((Y'know, I'm not honestly expecting anyone to read this, since I've had it on hiatus for so long. But here it is, the new and improved version of Red and Blue Kick-Aft, with more plot twists, plotlines, and things you won't see coming. This is the prologue of it, which I'm posting to see if people approve and will want more. It starts during One Shall Rise Part 3, and keeps going.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Transformers Prime or anything of the sorts. I am also not biased against gays; I have several friends that are gay. That is all.))


It was a storm in the core of the Earth, in the chest of Unicron. A huge glowing purple spark pulsed and thrashed, assaulted by a wave of bright blue light coming from the chest of a red and blue mech, arms spread and head tilted back. Behind him a gray mech, body wreathed in purple fire, screamed as well, sharing the pain of the titan whose blood ran through his. The spark beat rapidly, pulsing, before it expanded and winked out of existence. The gray mech fell first, dropping facefirst onto the ground. The red and blue mech dropped to one knee, chestplates closing and head bowed. Then he collapsed, falling unconscious as the gray mech had.

And all was silent. Well, until there was a slight sizzling sound and a figure materialized out of nowhere. The figure shook its head to clear its mind, surveying the area before crouching beside the red and blue mech. The figure slid open the back of the helm of the mech, exposing some wires, chips, and pieces that it intended to fiddle with. However, a loud groan from the gray mech startled it, and it accidentally tore a few wires, producing a shower of sparks and an electric pulse that racked the mech's body. Cursing, the figure rose, tapped its wrist repeatedly, and vanished.

Megatron groaned, sitting up and putting his head in his hand. He noticed Optimus over to the side, unconscious. "Teamwork," he muttered, then snorted. The Dark Lord stood, bringing out his sword and walking toward Optimus, optics glinting.

Optimus blinked his optics open, one hand rubbing the back of his helm and closing the open panel. He retracted his battlemask and groggily moaned, "Did anyone get the number of that semi that backed over me?" His gaze shifted upward, focusing on Megatron's face and the extended sword prepared to kill him. "Hey, buckethead, who are you? Where are we?" He frowned, optics widening a fraction. "And who am I?"

Megatron was surprised by this. He eyed Optimus warily for a moment, before retracting his sword and offering a hand. "You don't remember, old friend?" the tyrant asked, processor already in motion with a plan.

Optimus took it and was pulled to his feet. "Nothing," he shook his head, tone full of panic. "I-I can't remember anything. I don't even know how I know you." He squinted, as if in thought. "I do know you, don't I?"

"Of course," Megatron placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "Relax. Everything will be explained soon."

Optimus met his optics steadily and was silent for a moment. "Is this a gay thing?" he finally asked. "Are you, y'know, hitting on me, wanna get it on? 'Cause I don't roll that way, bud." Megatron quickly removed his hand, an awkward moment ensuing.

Fortunately, it didn't last long, as the door to Unicron's spark chamber was knocked down and the other three Autobots entered, weapons drawn.

"Optimus, are you okay?" Bulkhead called, clearly relieved.

"Friends of yours?" Optimus looked at Megatron. "And why'd he call me that?"

"What did you do to him?" Arcee demanded.

A Ground Bridge opened behind the two, no doubt leading to the Nemesis, and Megatron accelerated his plans. "They are our mortal enemies!" he exclaimed. "We're outnumbered! Go, I'll cover you!" Megatron pushed Optimus back toward the portal and raised his fusion cannon. Optimus, not arguing, ran toward the portal. He then paused, glancing back at the nearby Bumblebee, his look one of puzzlement, before he darted through.

The Autobots opened fire on Megatron, who retaliated with a spray of fusion cannon fire as he backed toward the portal. He was about to enter it and escape when Optimus leaped back out, a rocket launcher in hand.

"I might have killed a few guys," he told Megatron. "But in my defense, they attacked me first. Oh, and it's my turn to cover you." Without warning, Optimus kicked Megatron through the Ground Bridge and turned to face the 'Bots. "Yeah, trust me, this'll hurt you a lot more than it'll hurt me." Optimus raised the launcher, stock against his shoulder, aimed, and fired all of the missiles loaded in the weapon at the Autobots, before tossing it aside. He gave them a two-fingered salute, managed a quick "See ya!", and hopped through the Ground Bridge, which blinked out of sight.

The missiles screeched toward their targets…and went straight past the Autobots, flying erratically toward the wall.

"He missed," Bulkhead looked back to where the Bridge had been.

"No," Arcee said, "he didn't. Run!" She transformed, revving off. Bumblebee, with a panicked beep, followed. Bulkhead, not bothering to question it, also transformed and drove after them. The missiles impacted weak support beams in the spark chamber causing them to collapse in. Half of the spark chamber was flattened, the Autobots barely escaping. They now stood in the massive pathway-crossed void, panting.

"Ratchet," Arcee went onto the comlink, "we need a bridge."

Optimus allowed a small, satisfactory smile to grace his face as the Bridge closed. Grin remaining, he meandered down the hall, whistling a merry tune. If those guys had been Buckethead's, and by extension his, enemies, they certainly weren't a threat anymore.

A few of the drones eyed his warily as he passed, but made no immediate threat to stop him. "Lord Megatron wants to see you on the bridge," one of them said, pointing down the hall.

"Buckethead?" Optimus asked and the drone nodded. "Thanks."

Optimus continued walking, up until he approached an open door. Having no invitation (and not needing one), Optimus headed into the room, taking in a row of drones, Buckethead, some sweet-looking femme, and a guy in blue…

…running right at him. Optimus raised a hand and grabbed his wrist, blocking the hammer that was swung at his head. Putting all the strength into his throw, he spun and sent the mech flying into the group of drones, the drones scattering.

"Not cool!" Optimus chastised.

"At ease, Breakdown," Megatron ordered, optics narrowed as though challenging anyone else to attack. "That is no way to welcome a long lost comrade." At their shocked gazes, Megatron waved a hand toward Optimus. "Orion Pax is one of us."

((I have to admit, I wrote the missile scene on instinct and I loved it so much, I kept it in there. It wouldn't be Optimus if he didn't.))