I know that I have a tendency to not finish fanfics, and I'm not gonna get your hopes up saying that this one will be finished. I have had several reasons not to continue on my different fanfics that I am not gonna go into detail on, but I can tell you that this one could potentially hold more of a bond to me than others have, and that that can very well increase the chance of me at least continuing this one. Still don't get your hopes too high, though, but enjoy what you can actually get. Live in the moment and be thankful for what you get when you get it. (Yeah, I'm kind of a douche, sorry 'bout that)
Note: Later chapters will not use a first-person perspective. That's something that's exclusive to the prologue/first chapter/whatever it is.
Four months.
At least, that's what the calender says. I don't have much trust for calenders, since they like to lie to me sometimes, but this one seems to have been right. It looks like November and the calender said that it is, so it could very well be. Unless someone did something to make it look like November even though it's not. That's also a possibility.
Four months since I left. Lots of things happen in four months. Lots of things happened in the last four months. Too many things, I think. It would've been easier if some of them didn't happen, or if other things happened instead, but now the things that happened have happened so I'll just go with it.
The driver exits the car, walks up to my side and opens the door. He seems to have realised that doors can be troublesome for me from time to time. That's the reason I came here in the first place. The first time, I mean. I'm not back because of my problem with doors. I'm back because I realised that I had to return. I didn't actually have to return, but other people say that they have to do things even though it just feels like they have to do things, and that's what it's like right now.
This feels like the kind of moment I'm supposed to thank someone during. What he did wasn't something he had to do, but it helps me out, so I should thank him.
"Thanks," I say as I step out of the car. My eyes wander around, looking at what was basically the same four months ago, but now look slightly different because it's not July. I've seen the school during November before, but that was a year ago, at least according to the calender, and even if I've seen it during November before it's not exactly the same. The leaves that have fallen from the trees aren't at the same places as they were last time.
"You may spend the rest of the day as you wish, and I will leave your bags in your room. Classes start for you tomorrow," the driver says. I look at him for a split second, determining he isn't someone I need to look at, and look back at the school.
Deciding that there isn't anymore to gain through staying here I walk off towards the school grounds. The driver seems to find this okay, since he doesn't call for me to come back to do anything.
Not really knowing how to spend the day I start walking around the school. Starting in the main hall, I walk around without really focusing on where I'm walking... If I wasn't focusing on where I was walking, how can I know that I actually walked there? Maybe I did something else without noticing...
Every now and then I notice something that seems worth looking at, but most of the time it ends up being something I have already spent time looking at before I left from here. Every now and then, though, I find something worthy of looking at that I haven't looked at before, and look at it for some time. Good way to spend time, I think.
Eventually I find myself on the roof of the school. I'd say that this place is my favorite part of the school, but I can't really be sure since I haven't been here for a while and I can very well have changed my mind. Despite the possibility of that I decide to stay here and watch the clouds overhead.
The clouds aren't that interesting today. There's not that many of them, and the few that are there are not that interesting. One special cloud, however, reminds me of something. I'm not really sure what... Could be a hamburger. I like hamburgers, although I haven't had a hamburger for a really long time, or at least it feels like it was a really long time, but I can't really be sure since I don't really know what is a long time and what isn't.
The cloud moves slowly as I look at it, like it wants to stay but can't so it moves really slowly so it seems like it stays and it won't be gone but it actually will be gone sooner or later. It's a nice cloud to look at.
Trying to remember every little detail of the cloud, I stare at it presumably intensely. I can't see myself, but usually when I look at things in this way people say that it's an intense stare. Even though people lie sometimes, that doesn't seem like something anyone would have to lie about... Unless people need to lie, for whatever reason, which hasn't been the case for me, so it doesn't seem like it, but maybe other people are different.
As the cloud disappears, I hear steps coming from the stairs behind me. I turn my head slightly to see who it is who's coming up hear, and as he enters my vision I instantly recognise the messy hair, eyes of almost the same color as the hair and slightly bitter look. Turning my gaze back to the cloud that is now gone, the boy seems to recognise me.
"Rin? Is that you?"