A/N: I'm a terrible person. I know. School isn't nice to me and I tried my best to concentrate on this story, but it's been difficult. However, lately I've been trying to lay out what this whole thing is leading to. I know the ending, so that may help! But I wanted to thank everyone for the reviews, favs, and follows, despite my horrid, horrid ability to upload things on time. This is also a two part chapter, but I felt I should separate them to give you guys something soon. I'll try my best, but no promises of a specific date. Oh and most of this is a kind of flashback of the days events. In case it confuses you. (Any and all spelling or grammar errors are because I've been writing this late at night after doing homework. Sorry!)


"The rules are really simple. It is a commoner game after all. What we do is put a cookie on our foreheads. Then, just move your face around and get the cookie to your mouth. Try not to drop the cookie and no using your hands. First one to have the cookie in their mouth wins." Rin turned to the twins as she explained, then put three cookies on a plate. Hikaru and Kaoru gave each other excited glances and reached for the cookies.

It was two weekends after the twins' "fight." Rin had, somehow, ended up with the two; they had gone over to her main house.

And the day didn't even have the chance to start out normally.


"Nnng. W-whaa…?" Rin drowsily swung her arm onto the nightstand next to her. Her hand tapped softly until it located her cell phone. With a loose grip, she brought the phone to her ear.

"Hello?" Rin grumbled, sounding much sleepier than she had intended.

"Rin! Rin! Rin! Let's play!" Two voices Rin was getting far too used to hearing yelled at her through the call.

"Hikaru? Kaoru? Wha- it's 6:30! I've barely slept." She wasn't lying. The previous night her mother was preparing to leave for a business trip. Before leaving, Mrs. Erizawa had requested to see Rin. Their conversation was quite formal and it was only to update on school.

"Hmmph. Just don't do anything stupid." That had been her mother's only response as she left the room. That had left Rin to stare at the ceiling for hours, only to fall asleep well past one in the morning.

"Aww, is somebody tired?" Kaoru mocked Rin in a baby voice. She scowled as she heard them chuckle.

"Yes. Now please, for your safety, leave me in peace." Rim listened to the twins whisper something to one another. This would generally put her on high alert, but she was too tired to care.

"We have an offer."

"Does it involve me getting more sleep?"

More whispers.

"It does now."

"Okay. Shoot."

"We'll pick you up at two and take you to lunch. In return, you'll let us visit your house!"

Despite her sleepiness, Rin was still aware enough to know this plan was risky, especially if it was the twins she was talking about. She groaned.

"Seriously? Do I have to?"

"Be glad that we haven't called Milord! Do you want the whole host club at your house?" Hikaru added. By his tone of voice, Rin could catch the underlying threat. She pouted.

He's right. Tamaki would be so loud and obnoxious and I can only how many cakes we would go through just for Honey. And Kyoya… I'm sure he would want to meet both of my parents to help with his family. I would never want the whole host club visiting me; I don't think I have enough patience. Although…

"Fine I'll do it." Rin said, snuggling deeper into her blankets.

"Yay! See you at two then, toy!" The two responded on unison, hanging up with a click. Rin's arm flopped back down onto the bed, phone slipping into the sheets that she had hoped to spend the whole day in.

Why did I have to get stuck with the two worst boys of the host club?

Rin pulled the covers up over her head, hoping to enjoy any sleep she could manage between the few hours that were left until her nightmare.

A few hours later, she had dragged herself into the shower. Looking in the mirror, she grabbed at her short hair. Although she didn't want to admit it, she really missed her old hair. Her whole girlish demeanor in fact. Haruhi had discussed it with her, saying that she didn't care about appearance at all. But Rin wasn't has down to earth as Haruhi.

But, Rin began to think, it is a day off. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt if I went a little girly today. No one is going to see me, not like at school and the host club. And Hikaru and Kaoru won't care.

With a new resolve and a towel wrapped around her, she skipped over to find a nice outfit.

In the end, Rin came out in a mildly girly get up. She wore a light gray sweater dress that stopped about mid-thigh and ruffled out with pale green leggings covered with white stars. Golden, long charm necklaces decorated her neck and she wore gray and black flats. Her hair band matched as well, gray with a black bow on one side.

Rin looked over herself in the mirror.

"I'm far too lazy to put in extensions… I guess my hair will be fine like this." Rin mumbled to herself. A loud voice made her jump.

"Hehehe~ you look too cute Miss Rin." A blonde maid was standing at the door. She giggled as she looked at Rin's surprised face. "Are you trying to impress those boys?" This made Rin turn red, causing a loud laugh to come from the maid.

"A-Abbey! I am doing no such thing! I just… well I thought it'd be nice to take a break from being a boy!" Rin pouted, trying to control her blush. As if she was trying to impress the twins.

"Right right, my mistake!" Abbey waved her hand, still letting out some giggles. "Either way, I came to tell you that the boys are here right now! They are waiting outside. You should hurry… those two don't seem to patient."

Rin glanced at the time and noticed that they were right on time. She hurried to grab her phone and small handbag. "Thanks Abbey! See you later! Prepare for a nightmare!" Rin called back to her as she hurried down the stairs.

"Try not to make them fall for you!"

Rin scoffed as a butler, Takuto, opened the door for you to exit. You gave him a smile, and saw two nicely dressed boys leaning against a wall. Kaoru was wearing a blue polo and black jeans, a darker colored blue jacket big against his thin frame. Hikaru wore a light purple sweater with dark blue jeans and black converses. They both turned at the same time, but their reactions were far from similar.

Kaoru took one look at Rin and felt his face heat up. He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head and averted his eyes.

"W-what are you wearing?" He mumbled, trying to keep himself from sounding nervous. Rin couldn't catch what he said, but noticed he had acted differently. Before she could ask, Hikaru laughed happily.

His reaction was completely different. He was happy to see Rin in such a cute outfit. He was thinking of ways he could convince Haruhi to dress like that. He stepped forward and took Rin's hand.

"Come on twirl for us! You look like a doll!" Hikaru laughed, spinning Rin around. Rin couldn't help but laugh at his excited behavior. Once done spinning, she curtsied for dramatic effect. Kaoru felt himself get more nervous.

She really does look adorable, Kaoru thought. Hikaru took notice of his younger brother's reaction.

"Well let's get going!" Hikaru offered his arm to Rin, discreetly elbowing Kaoru in the process. This was enough to bring Kaoru out of his daze and get the hint. Kaoru copied his brother and Rin took bother their arms.

Well I guess this won't really be all that bad…

As the trio entered the restaurant, Rin observed their surroundings. It wasn't a cheap restaurant; of course they were rich so that was to be expected. It was an Italian theme, with an overall homey feel. Most of the space was filled with families. A lot of giggling and childish voices rung throughout the building.

"Oh, please come this way! Your reserved table is right over here." The waiter said as he bowed before leading them away. Rin followed closely behind the twins, who seemed to be deep in their own conversation discussing what the waiter was wearing. She could clearly see how uncomfortable the waiter felt with their rather loud judgmental talk.

"Hey, hey, behave yourselves you two." Rin pulled both boys down to her height by their ears and whispered sharply.

"Oh Rin you worry too much!" Kaoru gave her a wide grin, leaning onto her shoulder. He was a bit shaken by the glare she gave him, but continued to lean against her nonetheless.

"When have we ever misbehaved?" Hikaru added in, copying his brother. Rin let out a long sigh. Of all the people in the restaurant, and were there a lot, especially little children and toddlers, Rin thought without a doubt that the twins were the most intolerable.

Either way, the waiter now stood in front of their table, gesturing for them to sit. The circular booth they sat at had a rather nice view of a fountain that stood outside.

They might be annoying twerps but they definitely know good places to go.

Kaoru sat on one side of Rin, Hikaru going towards the other. Rin opened her menu to look through the choices.

"No, let me pick what you get to eat! I wanna pick!" Kaoru snapped her menu closed. With a defeated look, she placed the menu back on the table. There was a moment of awkward silence after they ordered.

"So um… your mom is a fashion designer right? Yeah, yeah I remember now. I really love her clothing lines." Rin's feeble attempt for small talk seemed to have worked as both of the twins turned to her smiling.

"Yeah! So you're a fan of her designs as well?" Hikaru asked. Rin nodded enthusiastically.

"I just loved her summer line. I got this sweater from one of her earlier lines as well!" Rin looked down to the sweater dress as she spoke.

"I remember that winter collection. I would have never imagined that you would like Mom's clothes." Kaoru mumbled. He took of his sip of his water, looking Rin up and down. She looks pretty nice in them though, he thought. He nearly spit out his water when he thought that. The result was a lot of coughing.

"Hey Kaoru! Are you okay?" Hikaru looked at his brother surprised.

"You idiot, be more careful!" Rin started to pat Kaoru on the back instinctively. After a few seconds he got himself together and cleared his throat. Rin pulled her hand back, a concerned look on her face.

"I'm uh fine now. Thanks." Kaoru said awkwardly, averting his eyes away from Rin. She peered into his face, but he turned even more. Her concerned gaze went to an annoyed look as she turned back in her seat.

Hikaru gave his brother a strange look, as if asking what was wrong with him. Kaoru just shrugged back; glad that at that moment the waiter came back with their food.

"Here you are. Please tell us if you need anything else." The waiter bowed after placing the food on the table. Rin blinked in confusion at how kind al the waiter's had been the whole time. At one point the manager even came to check up on them as they ate.

Sure, we are rich, but this place probably serves to the rich all the time. It seems like we are getting better treatment than the others. I wonder…

"Hey, do you guys happen to be come here often?" Rin asked. They both turned to her at the same time. Kaoru nodded.

"Yeah, the manager is friends with our father. So whenever we come here they make it a point to take good care of us." Hikaru explained.

"In reality, we generally come here by ourselves. Mom and Dad only brought us once or twice." Kaoru looked quite bored as he watched the manager make his way back into the kitchen. Rin looked back down at her food.

"Well I think it's pretty nice. When I used to live in America with my father, he'd take me to one restaurant so often that everyone would know my name, even what I would order. I really liked that place too." Rin laughed as she thought back to the short year she spent with her father in America. Her mother thought it would be nice for her to spend more time with her father, so she sent Rin there for a while. Despite the fact that Rin never got to see her father much, she felt that she was much closer with him than her mother. So she didn't mind it at all.

"Oh you lived in America?" Kaoru raised his eyebrows as she spoke.

"Yeah, for a short time. I lived in Florida with my father." Rin remember how incredibly humid Florida had been, which made her glad she was back in Japan.

"Heh, sounds like a good time." Hikaru laughed. "We went there once. The weather was difficult to get used to."

"I don't think I could ever get used to it either." Rin grinned at them as they continued their pointless conversation. It didn't take long for them to decide to go back to Rin's house. Kaoru and Hikaru got up first and as Rin got up to follow them, two little kids ran in front of her. One of them, probably around four years old, tripped as he ran past her.

"Oh, are you okay?" Rin said, squatting down to the boy's eye level. He looked at her with tear filled eyes and started sniffling. Before she knew it, he was all out sobbing. At first she panicked, but remembered about when she was younger.

When I used to cry, brother would…

"Hey, hey don't cry! If you cry, I'll start crying too!" Rin frowned and pretended to cry. The little boy got a bit quieter, enough to just hiccup occasionally.

"Don't cry missy…" He wiped his face and took one of Rin's hands. "I'm sorry."

Rin opened her eyes and smiled. "Hehe, good you stopped crying." She picked him up by under the arms and stood up. He giggled as she lifted him high in the air.

His laugh grew louder as she twirled him around. Eventually, he didn't have any trace of having been crying at all.

"Alright now go back to your parents. I don't wanna see you crying, okay?" Rin put the little boy back on the ground. He beamed up at her and nodded as he ran back to a table nearby.

"Bye bye lady!" The little boy yelled over his shoulder.

Kaoru and Hikaru watched as Rin turned back to them. She gave a small wave and walked over to them. Kaoru felt his chest tighten a bit at her smile.

What in the world is this feeling?

Thank you so much for reading! I'm sorry again for being so late. The next chapter will continue the flashback, up until the beginning point of this chapter.
