Hello, and welcome to my complete and utter fluff story. This honestly has a very weak and prattling plot, but it makes me happy and it's a good break from my others that I'm writing. This one will be rather neglected unless people actually want more or I need another break and fall to this little ficlet. Below is the key for those confused by my humanized Characters. They are not animals or anything, just normal people living on an island.

Spongebob = Bobby, Squidward = Edward, Squilliam = William, Patrick = Rick, Sandy = Sandy

Warnings: Fluff, Character Death, Sex (It's not to dark though)

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters. Merely the plot.

Thank you, and enjoy.

Simple Love

The Life Of Edward Tentacles

Edward Tenticles stared out at the world from the window in his room, scowling darkly when he spotted his obnoxious neighbors trying to build a treehouse in Bobby's yard. "Morons." He grumbled and walked to his bathroom to prepare for the day. Today was a special day, or rather, the day he and William were going to go to the symphony together. Edward had really only agreed because it was a chance he couldn't pass up and was prepared to listen to William's preening and arrogant words for awhile.

He stood and combed through his thin black locks with a frown, making sure it was flat against his head as he liked it and jumped at ths loud clanging that sounded from outside and he stormed to his window, throwing it open and pausing when he didn't see Bobby and Rick acting like children but instead only saw some knocked over pain buckets and a toolbox. He sighed and rolled his eyes then went back to putting on the nicest clothes he had and moved down to practice on his clareinet until William go there.

A knock at his door and he stood, placing his instrument on it's stand with a loving caress of it's keys before he moved and snagged a scarf for the chilly weather an opened the door, inwardly sighing as his teal eyes landed on his enemy's smug face.

"Ready to go Edward or do you still need to take that dying animal I heard to the vet?" He commented snidely and Edward scowled and stepped out, closing and locking his door before following the older man to the new lexus that sat on the curb.

The drive into the city was silent as was their movements to their seats in a box, typical showing off of the billionare, and they sat and listened while sipping on sherry.

"That was rather stunning, did you hear that sweet arpeggio?" William sighed as they drove back to Edwards house.

"Oh yes, and the timpani was absulutely brilliant with adding the undertone of excitement! I never knew chimes could sound so incredibly eerie." Edward said, both of them rather tipsy from the wine and now relaxed enough to actually talk about the one thing they shared.

"Yes!" William purred. "I rather loved that trumped soli, didn't you think?"

"I'm not a true fan of brass but yeah, it was good. I loved the harp, such a beautiful tone." Edward groaned when he saw the lights of his house on and sighed. "Those moron's got into my house again."

"Why do you never call the cops on them? Just because they're handicapped doesn't give them the right to make you miserable." William grumbled as he pulled up to edwards home.

"I guess I'm just a bit soft. They're generally really nice and never steal anything. They're just klutsy and slow witted." He unbuckled himself after a few tries and slid out. "Thanks for the nice evening William, drive safe." He smiled and waved, William smiling back before he slammed the door and made his way back into his house.

"Edward!" The dim-witted brunette parked on his floor with papers and crayons cheered as Edward got inside and Edward scowled.

"I've told you to wait until I get home to march in here like you own the place!" He nagged as he made sure anything breakable wasn't anywhere near the large man then got some food from his fridge to soothe his growling stomach.

"Well Bobby wasn't home so I came over here but you were gone too but then I remembered you had coloring so I came in anyways! See?" He held up a picture with childish scribblings on it, a stupid smile on his face and Edward rolled his eyes. "It's you and me and Bobby and Sandy and Gary!" He said and Edward could only tell who was who by the colors as the shapes and proportions were very off.

"Go home Rick, I'm not putting up with you all night." He grumbled, pointing at the door.

"Okay! See you Edward!" He waved in a hyperactive manner before practically running back to his house giggling and smiling.

Edward walked over and picked up the small mess Rick had left and put in back on the shelf next to his tv and yawned, making his way back up to his room to hopefully catch some sleep before work in the morning.

He dragged himself to work the next day with a sigh, yawning and rubbing at his eyes tiredly as he trudged into the resturant and moved to clock in, eyebrows raising in curiosity when he saw Bobby had yet to clock in and wondered if th elittle idiot had the day off or something and trudged to his station with a sigh and sat back to wait for Mr. Krabs to open the resturaunt for the day. He pulled his favorite magazine out from under the counter and began reading, propping his legs up on the side of the tacky boat and read for what felt like an hour until he looked up with a sigh and saw that the resturaunt was still closed and wondered what in the world was going on and thought hard on what day it was. It was Thursday so they both had shifts today and Krabs should be here as well. It wasn't a holiday or anything and he stood, going over to the old mans office and pushing in the door, frowning when he saw that it was empty with no signs of them man having been there yet. Perhaps he'd missed a memo that the Krusty Krab was closed today and scowled, having woken up at the crack of dawn for no reason then.

He grumbled to himself the entire way back to his house, sighing when he reached his house and went up to his room and tossed off his hat and shoes then laid down on his bed and promtly went to sleep.

He slept heavily until Rick woke him up by bumbling about his house and making a racket only a few hours later and the man dragged himself downstairs, scowling at the sight of the young man once again coloring on his floor.

"Why the hell are youn here again?" He growled as he prepared his coffee maker to brew him so magical awakening brew.

"Bobby said he didn't want to play today. He sounded sad, but he just said he was sick." He smiled and went back to coloring, pink crayon fisted in his hand and tongue poking out in concentration.

Edward sighed and wondered if that was why the teen handn't gone to work yesterday and supposed he'd go check on him to make sure he hadn't done something to himself on accident again, stretching and deciding he'd wait until after he'd had a cup of coffee before he went to deal with Bobby.

An hour later and he was more awake and in a better mood to deal with the simple boy and walked next door, making sure Rick would stay there and color on only the paper. He knocked and waited, frowning when Bobby didn't answer the door and didn't even make any sounds to prove he was coming and simply walked in, looking around the living room and the kitchen for the teen before going up to his bedroom and then heard the shower running and knocked. "Bobby?"

There was a weak gasp then the sounds his shower curtains being pulled to the side and the door opened, emitting lots of steam and Bobby stood there, naked and wet and shivering with puffy eyes. "H-hi Edward." He mumbled, looking down and biting his lip.

Edward looked the boy over and frowned as he spotted bruises and small scrapes on the boy's lightly tanned body.

"What happened? Did you fall skateboarding again?" He sighed and grabbed the boy and pulled him over to sit on the toilet with the llid down so he could inspect the ijuries better, knwoing the boy was rather accident prone and saw that the scrapes were still rather fresh and oozing still and leaned over, shutting off the shower and dug around under Bobby's sink for the first aid kit, Bobby trembling and hugging himself the entire time.

"How'd you get all scraped up Bobby?" Squidward asked as he cleaned them with anti-septic, which made the blond hiss in pain, and bandaged them gently.

"I-I fell..." He whispered and Edwards pulled him up onto his feet and to his room and had him get dressed in some clothes before bringing him over to his own house, deciding that the boy could cheer up playing with Rick for awhile.

"Bobby!" Rick cheered as they walked in and Bobby perked up slightly and went over to his friend, quietly muttering to him as they began to color together and made stack of pictures before they got bored.

"Edward!" Bobby said, now back to his usual self after an hour of time with his best friend. "Can we play board games?" He asked, the raven haired man sighing and getting up to go get the games from the top of his hall closet and set them out for the two.

His phone rang and he walked over to answer while the two set up snakes and ladders and he moved deeper into his kitchen, knowing how rowdy the two got with that game.


"Edward!" Bobby's mother greeted cheerfully. "How're you?"

"I'm fine Mrs. Squarepants." He said as he leaned against his countertop. "You?"

"I'm doing wonderful! Edward dear, I was wondering if you would mind helping Bobby get to his my mothers house later today? She's been getting a bit lonely and I don't trust him to go alone since you know he get's distracted."

"Sure Mrs. Squarepants. I'm free for the day anyhow and he's staying over at my place for the day anyways."

"Oh, is something the matter?" Her voice sounded worried.

"He just fell and scraped himself up a little and was hiding in his house." He said simply and the woman on the other end sounded relieved.

"Oh good. I'm always worried he might seriously hurt himself. Thank you so much for keeping such a good eye on himi Edward, it means a lot to both of us." She said gratefully and Edward nodded.

"Of course, you were very kind to me when I first got into the neighborhood, no reason I can't return the favor."

"Alright! Thank you again for agreeing to take Bobby to my mothers."

"No problem." He smiled slightly and then hung up the phone as her end went dead. "Bobby, we're going to vist your Grandma's today."

Bobby turned from the heated argument he was in with Rick and smiled brightly. "Really? I havn't seen memaw in a long time!" He giggled and stood, brushing off his brown shorts.

"Alright, I'll walk you over. Rick, don't destroy my house or you'll be banned for a month." He growled and the tubby man nodded then went back to playing, giggling and moving peices like Bobby had never left, he even began arguing with him as they left.

Bobby hummed happily to him self and skipped every other step, making Edwards eye twitch in annoyance until he barked at him to quit it and the teen merely walked by his side, still humming happily.

When they arrived at Mrs. Sponge's house, Bobby ran in and hugged his beloved grandmother, loving the kisses and attention she showered him with. Edward simply sat at the kitchen table as the two happily made cookies and the slightly senile old woman gossipped about things that would've been news several years ago, but Bobby didn't mind. He thought of these as fun little stories that his memaw made up.

Bobby was sad to go at the end of the day but perked up when his memaw gave him a large basket of still warm cookies to share with his friends and Edward walked him back home, dropping him off at his house before going to his own and cleaning up the mess the two had left, Rick having gone home between their leaving and return.

Squidward was out resting in the sun with his favorite gardening magazine while Bobby and Rick ran around chasing butterflies giggling and luaghing like he was ten and not nineteen. Edward had been keeping a bit of a closer eye on the blond, noticing little things like how sometimes he'd have bandaids wrapped around his fingers, or how sometimes he limped most likely from stubbing his toe or slipping in the shower.

He jerked as the sound of Bobby crying brought him out of his thoughts and he stood, frowning when he saw Bobby pushing himself up from the road, blood dribbling down his chin and palms and Rick looking worried but unknowing of what to do.

"What happened?" He asked Rick who gave him a blank look and Edward sighed as he helped Bobby up and got him inside his house, having him sit up on the counter while he looked at his scraped up knees and used tweezers to pull out the rocks in them.

Bobby was only sniffling by the time he was done cleaning up everything and was now awkwardly staring at Edward, which made the man uncomfortable.

"Why don't you go play with Rick some more, and maybe I'll go put Gary on his leash and you can take him on a walk." Bobby blushed and nodded, sliding off the counter and hobbling/walking outside to get Rick from where he was standing by his house.

Edward put away his first aid kit and made his way over to Bobby's letting himself in and was instantly greeted by his fat, four legged, furball friend, Gary. "Hey puss, timy for a walk with Bobby." He mumbled and grabbed the leash off of a hook kept near Bobby's door and clipped it on the fluffy animal and lead him outside where Rick was waving good-bye to Bobby. "Here Bobby, don't go into the road, follow the signs, look both ways before crossing the street, and don't talk to strangers." He told him as he handed the blond boy Gary's leash.

Bobby nodded, "I'll be good Edward!" And then he was off down the road, awkwardly walking to keep from aggravating his knees.

Edward watched him go then went over to his lawn chair and settled back into it with a sigh, smiling slightly as he got back to readin an article on fertilizer usage and the colors they caused.