Title: Slumber Love
Summary: It's different now. She can't sleep without him.
Harvest Moon; Nami/Jack from A Wonderful Life
The first few nights are different. It's all so foreign to Nami. Her eyes are clouded by sleep yet open with insomnia; and her back is pressed into the warmth of him. The first time she slips into bed with Jack, it's weird. He's surprisingly overly affectionate, trying to pull her into his-warmwarmwarm-embrace.
Nami rejects his antics with her trademark cold and blank stare. He laughs. It's a quiet, yet deep sound that echoes within the stirring darkness of the house. When his laughter dies down, he shoots her one last, weary smile-peeking perfect teeth and all-and rolls over. But later, when the dawn spills onto her face, nudging her awake, she finds herself tangled in his limbs and his nose in the crook of her neck.
It forces her to remember all those bare afternoons at the Inner Inn. The afternoons where she rolls out of bed; sweaty sheets plastered to her skin and her wild, red hair damp, yet sticking in every direction. The seemingly endless evenings that stretched on with every pointless step she took to every chirp of the crickets in the bushes.
Those humid, summer nights where she wanders by the shore of the beach, grains of sand wedged in-between her toes. The dark mornings of winter that tickled shivers down her spine; the chill that jolted her awake and kept her moving until the sun reared it's peaceful face over the dusted clouds.
She remembers how she would always take her time getting back to her room every day. There was nothing waiting for her there except her travel bag and a few wrinkled clothes. Nothing but an empty room for rent, that she can't call home.
Nothing but a bed with blankets crinkling with lies and lost hope.
Nami won't ever admit it-not even to herself-but when she would avoid going back to her room, it was because she wasn't ready. She wasn't ready to face the reality that she was running out of money. She wasn't ready to leave the Village she had grown so fond of.
She can't leave.
Not after the first dinner she spends with Tim, Ruby, and Rock. Not after she listens to Gustafa's melodies or watches the Twins', Patrick and Kasey, new batch of fireworks light up the sky.
She most certainly cannot leave when Jack shows up. When he takes over his father's farm and charms the residents of Forget-Me-Not Valley. When he pesters her for days on end with silly things he finds from the Dig site and the fantastic meals he cooks. When he offers to walk with her at night; their feet in sync and their hips bumming every other step.
When he tells her he loves her.
And suddenly, she doesn't have to leave. Because of him.
Yes, they're married now. And yes, they've kissed—once—on the lips, on their wedding day. But cuddling in bed? She can't even deal with him kissing her on her forehead. His touch makes her heart pound. It makes her lungs feel submerged; a pressure of embarrassment squeezing the breath out of her. His tiny smile and his gentle brown eyes-
It's all too much for her. All of it-all of the love and the devotion in every itty-bitty action he does.
She loves him. She loves him more than she ever thought possible. Although the first few nights are strange and on most days she still shuns his attempts to kiss her on the cheek; she tells herself she'll get used to it. Because she loves him.
It's funny, though. She might be getting used to it faster than she thought she would. Recently, she finds herself waking up earlier than she's ever woken up before. At 8 in the morning and not 12 in the afternoon. The heat isn't there. The warmth that envelops her-the heat she's grown dependent on keeping her safe at night-disappears in the morning and for some reason...
She can't sleep without him.
It's Fanfic week on Hell Yeah, Harvest Moon!(on tumblr), and I thought it's high time I started being a better fan by contributing some fics to the pot. Someone requested Nami/Main Character from AWL and I delivered! 8D
I'm also working on a little Chelsea/Denny, as well as Toby/Molly! I've been meaning to write stories for both of those parings, so... ahahaha...
I'm up for taking prompts, themes, and suggestions as well guys! 83
Side Note: I'm trying to finish the edits on chapter 2 & 3 of Art of Attraction. I have a filler chapter and chapter 4 halfway done as well for that, so once I finish the edits, I'll be updating my poor baby. ;w;