even possible.

"As if." They both pulled back and leaned in to kiss each other. Nina barely heard Amber sigh behind her and Nina laced her fingers into his hair. Fabian squeezed her hips and Nina pulled away then.

They set their foreheads together, both crying.

"I don't want to go. It's different this time. I know I'm not coming back." She cried.

"But you'll be back later. We all know Amber will eventually go over and steal you back." Nina let out another choked laugh. They stood in silence. Nina pulled away, leaving only their hands together.

"Bye Fabian. I love you."

"Bye Nina. I love you too." Nina reached up to kiss him one last time and then started to walk away, letting their hands slowly drift apart.

Nina walked all the way to security without looking back, but when she reached the entrance marker, she turned around.

Trudy had her arm around Patricia who appeared to be crying and Amber and Fabian stood next to each other, trying to keep it together until Nina could no longer see them.

She waved and then walked past the first security guard, tears of sad goodbyes streaming down her face.