The jungle was the last place I wanted to be right now. These lands we're suppose to be forbidden especially for royalty yet here I was...

Light was absent leaving me only to trust my other senses. My feet squished against the muddy ground leaving me to feel the dirt between my toes. Everything I felt around me was damp and cold from the rain above. It was so dark I didn't have the slightest idea of where I was. All I knew was that no matter how hopeless everything was I had to get this over with.

"I am here." I whispered loudly still keeping my voice low as I shuffled though some leaves. I looked up and a dark figure turned to face me. The moonlight hit his face and I immediately knew who it was. Hook. The sight of him made my stomach turn.

"Tigerlily. What a.. pleasant. surprise." He smiled arms opened wide.

I squinted my eyes. whatever. "I have.." I shook a little thinking about what I was about to do. "Information." I sighed crossing my arms.

Hook's eyes widened as he took a step away foe the tree he was leaning against." Do we now?" he said in a deep serious tone. I watched him steadily as he took a puff of smoke out of his cigar. Uncertain if I should even be here. I nodded answering his question. "And would this info be about Pan?" he asked. As if he doesn't already know! Why was he toying with me like this? It was already bad enough I was here against my tribe.. Bad enough that i had been coming here secretly for the last year now smuggling information behind my best friends back.. And bad enough I was here alone..

"Eh hem." Hook coughed obviously done with waiting for the rant in my head to end. I straightened. "Yes. A girl, he has brought, short long black hair about your age but younger."

"Really? She cute?" he asked laughing at his own joke. I reframed from rolling my eyes. He took
another blow at his cigar then focused back to me sending the smoke my way.

"Newly arrived?" Hook asked walking closer. The smell of smoke from the cheap cigar creped up my nose. I waved my hand trying to get it away. He noticed this and took it upon himself to blow yet another puff of smoke in my face. Bastard.

I nodded waiting a minute for oxygen to come back. "She just arrived today."

"And Pan.. how does he act around her?" Hook eyes pierced straight through mine. A serious expression wiped his face. I started to grow weary. Why does it matter? Why does he care so much?

"What are you planning?" The rule with these meetings was for me to never ask questions but curiosity took over. " Because if this is another Peter Plan its just going to fail. Like they always do." Hook scratched his chin and let out a small chuckle. "Have we forgotten who we're speaking too? Mhm?" Agitated threw the cigar to the ground and made his way over to me. I didn't move. "You might be royalty, ' Princess ' but remember you're just a dirty little Indian. Below me." he said loudly.

"Now. Let try this again." I keep still as we now stood face to face. "How does he act around her?" Reluctantly I answered. " Like he forgets." I paused and looked down to think for a second. I tried again. "Like he forgets who Wendy.. and Jane even are." I looked back up.

"Perfect." He smiled and brushed a piece of hair out my face.

"Well.." I started growing way past tired of his arrogant remarks and also feeling like i should really be going now. "If that's all." I slowly started walking away.

"Hold up what's the rush?" Hook grabbed my arm tightly as his voice changed to a more hostile tone. "I know you're not walking out without saying goodbye." Before I even knew what was happening I was slammed against the tree I was just standing in-front of. Hook pinned down my neck to the tree with the hook as he did the same to my arm with his hand. My heart started to beat fast as fear settled in. Nevertheless I had to stay strong for my tribe. No matter what happens..

"I've told you everything." I struggled trying to escape. "Yes.. told..snitched..but my dear princess I don't recall you.." An evil smirk came over his face as he stared down at my dress starting to look over.. parts. "Showing me everything?" he finished raising his eyebrows with a sinister smile.

The hook that was holding my neck to the tree moved slowly slid down managing to unbutton the first button but that's all I would allow. With speed I escaped hook's grip and I pulled out the knife I had concealed in my pocket. But hook was too quick and twisted both my arms around my back. Things looked hopeless I stood with hook behind me and all I could do is pray and cuss. "You asshole!" I screamed.

"Shh. Shh. Calm down." Hook hushed me as if he were talking to a baby. His breath felt hot as he pressed his cheek against mine and he whispered in my ear. " I don't think I'm the person you want to be pissing off right now Princess." I ceased my struggle. " What do you mean by that?" I asked cautiously. He let out a small but evil laugh.

"Daddy's not gonna live forever. Do you really want to be the one chief that failed? The one chief responsible for your whole village burning to the ground?"

My breathing grew heavy and my eyes grew big as every word he just said stuck. Surely he didn't mean that.. He was just bluffing. But deep down I knew he did and he wasn't.

"You might want to think about that the next time you cross me." Hook gently kissed me on the neck then released his grip. Finally with a violent thrash to the head he through me to the ground. I scrambled to get back up not wanting to stay where I was but by the time i was up he was gone.

I stood there alone for a minute looking up uselessly trying fighting back the tears that were now present.

The warm sun showed through the leaves of the forest hitting my face as I made my way through. The only sound I could her was the rustling leaves and insects chirping around me meaning NO LOST BOYS! Don't get me wrong I adored the lost boys and getting to know all of their many personality's but OMG could they talk! I quietly giggled to myself so Peter wouldn't hear. I swear all I could remember was me and peter knocked out on the floor.

"So.. Where exactly are we going?" I asked growing curious of where he was leading me.

"You do like surprises do you?" Peter asked nonchalantly.

I paused resting my hand on an overhanging vine and raised a brow. "How do you figure that?" i asked not mad just a little offended by the assumption.

Peter turned back and shot me a look as if to say " Are you really asking me that after the last twenty minutes of you asking the same question and then complaining about me not telling you where we're going?" All i could do was laugh. It almost scared me how much i could read his mind like that already. I looked down and smiled at the thought.

"Ohkay! Ohkay. I'm sorry." I continued to walk. "Its just that I don't know where we're going..these moccasins are hurting my feet.. You can fly."

"I could carry you." Peter quickly interrupted teasing me with a witty smile. He thinks he just so funny. haha. "Umm no thanks!" I giggled remembering the image of my first flight. Let's just say NOT pretty. "But where's Tinkerbell? Maybe she could help me out with a little pixie dust?" I asked him playfully already knowing that wasn't about to happen.

Peter started laughing much louder than I expected. I looked at him and smiled wondering what his problem was. "Not gonna happen!"

My smile suddenly turned into to a nervous laugh.

" And just why is that?" I gasped even though I knew the answer. The bitch hates me.

Peter took one look at me and raised an eyebrow. "Apparently." he started. " Tinkerbell has banned you from pixie dust." All i could do is open my mouth in disbelief. Ouch. I didn't even know the hate was that deep.

Peter place a hand over his heart. " And belieeve me Ariana!" He said a bit too loud scaring me half to death. He took both of my arms and shook me. " I begged and pleaded! " My eyes grew wide. Peter what the hell?

" But she says your flying skills are so horrible.." he sighed. "That your just gonna have to stay here." Oh NOW i see where this was going. Can you say over dramatic much? Lol. Well.. two can play that game!

" Oh Peter! " I spun around and did a fake faint throwing my hand on my forehead. " you know there's absolutely nothing in the world I'd rather do then to stay here forever." I got back up fast and grabbed his shirt collar. We both laughed at how ridiculous this moment was but I guess this was just our thing. Getting wrapped up in.. the moment.. our moments.

"With you." I finally finished my Academy award winning performance but realized I said that last part more to myself then to him. I stared into Peter's eyes for a minute. He smirked sweetly as his eyes smiled at the same time just like when when first met. Then I thought here we were again. The same place we were when we first met, when I first arrived in Neverland,. and around the campfire.

Just as we both started leaning in Peter broke the silence. "Oh well um.." he said sounding almost in pain. " We're here." We keep staring at each other and resisting the urge to ask why it always felt that just when we were close he pushed me away... I turned around.

I gasped in amazement and took a step forward. Every thought i had been thinking seemed to just float away. "Wow Peter its beautiful! "