Ok, so I realize I wrote more than I should have, but I really got into this. I'm sorry. Just enjoy, ok kiddies? ;)

001. Friend

Luna stared curiously at Discord, who was no longer facing her. He let out a sigh as he stared out into the sky. "I've never really had a friend before…" He finally admitted.

"I'll be your friend…" Discord's eyes widened as he heard Luna speak. He turned around, astonished, "What?"

"I said I'll be your friend." Luna smiled at the draconequus.

"Why would you want to be friends with a creature like me?" Discord wondered.

Luna approached Discord and gave him a hug, "Because, I've never had a friend either."

002. Work

Luna panted as she landed next to Discord. She lay down on the soft grass, exhausted. "Tough day, huh?" Discord wondered.

"Lifting the moon is really hard…" Luna whined. This caused a chuckle to escape from Discord's mouth. "What are you chuckling about?"

"It's just…" Discord began, "You do realize you'll have to do this every day for the rest of your life, right?"

Luna's eyes widened, and she quickly sunk her head into the grass.

003. Forest

"Come on, Luna! Let's go!" Discord shouted as he flew toward the Everfree Forest. Just as he was about to fly in, he realized Luna had stopped. He flew back, and levitated before his friend. "What's wrong?"

"I'm too scared…" Luna mumbled quietly.

Discord grabbed a hold of Luna's hooves, and softly whispered "But you'll be with me. You'll have me to protect you. I won't let anything hurt you…"

A small smile appeared on Luna's face, "Well, okay…" She finally agreed, and the two flew together into the forest.

004. Bully

Tears flew down Luna's face as she tackled Discord. He fell to the ground, confused and astonished, until he heard the princess's sobs. "Luna? What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

Luna quickly shook her head, "Some mean ol' pony said that I'm not so special just because I'm royalty! They said I'm just a spoiled little brat!"

Discord wrapped his arms around her, holding her as tight as he could. He scowled with anger, "Don't worry, I'll make sure no pony ever says something like that to you again…"

005. Prank

Celestia looked through her golden telescope, observing the planets and stars in the night sky. She looked away for a brief minute to write something down in her notebook, when she heard laughter coming from behind her. Spinning around, she saw her little sister with Discord, rolling around on the floor, laughing.

"What's so funny?" Celestia demanded an answer. Little did she know that there was a black circle around her eye, as the two pranksters had put ink on her telescope.

006. Nightmare

Luna woke up panting, eyes full of fear. Concerned, Discord looked at his friend, as he promised to stay by her side as she napped. "What's wrong?"

Luna looked at the draconequus, still panting. She immediately grabbed onto him, wrapping her hooves around him. "I-I had a horrible nightmare…" She stammered, "I saw a horrible, adult mare, coming toward me. She was an alicorn, like me, and she was jet black. She had the eyes of a dragon, but they were the same color as mine, and she wore strange, silver armor, and…"

Discord began to stroke her blue mane, "It's alright, I'll never let a monster like that get you."

The filly gave a soft smile, "I know."

007. Parasprite

Discord lead Luna through the Everfree Forest, keeping her close to ensure she didn't wander off. He suddenly heard a gasp come from the filly's mouth, "Discord, what's that? It's so cute!" He spun around only to find a little bug with four wings staring at the two.

"Oh, that? That's just a parasprite. It's one of the creatures I accidently made when I was first practicing magic…" Discord explained.

"It's adorable! Can I have one?" Luna eagerly asked. Suddenly, the parasprite ate the entire bush it was laying on, followed by belching. The burp caused two more parasprites to appear before Luna's eyes. "Never mind…"

008. Music

Discord flew into Luna's room, only to find the room was vacant. Curious, he found his way to the library, where he finally found her reading a book. "Luna? What are you doing here?"

"Celestia is making me read about music for my next lesson…" Luna said dully.

"Music? You don't need a book to learn about music! All you need are a set of ears and one draconequus!" He snapped his fingers, causing a squirrel to appear. Grabbing it by the neck, he pulled the rodent, resulting in its neck being as long as a guitar string. He started to strum the squirrel's neck, strangely creating music.

Luna giggled and clapped at Discord's performance, "Oh Discord, you're so random!"

009. Shoes

Luna tripped and fell on the crystal floors of the royal palace, causing Discord, who had just walked in, to laugh. "What are you doing?"

Luna scowled at her friend, "I'm practicing walking in these stupid shoes!"

Discord looked curiously at the shoes placed upon Luna's hooves. "What are you wearing those for?"

"It's a royal tradition, apparently. I have to practice walking in these stupid things! I hate them…" Luna complained.

Discord stroked his chin, "Well, I think they look beautiful on you."

010. Injury

Discord winced as Luna wrapped a bandage around his lion paw. The draconequus had temporarily lost control of his wings, which made him crash into the ground. The result was a sprained paw. "Not so hard! It hurts!"

The bandages fell out of Luna's mouth as she spoke, "I know! I'm trying to do this as soft as I can…" She bit back into the bandages and continued to wrap. Discord whimpered in pain at the act, and Luna let out a giggle. "What are you laughing at?" Discord growled.

"Who would've thought the spirit of chaos would be whimpering over a sprained paw?" Luna giggled. Discord simply glared at his friend.

011. Beard

Luna ran toward the Everfree Forest to see her best friend for another day full of fun. When she found him waiting there for her, she stopped in her tracks, and began to crack up with laughter. Discord stood there, dumbfounded at her laughter. "What?"

"What is that on your chin?" Luna pointed with her hoof.

"It's a beard. I decided to grow one out!" Discord said with pride.

Luna began to laugh even harder. "It looks ridiculous!" She began to flick it with her hoof.

"Says the filly with the cyan hair…" Discord smirked.

Luna jokingly punched the draconequus's arm. "Shut up!"

012. Stars

Discord and Luna looked up at the night sky. Curiously, Luna looked over to Discord, "Hey…"

"What's up?" Discord wondered.

"Do you ever wonder what the stars are really made of?"

The two children looked up at the sky, staring intently at the stars. "Who cares? Just enjoy it." Discord finally said.

013. Race

Luna flew through the clouds as fast as she could, glancing behind her to see if Discord was on her tail. She smirked, as there was no sign of him. The wind flew elegantly throughout her mane. She finally saw her target: A large nimbus cloud. She collided with the cloud and popped her head out through the top proudly, only to find Discord laying there in his sunglasses. "What took you so long?"

014. Dance

Discord let a low growl come from his throat, "Why do I have to do this again?"

"Because the Grand Galloping Gala is in a few more days, and you have to know how to dance if you're gonna be attending!" Luna explained once again to her friend.

"But I don't even want to go!" Discord complained.

"Would you like cheese with that whine?" Luna teased, flicking Discord's dark brown beard, "Now shut up and dance."

015. Eclipse

Luna walked out into the field, blindfolded and following the sound of Discord's voice. "We're almost there. Don't take it off just yet! Keep walking forward…"

"Discord, would you just tell me what this big surprise is already?" Luna demanded with an eager smile on her face.

"Perfect! This spot is just perfect! Okay, remove your blindfold." Discord commanded.

Using her magic, Luna gently untied her blindfold and removed it. She found herself staring at Discord, who was grinning at her. Using his talon, he pointed up at the sky. Tilting her head upward, Luna let out a gasp as she saw that the moon was a red orange color, and it was larger than usual. "Discord, what did you do…?"

"Don't worry, it's only temporary. I call it an eclipse. Pretty neat, huh?"

016. Dress

Discord arrived at the palace an hour before the gala began, for his date was his best friend, Luna. He wore an elegant tuxedo, much to his displeasure. Wanting to get the night over with, he opened the doors to the palace, only to find Luna standing there in her dress.

The dress was a lovely, midnight blue color, covered in little light blue stars and crescents. Her mane was in light curls, and her ears had crescent shaped earrings upon them. Discord couldn't help but stare at her, as she appeared different than usual.

"I really appreciate you going to the gala with me, Discord." Luna finally spoke, "Oh, and you look very handsome in a tuxedo…" She teased.

017. Insomnia

Discord lazily blinked as Luna stared at him, "You're tired." She repeated for the fourth time.

"I-I know…" Discord stuttered, "I just have insomnia, is all. I haven't been able to sleep the past couple of nights…"

Luna let out a gasp, "Why not? Is something bothering you?"

"I've had a few nightmares a couple nights ago and now I can't sleep… I'm afraid I'll have another…" Discord admitted.

Luna let Discord lay in her bed, "Well, relax and rest. I'll be right here, I won't go anywhere." She softly spoke as she stroked his mane. He looked at her with doubt until she said "I promise", allowing him to finally close his eyes and rest.

018. Hide and Seek

Luna ran throughout the labyrinth, desperately searching. She kept reaching dead ends, causing her to turn around repeatedly. Suddenly, she came across a strangely clipped hedge, and cleverly decided to trot past it, "Gee, I wonder where Discord is hiding…" She said sarcastically before bucking the hedge, causing it to let out an "Ouch!" The hedge transformed into Discord, and he fell on the ground in pain. Luna stood over her friend, smirking. "Found 'ya."

019. Argh!

Celestia trotted toward her bedroom with a towel upon her mane, as she had just taken a nice, hot shower. Using her magical abilities, the princess opened the door to her bedroom. Suddenly, Luna jumped out from behind the door, wearing a bandana and carrying a wooden sword in her mouth. "Argh!" She shouted at her big sister. Discord jumped in front of Luna, sporting an eyepatch and a fake earring, shouting "Give us all 'yer booty!"

The pink-haired princess ran off, screaming with terror. The two friends laughed, "This is so much fun, Discord! We should play pirates more often!"

020. Cotton Candy

Luna pouted as she stood on her balcony, looking at the ground. "This is ridiculous! It's winter and there isn't any snow on the ground! Why doesn't it ever snow?"

"Who needs snow?" Discord commented, snapping his fingers. The sky filled with strange, pink clouds, followed by large pink puffs falling from them. One of the puffs landed on Luna's nose, and she curiously licked it off. "What's this?" Luna asked her friend.

"It's a treat called cotton candy. My mom used to make it for me all the time. Haven't you ever eaten any?"

"Well, no…" Luna admitted.

Discord stared at her with amazement, "Well, eat up! I can make this cotton candy fall from the sky for as long as you want!" This caused Luna to smile.

021. Late

Discord tapped his foot with impatience, snapping his fingers to create a clock out of mid-air. The clock read 12:06pm. He let a growl release from his throat, "Where is she? She's 16 minutes late…"

Suddenly, the draconequus was tackled to the ground by Luna, who had phased through the clock. He stared in shock at his friend, but quickly turned his shock into irritation by glaring at the filly, who was on top of him.

She gave an embarrassed smile, "Sorry I'm late… Celestia wouldn't let me leave…"

"That's nice…" Discord sarcastically said, "Now could you please get off of me?"

022. Hypnosis

"Discord, this is never going to work…" Luna said with doubt. Discord was practicing his magical skills, and the next chapter was hypnosis.

"Don't say that! This'll totally work! Now look into my eyes!" Discord commanded.

Luna stared into Discord's eyes, followed by wiping her face of emotion, "Yes master…"

Discord smirked in success, "Told you it would work. Now say 'Discord is awesome and handsome!'"

Luna leaned in closer to Discord's face, and then blew a raspberry in his face. Discord flinched in disgust. "In your dreams, Discord."

023. Eggs

Discord flew to the entrance of the palace, where Princess Luna had been waiting for him to return. "Where have you been? It's been hours! I was beginning to give up on…" She paused when she noticed Discord's arms were strangely behind his back, "What's going on?"

Discord revealed why his hands were hidden behind his back: He was carrying two eggs in each hand. One egg had a fiery pattern while the other was blue with brown spots. "These are for you and your sister. The blue one is yours and the red one is Celestia's."

Luna, skeptical of Discord's act, shot him a puzzled look, "Where did you get these…"

"I stole them." Discord shrugged, not caring of his actions.

Luna shook her head, "Same old Discord…"

024. Dream

Princess Luna stared deep into Discord's ruby eyes; a slight giggle released itself from her mouth. Discord couldn't help but feel he was lost in a trance, unable to comprehend what was happening. Luna had never looked so beautiful to him, but he didn't understand why, for she looked the same as she always did. Suddenly, Luna leaned in, pressing her nose against Discord's, and planting a kiss on his lips.

The draconequus's eyes flew wide open, shocked at what events had just transpired. However, he found himself lying in the nest he had built himself in the Everfree Forest, not in the palace like he formerly was. He immediately came to the realization of what had just transpired: "It was just a dream…" He sighed.

025. Rose

Luna grasped a black rose between her teeth as she walked toward Discord. She gently placed in upon his lap, much to his confusion. "What's this?"

"It's a rose. I tried practicing a spell that would accelerate the growth of the red roses in my mother's garden, but for some reason they turned black… I thought you would like it." Luna explained.

Discord stared at the rose between his talons. He gave it a sniff, followed by turning to his friend. "I like the color."

Luna smiled, "I knew you would."

026. Puberty

Luna's back was placed against the soft grass as she and Discord stared up into the stars. "I just can't get over the fact that I'm the princess of the night…" Luna confessed.

"Yeah, it must be a big responsibility." Discord quickly covered his mouth in embarrassment.

Luna gave Discord a strange look, followed by bursting out into laughter. "Dude, did your voice just crack?"

Discord's cheeks became a pink color out of humiliation, "Shut up… I can't help it…"

027. Fear

A scream filled the air as Princess Luna fled to Discord's side. The draconequus stared at the alicorn in severe confusion and surprise. "Luna? What's the matter?"

"There's a spider in the family rose garden!" Luna shrieked at her friend.

Discord shot Luna a disappointed look. "A spider? Seriously? That's what's freaking you out?" All Luna could do was look down in embarrassment and give a small nod. Discord began to walk in the direction of the garden, "Come on, follow me scaredy cat."

The two arrived at the garden, where Luna pointed out the arachnid to her friend. He gently held out his paw to the spider, which immediately crawled on it, causing Luna to squeal fearfully. "Luna, it's okay. This spider can't cause you harm. He held his paw out encouragingly to the princess of the night, "Go ahead and let him on your hoof."

Luna hesitated, but trusted Discord's words. She placed her hoof near Discord's paw, and the spider quickly made its way onto her. She jumped back, but soon realized Discord was right: There was no harm. "See? Was that so bad?" The draconequus asked.

028. Pet

"Discord!" Luna called out to her friend from her bedroom, "Discord, the egg is hatching!"

"It is?" Discord's head popped out from the bathroom, and he flapped his wings as fast as he could to make his way to Luna's room. When he arrived, he found that the egg already had a couple cracks in it. He had arrived just in time to see a newborn raven emerge from the egg, who laid its eyes on its new mother.

"Welcome to the family, Nightfall…" Luna spoke softly to the raven, who hopped right into her hooves. Discord couldn't help but smile at the scene, knowing that he was the reason behind Luna's newborn pet.

029. Home

"We're almost there, just keep walking forward…" Luna instructed Discord, who had a blindfold covering his eyes. She was leading her friend through the Everfree Forest.

"Luna, can you just tell me where we're going…" Discord asked in irritability, as the two have been walking for over a half hour. The draconequus was getting extremely impatient.

Luckily for Discord, the pair had just arrived at their destination. "Okay, go ahead and take off your blindfold!" Luna commanded.

A large smile formed on Discord's face as he untied his blindfold, only to give a puzzled frown at what he was waiting for him. "Luna, is that a tree house?"

"Of course!" Luna replied as she climbed up the stairs to the newly constructed house. "But it's not just any tree house! It's your tree house!"

"My tree house?" Discord repeated, confused.

Luna nodded, "Discord, I present to you your brand new house!"

Discord's large smile returned at Luna's words. He had never truly had his own house before. "Thank you… for giving me a home…"

030. Illness

Luna sneezed as she lay helplessly in her bed. Discord flew in through the stained-glass window, holding a bowl of soup in his hands. Within a couple of days, Luna had somehow managed to catch the feather flu. "Hey you, how are you feeling?"

"Terrible…" Luna answered in a deep voice, which was obviously congested, "What are you doing here anyway? I thought I told you that the feather flu is extremely contagious… I don't want to be the cause of you catching it…"

Discord flew next to Luna's side, placing the soup upon her stomach. "I wanted to help my best friend feel better…" He paused, blushing humbly, "Besides, if you give me the feather flu, that means we can be sick together…"

031. Infatuation

Princess Luna let out a giggle as she and Nightfall played in the garden. Nightfall flew into the labyrinth, Luna following closely behind her. Discord watched with a goofy smile on his face. The chaotic creature was stuck in a lovesick trance. "Discord!" The princess's voice broke him out of his state. "Come on, silly! Nightfall's getting away!"

Discord blushed at the thoughts he just had. "C-Coming!" He stuttered. He couldn't fight it any longer; he knew he was infatuated by her.

032. Purr

Luna sat on the couch, reading a lesson from her spell book. "Hey Discord; I think I finally got it!" She glanced to the draconequus, only to find he had fallen asleep while reading his spell book. The princess let out a giggle while softly smiling. This was something she expected out of him. Raising her hoof, the alicorn placed it on his head, gently stroking his hair. Suddenly, a purring sound emanated from him. Luna's smile only grew larger at his reaction, and she fought so hard to keep an "aww" from escaping her lips.

033. Addicted

Discord quietly awakened from his slumber, surrounded by the aroma of Princess Luna. He gave a sigh, enchanted by the smell. He opened his eyes to find his head rested upon her pillow, as he was lying in her bed. "Huh?"

"Good morning sleepy head." Luna jokingly smiled at him, "You fell asleep on the couch, so I moved you on my bed with my magic."

"Oh…" Discord blushed. When she turned away, Discord continued to get lost in the scent, before quickly realizing what he was doing. He was completed addicted to his best friend.

034. Mutual

"Just tell this mare how you feel." Luna encouraged Discord, not knowing that the mare he was talking about was herself.

"I… I can't!" Discord stomped his lizard leg on the ground, "I can't tell her! There's no way she likes me back! She only thinks of me as a friend!"

"And how do you know that?" The blue-haired mare wondered.

"Because…" Discord gulped, "Because I've been friends with her for years…"

Luna raised an eyebrow, "So what you're saying is… You two have been friends for years? And you developed feelings for her over this time?"

Discord's pupils shrunk, knowing that she knew who he was talking about. He looked at the ground, upset. "Yes…"

Luna giggled, "Don't worry Discord, I understand. There's nothing to be ashamed of." She moved closer, gently rubbing her head against his chest, "Besides…" She looked him in the eyes, "I feel the same way about you."

035. Romantic

After a hard night of work, Luna finally raised the moon, which was in its full phase that night. Discord watched the princess perform her daily task, looking completely disinterested. As she lifted the moon, she turned to him, giving a smile and a wave. Discord smiled back, nodding his head. As she finished, she flew to his side, nuzzling his cheek. An idea came to Discord's head, causing him to smirk. "Watch this."

Snapping his fingers, the stars suddenly started to move into the formation of a heart. Luna gasped, amazed at the sight. Discord nudged her, "What do you think? Romantic, right?" Her response was tackling to the ground with a hug. He smiled, happier than ever before.

036. Peck

"I seriously don't think Nightfall likes me…" Discord watched the raven fly around the princess. "She's in love with you, but she doesn't seem to show any signs of affection toward me…"

"Aw come on! She likes you!" Luna tried convincing the draconequus. "Here, I'll show you." Luna allowed Nightfall to land in her hoof. She walked over to her boyfriend, placing the raven on his antler. "See? She likes you!" Discord gave a small smile before Nightfall pecked his head and flew away. Luna gave a chuckle, "Sort of…"

037. Kiss

The draconequus and alicorn laughed as they flew around the park, chasing fireflies on the warm summer night, as if they were foals all over again. All the fillies and colts were in bed, leaving the park completely empty for the two of them. Discord used his magic to create a variety of jars around the field, allowing the two to chase the fireflies inside the jars. Distracted by the bugs, the two flew right into each other, Discord landing on top of Luna, and their lips accidently pressed against each other. Discord immediately pulled away, his face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!"

Luna leaned in and kissed him softly. As she pulled away, she giggled. "Discord, I'm your girlfriend now. You don't need to apologize for kissing me."

038. Whisper

Discord and Luna lay side by side in the dirt, watching the clouds go by. Discord gently held Luna's hoof in his talon, a large smile on his face. Luna took her attention off the clouds for a second, looking at her boyfriend. It took him a few minutes to realize she was staring at him. He chuckled, "What?"

The princess pulled him closer, resting her head on his chest. His face instantly lit up. She looked up at him, finding him looking down at her. She lifted her head, placing her mouth near her ear. "I love you." She whispered, causing him to blush more.

039. Promise

Luna laughed as she burst through the clouds, flying as fast as she could. The wind flew through her hair, and the adrenaline from the speed caused an exciting rush to flow through her. Suddenly, she was sabotaged by Discord, who purposely grabbed hold of her and threw her on a cloud. Her laughter only grew as Discord landed next to her. "That was so much fun!" Luna's laughs diminished into giggles. She turned to look at Discord, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "Hey Discord…"

"Yes Luna?" Discord's eyes were shut as he relaxed on the soft cloud.

"Promise you'll never leave me."

Discord's eyes flew open, instantly turning to face her. He looked completely puzzled, but he smiled. "I promise."

040. Accident

Discord gasped with concern as his best friend let out screams of pain. "Luna!" He ran as fast as he could to get to her side. "I'm so sorry!" He removed a large rock from her wing, which appeared to be broken. Discord was creating chaos in Canterlot when his spell accidently crushed her wing. Tears streamed down Luna's eyes as the injury caused her pain. Discord's pupils shrunk at the sight "I…" He could barely speak. His entire body began shaking. "I'm so sorry…"

Princess Celestia watched the whole thing take place. Her stare sharpened as she watched the spirit of chaos try to apologize to her sister. She turned away, walking back to the palace, knowing what had to be done to protect Princess Luna.

041. Threat

Discord flew to the palace, carrying a variety of flowers to give to Luna as a 'get well soon' present. Looking down at the entrance, he saw Princess Celestia standing there, as if waiting for him. He landed in front of her, "Is something wrong with Luna?"

"Nothing's wrong with her. Not anymore anyway. We need to talk." Celestia spoke with irritation in her tone.

Discord could tell by her tone that what she was about to say wasn't good. "What's the matter?"

"You need to go. You're a complete threat to Princess Luna, you always have been." Celestia turned away from him, staring at the dirt. "All the chaos you cause completely threatens her. Just look at what you did yesterday! That rock could have landed on her back and broken her spine, you're lucky it only damaged her wing."

The draconequus was shocked at Celestia's words, "I understand." He spoke painfully, "I don't want to hurt her anymore than I already have. If you don't mind, I'd like to say goodbye to her…" Celestia faced him and nodded at his request. When she turned away, a glare overcame his saddened look, knowing exactly how to exact revenge on Celestia for this.

042. Goodbye

Luna rested on her bed, eagerly waiting for Discord to enter. Her wing was covered in bandages. She looked over to it and winced in pain. Nightfall flew on her lap, giving the princess a smile to distract her from the pain. Discord entered the room, a grave look on his face, causing Nightfall to fly back on her perch. "Hello Luna…"

"Discord!" She happily squealed, "I've been waiting all morning for you! I can't wait till this stupid wing is healed so we can spend time together again!" She paused, noticing the depression radiating off of him. "Hey, what's the matter?"

He approached her bed, gently taking her hoof in his paw. "Luna, I'm sorry. I can't see you anymore. I have to go…"

"W…What?" Luna stuttered, "What are you talking about?"

"I can't risk anything like yesterday happening again, I need to make sure you're safe…" Discord gently kissed Luna's lips. "Goodbye Luna… I'll always love you." He placed the flowers on her lap and flew out the window.

Tears streamed Luna's face, unable to comprehend what just occurred. She came to the realization that Discord had just broken his promise of never leaving her, causing her to crying even harder.

043. Imprisonment

Discord returned to Celestia's side, giving a heavy sigh. "So, where am I supposed to go?"

"Nowhere." Celestia took a few steps back. Discord looked at her curiously, not understanding what she was talking about, and then assuming she had changed her mind. "You mean I don't have to go?" He asked eagerly. Celestia didn't respond. Discord turned his back on the princess in excitement. As he turned around, Celestia used her magic to lift six gems into the air, pointed directly at him. "I don't have to go! Oh thank you, Celestia!" He lifted his talon claw into the air, his paw pressed against his chest. "Thank you!" He screamed. Suddenly, the gems blasted a ray full of a variety of colors, which imprisoned Discord in stone.

The gems dropped to the ground. Celestia walked in front of Discord, who was now completely made of stone. "No need to thank me."

044. Betrayal

Princess Luna walked out of the palace, her wing now completely healed after the passing of several months. She trotted her way into the royal family garden, observing the surroundings she hadn't seen in months. The princess of the night gave a sigh, wishing Discord was there to spend time with her. Once she came across the statues, however, she looked up and found her friend standing there, frozen in stone.

"Celestia!" Luna screamed as she knocked down the door to her sister's bedroom. "What the buck did you do to Discord?"

"I imprisoned him in stone." Celestia plainly said, "I did it to protect you."

A growl came from Luna's throat, "Protect me? Protect me? I didn't need any protection! What happened was an accident!" Luna stomped her hoof against the ground, "How dare you do this to my best friend! First you steal the attention of the ponies in Equestria with your precious daytime, and now you turn around and imprison my boyfriend?"

"Stole the attention? What are you talking about?" Celestia was puzzled.

"Just forget it!" Luna shouted in rage, using her magic to slam the door behind her.

045. Blame

Princess Luna stared at the picture of sister, anger filling her eyes. Not only was she jealous of her sister, but she was enraged at the fact that Celestia had imprisoned her best friend in stone. She violently knocked the framed photo of her sister on the ground, shattering the glass. Luna bared her teeth, which were now incredibly sharp. "You are no longer my sister…" The princess of the night uttered as she was slowly transforming into Nightmare Moon.

046. Words

Nightmare Moon fell to the ground, powerless against Princess Celestia. The powerful princess stood tall before her corrupted sister, hurt filling her eyes. Nightmare Moon looked back, her blue eyes filled with hatred and disgust. "I'm sorry, Luna, but as punishment for your betrayal, I hereby banish you to the moon for one thousand years!" Celestia cried out. The elements of harmony surrounded the princess as she was prepared to harness their power.

A growl emanated from Nightmare Moon's throat. "Go ahead, Celestia! Use the elements of harmony to imprison me! Just like you did to Discord, you tyrant! How could you do that to me?" Nightmare Moon spat at the solar princess, a hint of hurt in her tone.

Princess Celestia stared at Nightmare Moon in shock at her words. Without uttering a single word, Celestia cast the power of the elements of harmony unto her corrupt sister, officially banishing her to the moon.

047. Thoughts

Nightmare Moon sat on the dusty surface of the moon, staring off into the distance at planet Earth. She was enraged at Princess Celestia for banishing her to this barren landscape all alone. All she could do was plot her revenge on the princess, but her mind began to trail off. She gave a sigh, "I wish Discord were here… That would at least make my banishment a little more bearable…" She shook the thought out of her head, "Gah! What am I saying? I need to focus on my vengeance…"

048. Understanding

The Elements of Harmony had finally formed, much to the surprise and dismay of Nightmare Moon. The power of the elements joined together to create a powerful blast, which directly struck the evil spirit. Cries of pain were released into the air as Nightmare Moon was being vanquished. Her pupils shrunk as Nightmare Moon and Princess Luna's minds merged. Only a single, painful thought from Luna conquered the mind of Nightmare Moon. "This is the pain she put Discord through…"

049. Return

"It feels great to be back to my old self…" Luna admitted to Twilight Sparkle, "And it feels great to be back in Canterlot where I belong!"

Twilight Sparkle smiled, "Not a problem, princess. If you ever need anything, just give me a holler."

Luna nodded, staring at the violet unicorn. Something about her reminded her about the friendship she once shared with Discord. Curiosity filled her mind as she wondered if her best friend was still imprisoned in stone after the one thousand years she was gone. Sorrow filled her eyes as she realized she was returning to her old life of being completely lonely in the palace without Discord to spend time with her.

050. Statue

Luna slowly approached a large statue in the garden. This statue was the stone prison of Discord, her best friend. She knelt before the statue, a tear flowing down her cheek. She tried containing her sniffles, but it was no use. "I'm sorry, Discord. I'm so sorry." She whispered to the inanimate object. Luna wiped her tears away with her hoof. As she turned to leave, Luna gasped in amazement as she saw the same, black rose she had given Discord over 1,000 years ago, now in fully bloomed. She couldn't help but smile and look back at the statue.