A/n: Sorry about the wait guys. I had some personal issues, mixed in with realizing that I really want to get onto the stories that come after this one! Its a bit of mess LoL. This is a bit of a shorter chapter than the ones I've written recently and its really nothing more than your standard 'High School Can Suck Big Time' chapter filled with a stereotype and a cliche but I need to stop skipping quite so much time between chapters. So... I needed something simple.

A Muggle Side of Things

Chapter 6

Welcome Back

"Potter goes in from the left wing circle, closing in on goaltender Rooken with speed. Dekes once, twice- HEEEE shoots and scores! Potter wins the shootout for the white team with a puck lifted to the top of the net!"

Dagger clapped and cheered joined the rest of her four person team as they congregated around the goalscorer, who had unfortunately flown into a wall unable to stop himself. He still had trouble getting used to hockey speed as opposed to just racing up and down the boardwalk. Also, skating backwards was a no go for the moment and Harry had fallen to the ground more than once during the impromptu three-on-three plus goalies they'd decided to play at the old skating rink. Dagger shuddered at the thought of Harry learning ice skating. While it was incredibly similar, it required a whole different method of starting and stopping and skating backwards. And came with added bonus of very sharp blades...

"Nice shot, Harry, but I think you should focus more on learnin' to stop correctly before we play again!" Dagger exclaimed, helping the black haired boy to his feet. Harry scowled at her and then at the two goalies (Jimmy Rooken and Gabe Parlow, both Juniors and the goalies for the school team) who, despite being scored on at least once each by Harry, were quite amused by how many times he managed to fall down during the games. They both started openly laughing at Harry, who good natured as he was joined in with them.

"Yeah... Definitely don't think I'll be making the school team this year," Harry said, sliding out of his roller-blades and helping to dismantle the hockey nets they'd brought with them to the mostly abandoned roller rink. Mostly abandoned meaning they could largely get in for free and set up their small games of hockey without anyone ever really caring that they'd come and taken over the whole arena. If people were there at all, they mostly watched the games or occasionally if there were enough people would join in for a game or two. The hockey players of the group, Dagger and Aurora included, usually used it more in the winter, especially with the in between fall and spring seasons. They'd challenge various other students (sometimes they'd challenge people they didn't like to bring them down of their high horses) or friends to make up a five or six person group and play a five on five game of street hockey.

I bet if he improves his skatin', Harry'd be a good member for that. Even if he's still learnin' the ropes at that point. Harry was actually quite good all on his own, or at least he picked up on the some of the necessary skills incredible quick. Like shooting. As predicted by the two senior boys (Buck and Miles), once Harry had gotten all of the different shot types down he'd been absolutely brilliant at burying the puck exactly where he wanted it to go. At least he could when he wasn't wearing skates. With his roller-blades on his accuracy went down considerably, although that aspect was already improving much faster than his actual blading ability. Harry also had some wicked hand-eye coordination, as was showcased as his shootout skills improved, which had been the main focus of the night for the last hour or so before they'd decided to test Harry with the three on three game they had just ended.

All in all, a very successful and fun last day of summer. Completely overshadowed by the fact that it was actually the last day of summer. Northwestern High School started back up tomorrow.

Fuckin' first day of school, Dagger cursed as she piled into the back of Buck's big red SUV with Aurie, Harry and Joey, while Miles took the shotgun seat. Fuckin' first two days of school! Dagger corrected a second later. She'd found out last year that the school went by an odds and evens schedule which meant that, other than the first class of the day which met everyday, the classes were split up every other day. What it really meant was that Dagger would have to sit through two days worth of listening to the classroom rules all day. At least Harry would be suffering right along with her, as he had picked nearly all the same classes. It was a safe bet for someone who hadn't been allowed to get better grades than a whale without consequences.

Harry, as well as Aurora, would be with her for her foreign language classes which were both French, which they'd chosen because they wanted to go to Paris one day (and because the teacher arranged exactly that for her third year students) and Latin, which they'd picked because Chloe had told them it was a fun language to learn (and because speaking a dead language with your friends is all the rage these days). They'd also been placed in the same English class, where she her 'g's mysteriously made their way back into her sentences and she lost the mild created accent that she'd ended up with when she was around her friends. Physics would be a fun class for them because they'd be making all sorts of interesting contraptions and Dagger was absolutely certain that she'd despise her math class this year. Trigonometry was all about theorems and what exactly made a triangle look like a fucking triangle. As if people actually cared. She was also certain that "Because it does" was an answer that wouldn't be accepted.

Harry would of course be required to take at least one semester of Physical Education, as well as a Health Class the next semester. Dagger would be first to admit that watching Harry pale at the mention of Sex Ed. being part of the class had been incredibly satisfying. He had managed to squeak out "The Dursleys hadn't delayed me that much," followed by a little rambling about how the Dursleys would never allow Harry to create another freak of nature under their roof and how he'd basically learned everything he needed to from listening in to the older students at his old school. Which, now that Dagger thought about it, was probably true. She'd certainly never needed to take that portion of the class to know how what worked. Dagger chalked it up to the Curse of Twenty-Ten (now Twenty-Eleven) and Beyond, which also included things like idiots who text and drive, terrible terrible R-rated spoof movies, and helicopter parents.

Of course, knowing how everything worked beforehand hadn't stopped her parents from forcing her to take the fucking embarrassing class, made annoying because at most half of her 2014 class had already some sort of sexual encounter, and maybe a tenth of that had already done the deed. Make the situation even worse was the fact the those particular classmates... or morons as Dagger preferred to call them, decided they'd like to brag about it during class like they were smart. No part of having sex before hitting high school and bragging in front of a teacher was "smart". Hell, Dagger had barely had a boy scrape second base with her and he had done so without her consent and in public. The idiot, naturally, being the last boy she'd dated. Needless to say, his family jewels went through quite a rough ride and he'd been promptly dumped. It marked the third boy she'd tried and failed to date since moving into New Jersey, and the fifth since she hit middle school. Boys were meant to be replaced was a common mantra among the more... active... girls at her school, but Dagger felt it was more the fact the boys she'd dated were pushy. And hockey players do not like to be pushed. It usually starts fights.

Harry, the lucky bast- the lucky dog, would most likely be able to convince her parents to let him get away with skipping that particular two weeks of that class. He was neither their teenage daughter (who was more rebellious than they even knew about) nor did he really seem the type to be that stupid. Besides! Dagger thought to herself as she watched him smile at something that was most like from her short blond friend. He's "dating" Chloe and there's no way she'd let him get away with anything she wasn't comfortable with. Or me for that matter. Not that I think he'd even entertain thoughts about doing anything like that without her permission. If it was one thing she learned about Harry already, it was that he was bloody noble to a fault. The boy still got upset when he thought that they actually meant the insults they hurled at each other, rather than it simply being meant in a joking manner. He was catching on though, and boy could he throw around sarcastic quips like the best of them. What he absolutely did not tolerate were people from outside the group insulting his new found friends and had really laid into some jackass that had been leering at them the first time they'd gone out to play hockey. And of course, Dagger had watched him nearly punch out (or at least want to) that bitchy girl that'd had been bugging Chloe back at the club.

Dagger still didn't understand why the two of them weren't officially together in the first place. She'd seen how they acted together when she'd left them to dance on their own that night, how they seemed to fit together perfectly as they swayed around. By no means the best way to figure out if a relationship will actually work out but damn it all if simple attraction wasn't a good place to start. There was also no reason why they couldn't go out on dates and get to know each other at the same. Dagger was a firm believer of that being how most relationships worked in the first place. But, no! Harry was being stubborn about the whole thing, leaving her to guess that maybe Harry had been in a relationship where he hadn't really gotten to know the other person well enough and it ended in disaster.

But, that didn't make sense did it? Dagger had asked herself when she'd originally thought up that scenario. If the Dursleys were so against Harry "having another freak" they certainly wouldn't allow him to have a girlfriend either. Harry, as she guessed, deflected the question when she asked him about it.

"Sammy? You gonna let me out?" Dagger started and turned to see her 'twin' staring at her with a half amused, half concerned look on her face. She looked around to realize that they were parked in between her and Aurora's house.

"Oh yeah, sorry," Dagger said tiredly, and unclicked her seat-belt. Harry and Aurie thanked Buck for driving them around all day as Dagger wandered towards Harry's guest house, which had pretty much become the big hang out for the three of them since it had been cleaned up. She slithered towards the couch and fell face first onto the pillow with a loud groan.

"Are you alright, Dagger?" Harry asked as he walked in behind her. He moved to grab a cola from his fridge before settling into one of the recliners.

Dagger lifted her head to level a quick glare at Harry before she threw her head back into the pillow. "I fuckin' hate school!" Harry chuckled.

"Oh? And here I thought that you liked going to school. Your parents seem to think you excel at all of your classes." Dagger sighed and rolled over on the pillow. She reached over to pull the television remote away from Aurie, who'd just been about to search for something to watch.

"Just because I do good at school, doesn't mean I like to go. Seriously, I only go because all my friends are there during the day."

"It'd be more fun if you joined marching band with me!" Aurora said innocently. "I mean, I know you like music!" Dagger rolled her eyes. Aurie had been trying to get her to join band class with her since the beginning of Freshman year. However, with her being on the girls' hockey team and being a cheerleader she already was a bit hard pressed for finding anytime to do her homework. She had seen Aurie's schedule and realized that the rest of her free time would have been sucked away had she joined up with band. It would have also conflicted heavily with her hockey schedule and missing a game was unacceptable in her book.

"Everybody likes music," Dagger countered with a laugh. Aurora turned her hopeful face to Harry, who shut her down with a simple "No," before she even got her question out. He had a valid excuse as well. His P.E./Health Class would be at the same time her band class. Aurora mock-pouted for a moment before giving in and simply shaking her head.

"Well, I'm heading to bed now. See you guys at the bus stop!" Dagger sighed and then slammed her head back onto the pillow with a loud growl.

"Let me guess," Harry started, and Dagger could hear the smirk in his voice. "You hate riding the bus too?"

"No. Northwestern's a small school so the buses aren't really all that crowded. Well... at least ours isn't. I just wish I had my drivers licence right now... Couple more weeks..."

After an amusing start to the day, in which they'd watched Harry warily get onto the bus and brace himself as though it would blast off at any moment, Dagger had found that she'd been right about how the first two days would go. Poor Harry, being a new student, became the guinea pig of most of the teachers over that course of time. They'd really only asked him to introduce himself and tell the classes something interesting about himself, but Harry usually turned red and struggled to find something interesting to say about himself without giving away how he'd ended up in New Jersey. Her mother, being the good person that she was, had made a point of telling the school's principal all about Harry's situation, so the teachers would have gotten a memo to not make a big deal about it. The same could not be said of the other students, who occasionally came over to Harry in between classes to ask him why he'd left the UK. Dagger couldn't really blame him for deflecting the question, although he'd always make a point to mention that he was apart of her family now. It both warmed her heart and made her cringe at the same time.

The gossip hungry masses with be wanting to feast on me and Aurie next. Surprisingly though, most of the students managed to figure out that Harry had been adopted by her parents on their own and only a few of those came close to guessing the real reason why he'd been adopted at all. Still, Dagger and Aurora did their best to keep as much of Harry's story away from the other students as they could, because really, it wasn't any business of theirs unless Harry himself wanted to tell people.

Things settled down for Dagger and the others by midweek, when Harry was no longer being introduced to every class. It also helped that during the days where they went to the even numbered classes, they were able sit with Buck and Miles during the lunch hour who could become, perhaps, the most intimidating people in the school if they truly wanted to. Despite looking as though they were having a grand ol' time sitting with them at the table, only the braver students would approach Harry if they were around.

"So, I take it they're still adjusting to their presence?" Miles said as he planted his tray onto the table she, Harry and Aurora were sharing. The other boy, Buck, was in the process of diverting a few more curious students away from them. He joined them at the table as well.

Harry scowled over at him, before glaring over at a group of boys that had hounded him with questions earlier. "It's like they've never had a new student before. Was it like this for you?" Harry asked, addressing Dagger.

"Oh yeah," she said before taking a bite out her sandwich. "But, I think that was more for the fact that there was suddenly two Auroras runnin' around the school. You're from another country!"

"I'm not even from any sort of exotic country, just bloody England!"

"Whoa, Harry! No love for your home country?" Buck said, giving Harry a little shove with his elbow. It was a poor attempt at a joke but Harry managed a weak smile and a shrug of his shoulders before the table drifted off to silence while they ate. If Dagger were Harry, she'd probably hate England herself for the sole reason of all the bad memories that were associated with it. Not to mention all the storms or the disasters or whatever the hell was happening over there right now.

"Don't worry Harry! Give it a week or so and they'll actually start to try to befriend you," Aurora said towards the end of lunch. Harry just smiled at her and nodded his head, remaining silent.

"Not if you keep hanging out with losers like these four you won't," a voice suddenly added to the mix and Dagger immediately let out a groan. If it isn't my own personal nightmare... Or rather Aurie's personal nightmare. She twisted in her seat to see a large boy with buzz cut brown hair, lots of stubble, and an annoying smirk that she was wishing she could beat off of him. Again. Of course he was also very muscular. Of course he thought he was god's gift to women and his given sport (Baseball captain). And worst of all, he was also her ex-boyfriend. Sadly not the one that she'd kicked.

"Trevor... And here I was hopin' you'd gotten yourself expelled. What too good to show up with the rest of the class?" Dagger asked, trying to keep attention of Aurora who was usually the main target of the boy's douche baggery. As was the norm when Dagger spoke to Trevor, his face turned red with rage.

"How many times do I have to tell you, dyke! You have no right to speak to me anymore!" As if I really want to be talkin' to him... jackass. Miles and Buck had stood up, both sporting murderous looks, and Dagger herself had been about to throw out another quip but Harry was the one who spoke up first. And it threw Dagger off quite a bit.

"So what if she is?" Harry asked coolly. Dagger bit back her retort and sputtered incoherently at Harry, who was also receiving a surprised looks from Aurora and the others. "It still wouldn't give you any right to speak to her like this. So take it back and leave." Trevor looked taken aback for a moment before focusing in on what Harry had said.

"Oh ho ho!" he exclaimed looking as though he had just won a million dollars. "So the bitch IS a butch lesbian! I knew it! I mean any girl who wouldn't want to get with this," he gestured at himself in all encompassing motion, "has to be gay."

"Yeah... I bet that's the reason..." That was Buck, who had come around the table to stand behind Dagger, mumbling loudly in a way that meant he wanted it to be heard. He only got an irritated look from Trevor, who turned back to Harry a moment later with a confused look on his face.

"Who are you anyway, four eyes, and what's it to you?" Harry looked incredulously at Dagger, who did her best to shake off the stunned look on her face and give him the 'yes, this guy actually says that' look. Harry smirked.

"Four eyes? Really?" Harry laughed as he turned back to Trevor. Dagger noticed Miles shift nervously, as though wishing Harry would let them do the antagonizing instead but Dagger subtly shook her head. She was certain that Harry would be able to handle his own if he had too. It sounded as though he had for quite some time. "Did we time travel back to the eighties? What are you gonna call me dweeb next and try to flush my head down the toilet? Psh, and you're calling them losers..." Dagger winced. This might be trouble...

The look on Trevor's face was even worse then the murderous looks that her friends were sporting. Shit...

"Let's see you talk tough when I rearrange your face, new ki- ack!"


Trevor had tried to take a menacing step toward Harry as he spoke. Tried being the key word. He pitched forward suddenly, slamming his face onto the bench seat between her and Harry. He grabbed his head and rolled around on the floor for a couple seconds before getting up and storming away to little success. He took two more steps before once again falling to the floor. Dagger saw the reason why and couldn't help but let out a loud laugh that started to spread around the lunch room as other people noticed it as well. Someone had tied the boy's shoes together. Dagger paused, curious as to how someone would have had the time to do that in that short visit without anyone noticing at all. She saw Harry look around as though trying to see the culprit but he ultimately he just shrugged and turned back to the table.

"So... That was Trevor Sox..." Dagger said neutrally before sighing. "He's one of my exes..." Harry didn't say anything but she saw he eyebrow disappear into his hair. "What? I was a freshman and he was a junior boy with all of this!" Dagger made the same all encompassing gesture that Trevor had described himself with. Harry rolled his eyes, while the others let out soft laughs.

"To be fair to her," Miles jumped in, sitting himself back on the bench. "They only went on like two dates before we found out who she was dating. We told her that she'd managed to find the boy who had been making young Aurie's life miserable for years and that pretty much ended that relationship for good."

"She punched him," Buck added helpfully. "He, of course, doesn't think he's doing anything wrong and that she only broke up with him-"

"Yeah, lesbian, I got that message," Harry interrupted with a laugh. He hesitated with a glance at Dagger as though he wanted to say something but shifted his eyes away and onto Aurora who'd gotten quiet since Trevor had shown up. "What's his problem with you anyway?" Aurora sighed.

"He's very old school in his belief of how the school social ladder works. The nerds or band kids don't make friends with the jocks and look at me. All of my closest friends play sports and aren't from the band. It was never really bad until last year. I did marching band and cheerleading because I wanted to do something with Sammy... It was like I'd broken sort of unspoken rule and he went after me all the time..." She paused as the bell signalling the end of lunch went off. "... I'll see you later." And she walked off without another word. Harry looked livid.

"Did he hurt her?"

"He may be a colossal dickhead, but even he doesn't hit women. Only torments them." Buck said, before he and Miles peeled for their classes in the other direction.

"And that's supposed to make me feel better?" Harry asked Dagger, who only shook her head silently at him as they made their way to English.

Dagger stayed quiet before, "You think I'm a lesbian," burst out of her mouth. She watched Harry's reaction carefully and had her answer when Harry turned red and began to stutter.

"It was- I- I only meant it shouldn't matter whether you are or you aren't. It wouldn't matter to me or your friends it seems, and I'd love you like a sister if you are or aren't a les-"

"Well I'm not," Dagger said, giving Harry a stern look, even as a large smile threatened to break out on her face. "But thanks... Means a lot I guess. And I love you too."

Harry felt as though he should have realized that things wouldn't go quite so smoothly forever. It was after his final class of the day as he was walking back to his locker. Someone had slammed into him, knocking the books she'd been carrying to the ground. Harry, being the nice guy that he was, stopped to help her pick the things. It was only after he noticed that Dagger and Aurora had walked off without him that he realized that he should probably make a quick exit. He didn't make it. And so...

"What do you mean he stuck you in a locker?!" Dagger shouted at him through the phone. Harry just sighed, embarrassed that he been caught off guard.

"Exactly that. I mean, Trevor the Jock clearly takes being a cliche very seriously. He's even got the, and I'm just assuming this, popular cheerleader as his pin-up girl?"

"Did she flirt with you and then claim the opposite when he got close?"

"Sounds about right."

"Yeah that's her. Juliet Conners. Nasty little piece of work. Does anything or... anyone... to get what she wants. Well most of the time. Thank god she's not nor will she ever be head cheerleader."

"Why's that?"

"Because, despite popular belief, we don't want our head cheerleader to also be the head bitch. Look the bus is almost at our house and I can have mom drive me back to school so I can get you out, okay?"

Dagger hung up on him. Harry sighed once more, throwing his head into the back of the locker in frustration. "Why do they make lockers big enough to fit people in!" he shouted at the walls.

"I think its a design flaw." Harry jumped, or at least he jumped as much as the cramped locker would allow him. He had not expected someone to be right outside the locker. "The makers probably didn't expect people to intentionally put other people inside."

"Yeah... I expect you're right. Can you get me out?" Harry said, trying to catch a glimpse of the girl outside through the locker vents. He heard her start twisting the combination lock this way and that, mumbling words Harry couldn't quite make out under her breath until-


"Aha! Got it!" And the locker snapped open quickly, knocking loudly into the locker next to it as Harry squeezed himself out. Harry turned in time to catch a redheaded girl stuff something hastily into her book bag before looking at Harry with a smile. Harry blinked. It was the same redheaded girl that had winked at him at lunch after Trevor the Jock had stumbled into the bench, the girl he'd almost thought was Ginny on his first day here (they looked similar, although he'd quickly noticed differences in the eye color and a distinct lack of freckles). She'd been trying to hide something from his sight then as well. Could she possibly be... Nah... That'd be way to easy. He shrugged it off again.

"Thanks for that... Uh..." Harry watched the girl roll her eyes.

"Come now, Harry Potter, we're in the same PE and French class!" She just sighed dramatically and shook her head at him. "That's the problem with people who have these close knit groups of friends. They never seem to want to make friends outside of that group." Harry flushed at the comment, realizing that it had been somewhat true, both at Hogwarts and apparently now while he was here. He began to sputter out apologies again, but the redhead's face quickly morphed into one that told Harry she was just teasing him.

"Its Sarah Brennan by the way and you best be remembering it from now on! Now, my moms picking me up so I really should be on my way," Sarah said, and with one last smile at Harry she turned around and disappeared around a corner. Hmm. Perhaps this school is more interesting that I thought it'd be.

A/n: I hope you liked it, despite the probably cliche nature of the chapter. I tried to get a little more of Dagger and Aurora's interests into the first part of the chapter (Also I minor bit of Harry's story doesn't quite add up.) I should also note that I'm probably not going to do too much the with the Muggle School aspect other than have it as backdrop. But I'm sure I'll add scenes where they're in class together every once and a while.

Someone said I should add a character reference sheet to my note and I'm going to say that I'm still working on making that happen. A quick list of characters I hope will work for now.

MAIN OC's (The ones that will have POV's)[Yes I realize all my POV's are from girls. No this does not bother me at all. Yes my male characters fall flat at the moment.]

Chloe Belle Ortega
Samantha "Dagger" Jovanovich
Aurora Jovanovich (she might not get a POV because it'd be incredibly similar to Dagger's)
Michelle Crosby

Other Nice OC's (These one's will be around a bit more than some of the OC's I've come up with)

Miles Horne
Buck Sanders
Joey McCall
Jessica Haley
Corina Hale
Carolyn Sellers

Cameron and Nicole Jovanovich - Samantha Dagger's Parents

Mike and Natalie Jovanovich - Aurora Jovz's Parents

Important to note:
Cameron and Mike are brothers.
Nicole and Natalie are twin sisters.

Just to make sure you got that! :) I hope it helps out a little bit for now. I'll make a better one later.

Now I don't know how you people feel about crossovers but I was thinking about adding in elements of Mortal Instruments series (I.E. One of my characters has a similar story to Clary [a Shadowhunter who didn't know it] and of course use of the Downworlder versions of vampires, werewolves, etc. on top of the HP versions of them. I think they'd mix well. Also possible use of MI characters as well.) Either way next chapter will be featuring some Supernatural content as I think I do need to speed my story up just a tad. And just so you know if chose to crossover my story I'll probably do it with or without complaints so... Yeah there's that. Its my story and I like playing with characters! :D

Thats all I've got for now! TTFN *hugs and kisses*