Florida… Kurt thinks the whole way home. He can't believe it. He's just starting to get to know Finn and he's leaving within the week. He's not even sure he wants to see him again. It could just be too hard.

And that's what he doesn't get. How could he be falling so hard for a guy he barely even knows?

Kurt pulls into the drive way and heads straight to bed.

Kurt's already up, sitting at the kitchen table when Blaine walks in.

"Hangover?" The curly haired boy asks, taking in Kurt's slouched body and disgusted stare at the glass of orange juice in front of him.

"No," Kurt sighs.

"Really? But you went to the bar to drink and meet up with Mr. Dark and Mysterious," Blaine deadpans.

"Not now, Blaine," Kurt replies, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Blaine lets out a small huff and goes on to get his breakfast.

Kurt takes his phone out of his pocket, sifting through his contacts until he reaches "Finn." Do I text or call? The boy wonders. He knows he wants to see Finn again. He has no clue what he's going to say, but he has to see him. Well, calling is immediate while texting kinda says 'get back to me when you can.' Then he recalls Finn specifically saying "call me" and decides he would have specified text he that's what he wanted.

And just before he presses the button to call, his eye catches the clock on the microwave.

8:12 AM.

He sets his phone down, a little too forcefully on the table and lets out a groan. He'd been so focused on contacting Finn, his eyes never registered the time on his phone.

Blaine looks up, startled.

"Okay, seriously, Kurt. What is going on?"

"Finn's a traveler. He's leaving in a few days for Florida."

"Ah. So, a summer romance isn't so bad. It's just ending before the summer's over," Blaine shrugs and sits at the seat across from him.

"Like this could even be classified as a romance," Kurt rolls his eyes.

"What else happened last night?"

"Well, he gave me his number, implying that we could do something before he departs. I was going to call him, but I forgot how early it is."

"You've really got it bad, don't you?"

"Yeah," he sighs.

Kurt lets the day pass until it's almost evening. He probably could have called like four hours ago at one, but he figures that Finn is more of a night person, so five seemed like a better time. As he holds the phone up to his ear, his legs wobble as the ringing stops, awaiting the deep voice on the other end.


"Hi. This is Kurt." The boys sits on the couch he was standing in front of, but quickly finds he's way too fidgety and starts pacing the living room.


"You, uh, said we could hang out or something?"

"Yeah, but tonight's not good."

"Running out on me again?" Kurt snips. Both times in their encounters, Finn always had somewhere to go before their night was over. Now he had an excuse before it had even began.

"It's not like that. I just don't think this is a good place for you to be, that's all."

"How do you know?" It was clear that Finn had already pegged Kurt as a softy that was almost always a goody two shoes.

"I just… do." Kurt hears the man let out a breath. It doesn't sound like he's trying to be unreasonable, but Kurt still wants to know what's going on.

"Pick me up. I swear I can handle whatever it is."

There's a long pause on the other end. "Fine. But if it turns out you can't handle it, there's no telling what might happen." His voice becomes playful at the end, but not enough to ensure he's joking.

Kurt's mouth drops in shock. Was that a threat? Wait… was that a sexual threat?

His cheeks blush and he's glad that they're communicating over phone rather than in person. "O-okay. That's fine."

"Where do you live?"

Kurt tells him, noting that he doesn't ask for directions, which is weird for someone who's supposedly only visiting.

"I'll be there at ten." And then the line's dead.

Why so late? Kurt ponders. Ten was around the time Finn usually left the bar. Maybe he's going to find out where the mysterious man has been going.

After what he could swallow of dinner and some careful clothing decisions (tight jeans and a fit gray t-shirt with white cuffs), Kurt stands amidst the living room, waiting for Finn to show up. He wrings his hands a bit, staring at the floor. Once again, pacing. His feet move him towards the mahogany leather couch then pivot and turn until he's moving towards the book shelf at the opposite wall.

"Kurt?" The young boy jumps, startled. After a second, he turns to face Blaine. "Are you okay? Your pacing is starting to freak me out."

"I'm fine. Just waiting for Finn to get here." He straightens up his shirt and just then the doorbell rings.

"Wait. Where are you guys going?" Blaine calls to him, coming fully into the living room.

Kurt ignores him and opens the door. "Hello Kurt."

"Hey," Kurt smiles.

"Who's this?" Finn asks, seeing Blaine's figure over Kurt's head.

"Hi, I'm Kurt's roommate and best friend, Blaine," the dark haired boy extends his hand.

"Finn," the taller boy responds with a quick, but firm shake. "Shall we be going Kurt?"

Kurt nods and begins out the door, but Blaine grabs his arm. "May I ask where you two might be headed off to for this evening?"

"I'm afraid that's a secret," Finn responds with a smirk and places his arm around Kurt's shoulders, ushering him out the door.

Author's Note: So, it may not have been long. But it was an update! And, I actually know what's going to happen in the next chapter or so. Yay!

Also, though I do have a good idea of what Finn's "secret" is going to be, I'm interested in hearing what you all might like to see. So let me know in a PM or review- and that goes for any other comments, questions and concerns as well. Au revoir!