The Equestrian War

Chapter 18

The two beautiful dragons walked the two to their house, a small, one story wooden plank simple house. They enter the oddly decorated home.

"Hiya guys, sorry for the, scary introduction, but anyways, my name is Everdeen this is Volvos, my dear friend. Who are you all, and why are you out here?" The red and yellow dragon asked (Everdeen)

"Well, my name is Spike." Spike replied, pointing to himself, "And this is Uther" pointing to Uther

"Very nice to know, Uther, please come into my bedroom with me." Volvos said to Uther

"Um, OK." Uther replied

Now Spike was alone with Everdeen, the two stared at each other blankly, she blushed a little through her red scales.

"So, Spike, please come downstairs with me…"

The basement was full of dusty storage, but there was a dusty door, that she opened, reveling a bedroom, she than pushed Spike on the bed.

"Now, I know what you are thinking ~She wants sex, and so does her friend~ yes, you are correct, we are two dragons, who cannot find a mate, we found you two, and, well, we need you. We want to, be with you, relationship wise. And I have always just wanted to feel, another warm dragon beside me in bed. Will you do that for me?" Everdeen said to the excited Spike.

"Of course, I want you too." Spike replied

~Sex Scene, skip if you don't want to read it~

She pushed him on the bed, and started rubbing his crotch, Spike felt small pleasure levels, as his shaft grew large, and she licked her tongue up and down, making Spike moan. She started bobbing her head up and down his shaft, when she put her head up, she continued to rub his crotch with her claw, and Spike could feel something coming up his shaft, he felt his dick just release its muscles, and didn't watch as cum shots hit Everdeen's face. But he still wanted more.

Time passed, Everdeen rubbed his dick to get it hard again, than she bended over and sucked.

This continued for about 30 minutes, until they got the waited part of love. Spike and Everdeen, lay in bed, tired, and feeling good. Everdeen snuggled up to him, and fell asleep.

~Sex Scene Over~

Spike had fucked ponies before, but his own species, wow. He never felt that GOOD before. He eventually, fell asleep, with Everdeen snuggling next to him.

Spike woke up, feeling sick and clogged. He ran to the bathroom, and gagged a little in the sink. What was going on?

He, went back to the basement, Everdeen switched her sleeping position, her arms under the pillow.

Spike, just turned his head, and went to the side of the room, to look out of the window. But his vision, what was wrong with it? It seemed, to become, like static. He looked closer out, the static hot even more powerful.

He saw something, actually, somepony, he tried to make out a face.

There was no face.

Spike almost flipped out and he wanted to run away, he turned around to still see Everdeen on the bed, he turned to look at the thing again, it was gone.

A:N Time to spilt this up into another story! Yes it's pretty obvious, the slender mane. I love Slender man, and I know there's tons out there, but I'll make it as original as possible

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Prepare yourselves for the next story in the novels: "The Thing" will be out in about, maybe two weeks. Cya guys then!