Kagome's New Ninja Life

Hey guys and girls! This is the new and edited chapter 1 so hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: I disclaim all rights and responsibilities for the characters. They belong to their rightful owners and I don't own inuyasha and naruto!

Warning: might contain language.

Summary: Kagome Higurashi and her group of friends just won the final battle when she fell down the well… AGAIN! Now she's somehow reborn into one of the most powerful clans ever and on top of that she got stuck in a ninja era with a new mission to destroy the evil being named Orochimaru. Will she find help with her new team and learn how to use her new found powers, and meet new people? Paring is unknown for now.

Edited Version,

Chapter 1

Kagome POV:

"Sit!" I yelled. The next thing I know I hear a loud THUMP! That was just probably Inuyasha making a crater in the ground again. Our friends and I cough because of the cloud of dust that the crater made. You see I'm a miko who is the protector of the Shikon Jewel.

I upgraded from my old provocative green uniform to my fighting kimono since I didn't want to waste any of my mom's money anymore since getting new uniforms were expensive and I also didn't want to wear the priestess clothing that normal miko's usually wear. My fighting kimono ends just above the knee, it's a nice royal blue with beautiful sakura and cherry blossoms decorated the whole kimono. The sakura petals are from the bottom of the fighting kimono to swirl around my waist. The blossom colors are pink and red and the petals are purple. My sleeves end around the middle of my arm, a little below my elbow. The kimono was a little loose fitting to help me fight. There was two slits up the sides that showed some thigh if I hadn't worn black shorts under. The slits help with running and stuff. I also wore ankle combat boots for better stability.

Now you all are probably wondering, do I even know how to fight? Well, yes I do. I was tired of being the useless pathetic lovesick girl. I just wanted to become stronger so I did just that. I focused all of time into becoming stronger. I learned how to harness my spiritual powers until I had absolute control over it. The perks of learning how to control my powers was that I found out that I could control the elements; I could shape the elements anyway I chose to. I could bend or twist them into my favor; I was in control. I trained myself to the point where I would collapse due to utter exhaustion. I would push myself to my limits every day, training. I would make myself run for an endless amount of time. Every day I would run longer and faster until my endurance was unthinkable; I could run as fast as Sesshomaru probably. I even trained myself how to handle many different types of weapons. I could aim more accurately and I could destroy my opponent in a close range weapon battle or hand to hand combat. Now I didn't do all of this on my own, I got tips and tricks from everyone, including Sesshomaru since he decided to join our group to defeat Naruku. We would spar all through the day, only resting for food and rest. By the time the final battle approached, we all were ready. In fact, we were beyond ready.

As a congratulation gift for improving and becoming a new person, I received gifts from everyone. From Sesshomaru, he gave me a moon bracelet with various charms that were oddly shaped as weapons. The weapons would grow to their normal length when I infused a small amount of my powers into them; the moon charm was in the middle, symbolizing that I was apart of his pack. From Sango, I received a set of twin katana's that were on each side of my waist; one of the handles was black while the other was white like yin and yang. The black handle's sheath had a white dragon encircling it with red flames. While the white handle's sheath had a black dragon with blue flames. From Miroku, I got a gold head accessory. It settled on the top of my head and had a multi color star that rests on my forehead and sparkles when in a certain light. It symbolized my full maturity in becoming a full miko warrior. Lastly from Inuyasha, I got my current outfit. He gave it to me showing that I was now a warrior and that I was capable of defending myself.

Inuyasha is a half demon and brother to the Lord of the Western Lands, Sesshomaru. He had golden eyes as well. Inuyasha wears a robe of the fire rat which was red. He had silver thigh length hair and two dog-like ears on the top of his head. His sword which he inherited from his father was at his waist. Inuyasha was always barefoot. He has a rosary around his neck that I can command him to drop to the floor like earlier by saying the command word "sit".

Sesshomaru was a full blooded demon and Lord of the Western Lands. He adopted me as his sister during our training. Sesshomaru like his brother had thigh length silver hair and golden eyes. He had his armor on and had his two swords strapped to his waist. His fighting kimono was red and white. His pants were black and unlike Inuyasha he had black shoes on. His fluffy white tail was wrapped over his shoulder. Sesshomaru recently joined our group to destroy the evil Naruku.

Sango was a demon slayer. Her village was killed by her younger brother Kohaku. She had a pink and black body armor suit. Her huge boomerang strapped to her back. She had a sword strapped to her waist as well.

Miroku was a monk and has a cursed hang that not only romps a woman's backside but has the thing called the wind tunnel which sucks everything in its path into oblivion, courtesy of Naraku. Miroku has purple and black monk robes on. He holds a staff in a hand. Miroku even though he is a monk he is very perverted. (Sorry if descriptions short but look it up. Thanks)

Shippo my adorable adopted son is a fox kitsune. He has a fluffy brown tail and fitted kimono. His auburn hair was nice and fluffy. His parents were killed by the thunder brothers so I took him in.

Kouga and Ayame are mated now but still hate Naraku are here with us as well and their wolf warriors. It took a while for Kouga to accept Ayame but-

"Oi wench! What the hell was that for?" Inuyasha yelled at me, efficiently snapping me out of my thoughts. A tick mark comes across my forehead and I was pissed. "SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT!" I yelled. "And my name is Kagome. KA-GO-ME! Learn it, use it, and love it!" I added. We had just won the battle with Naruku and he is already annoying the hell out of me. Ugh why me? I start packing my things to get ready to go back to my home from the future and everyone has sad faces. They know I have to go back. When I finished my packing hugged everyone to death and told them good luck.

I knew something was wrong when a green light in the well shined instead of blue. When I opened my eyes all I saw was a sea of whiteness. A voice startled me. It made me look around until a found the source of the voice and I was surprised to see that the woman was Midoriko.

"Kagome dear, I'm terribly sorry for not allowing you the peace that you so rightfully deserve by letting you go back to your home in the future where your family is at. But dear, there is one more task that you must urgently attend to. There is a new evil that plagues their world. You must go and restore the balance. You must defeat it, you also have to stop certain events from happening that would soon lead to a dark and twisted future for some of the people. I beg of you to go and accomplish this mission. Please kagome, save another world for the kami's above." Midoriko explained. At first I really was just so tired of trying to save one world and now above all of that they want me to save another, but being the selfless person that I was, I agreed with reluctance.

"Thank you so much dear. But we can't send you into a new world defenseless now can we; especially a ninja world." Midoriko stated. 'A ninja world? Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into now?' I thought.

Midoriko then explained about chakra and special kekki genkai's and justu's. At first I was thoroughly confused, but after some attempts, I soon got the hang of it. We started with ninjustu first. After I got my chakra control down I started to learn the basics. Once I become an expert at those justu's we got into more advance ones. It took awhile to learn all of the advance and special justu's, but I eventually memorized them all and accomplish them with little trouble; I even made some up.

Next was taijustu. Since I already knew hand to hand combat and weapon handling, it was a breeze. I learned some new stances and got familiar with the ninja weaponry.

Lastly there was genjustu. Learning that was probably the hardest. I couldn't focus much since midoriko was trying to distract me by using her own genjustu. I couldn't dispel quick enough because it was just too funny! Imagine flying monkeys twerking everywhere. Hilarious ahaha! But after some time I finally got it down. I was able to focus and dispel the genjustu's. I could also put people into them too.

After learning all of the required things, midoriko and I had a huge sparring session. We went all out since we couldn't really die in the timeless dimension she put us in, but it would still hurt like hell to actually almost die. The wounds and all we could feel and it hurt like a bitch. I used everything I learned. I learned that I had a huge amount of chakra inside of me. When I go the ninja world I would have to use restraints. Midoriko said that I would learn other things about myself when I train there. Now back to the fight… I ended up winning because I thought ahead and put her in a genjustu.

"It's time for you to leave my dear. You have another world to save and the kami's are greatly indebted to you. Take care, survive, and be strong. If there is anything you should ever need and don't know who to ask, then just ask me. I will answer you to the best of my ability. I will be keeping watch over you. Stay safe and best of luck to you Kagome." Midoriko said and with that I was being sent into the new ninja world. I saw that I was in a forest somewhere before I was pulled into the darkness and become unconscious.

Well this is the edited version of chapter one. I simply didn't like the first chapter when I wrote it, better yet I didn't like most of my chapters so I'm going to be editing and updating the chapters. Thanks everyone!
