Disclaimer: Don't own Transformers…


Fingers brushing a single panel, Ratchet knew for certain he had his medical kit with him before running out of the medbay and onto the battlefield.

The Wreckers had been so close to making it to the Autobot Base, however, the Decepticons had found them first.

As Ratchet arrived, he was surprised to find that the Wreckers had killed at least half of the Decepticons who had so bravely started the fight. Though he wasn't surprised to see pieces of those once proud Decepticons scattered across the ground. These were the Wreckers he was dealing with after all.

Ratchet picked out two new faces among the ranks, a white swordsmech he had never seen before and oddly enough, Perceptor.

He pulled a Wrecker aside, quickly and efficiently tending to the mech's wounds before allowing him to rejoin the battle before moving onto the next one.

Ratchet tightened his grip on his wrench, glaring at a Decepticon who ventured too close to him and his current patient who identified himself as Drift.

He was about to throw his wrench at the Decepticon when a clean shot from somewhere behind Ratchet hit the mech, offlining him instantly.

Ratchet looked towards where the shot came from, noticing it was Perceptor who had fired it. He finished up with Drift before checking over the rest of the Wreckers, trying to spot one that he should grab next.

Perceptor held still as Ratchet looked him over after the battle, checking over the upgrades Perceptor had designed and installed himself.

He watched Drift sitting in the corner, cleaning his swords. The bot probably wanted to make sure everything was ok with Perceptor and was just biding his time.

Ratchet broke the silence that had filled the medbay, "Perceptor, I never knew you had such a good aim."

Perceptor looked back at Ratchet, knowing this would be the start of an interesting friendship, one that the Autobots might come to fear. After all, they both had good aims.