
I'm not sure why I woke up at two in the morning, especially when I don't remember having a nightmare or a dream in the same category. The lights downstairs suddenly flicker for no reason, rapidly at that. On, off, on, off, again and again, until finally the light goes off completely. My parents are asleep in their room, and no one else could be here, could they? Suddenly, the loud stomping sound of footsteps transmit into my small ears, and my eardrums shake with the horrifying sound. Horrifying being that, someone is in my house, most likely with bad intentions.

I see a large shadow at the foot of the stairs, and I flip out. I practically rip off my blanket and sprint to my mother and father's room. I start screaming bloody murder on the inside, although I calmly shake my parents shoulders and … They don't wake up. Right now I'm panicking and I'm not quite sure at all how to wake my parents up. I start towards their bathroom upon instinct and get the two large rinsing cups that my parents use to wash their mouths, and fill them with water. I guess we're doing this the hard way. I finish and go back outside, and well … I do what I had to. Dump the water upon their peaceful faces. No time for peace when there's an intruder.

"What on Earth?" My mother says quickly, before seeing the shadow that just get's closer, never stopping. And thankfully my father has already seen the shadow. He's already got the baseball bat. My parents get up and go in front of me, and I can still see the shadow. "I must look like an intruder, ah well. My name is Hagrid, and I suppose ya know what I'm hear for Mr. and Mrs. Andrewson." Suddenly all the tension in my parent's muscles disappears, as if it was never there. "M – mom? Who is he?" I ask, inspecting 'Hagrid' after coming out from behind my parents. This man is quite tall, with a long shaggy, brown beard. And his hair is longer, darker shade of brown.

"Ruebus Hagrid of the School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Or Hogwarts for short." The man – Hagrid, says proudly. To be honest, my mouth is hanging wide open and my mom is giggling like a school girl at me. "But magic … doesn't … exist!" I exclaim in confusion, pretty unsure of what to say at the moment. "Ah, but it does. I'm half – giant, and your mum's a half – blood wizard, your dad a Pureblood wizard." Hagrid says happily. And, cue my mouth dropping, yet again. I guess you really never know about magic and myths. "Now, pack your things sweetheart, we're goin' to Diagon Alley. Ah, almost forgot. What's yer name?" Hagrid asks me.

"Rebbeca. Rebbeca Andrewson. Who's life just got weirder by the second."

A/N: Yes I know, short prologue, but the chapter probably won't get longer. Or maybe they will. After all, this is just the prologue.