"The Chief of police?" Korra asked slowly as if her friend had lost her mind. The sun was just setting, slowly sinking below the trees that surrounded their secluded clearing. It was part of the park that was close to the school, and one of the gang's hangouts.

"Hey, I like this idea!" Bolin exclaimed, the last rays of sunlight dancing on his face.

Korra huffed at the insanity of it all. "You guys are out of your mind."

Asami turned to fully face her from her perch on Mako's lap. "But you just said you wanted a challenge" she said teasingly. Korra chewed her lip as Bolin added his two cents.

"And we all know the giant fucking crush you have on the Chief of police" the earth bender said with a grin. Korra face flushed deep enough to rival the brilliant red sunset.

"I don't have a crush!" she swears vehemently. This caused the other three to burst out laughing.

"Okay, okay so purposely getting thrown into jail, the staring, obsessive behavior…"

"Obsessive? How?" she demanded but with his green eyes practically lit up with amusement and his mouth opened wide to tell her just how obsessive she really was she changed her mind.

"Never mind" she cut in quickly "…she's hot. Okay?" she grumbled.

"I never thought I'd see the day Korra The Great, Queen of Pranks and all your other self appointed tittles, would show fear." Mako said with laugher still in his voice. Korra simply glared at him as twilight settled and the city lights flickered to life.

"I'm not afraid!" everyone leveled a stare at her.

"I could seriously go to jail for that!"

"That's never stopped you before." Asami conveniently pointed out.

"Yeah but school letting out in a couple of weeks and Tenzin just gave me the 'talk'. Again." She grumbled not at all feeling as entertained as her friends.

"Which one?" Mako queried in a sarcastic tone " the If You Don't Straighten Out Now, You're Going Back to Live With Your Parents At The North Pole, or I'm Getting Really Tired Of This Bull Shit Korra! When Are You Going To Grow Up…" Bolin interrupted him.

"Oh! Oh! Or your favorite" he said in a sing song voice " If You Don't Fix Your Act the Next Time You Land in Chief Bei Fong's cell I'm Not Going to Intervene And Let Lin Do With You Just As She Wants" Bolin said in a impressive Tenzin impression. At that korra had no choice but to collapse in laughter with her friends. Catching her breath she said,

"Very funny, but breaking to the chief of polices house? Stealing?" she asked serious. But Asami simply shrugged.

"You told me if I could Dad to donate enough money for the school to have its own pro bending arena that would do anything I said" she grinned, victorious.

"You going to go back on your word Korra?" Mako smirked as he and his girlfriend stood.

"No" she grumbled reluctantly "I won't go back on my word. Man, you guys are determined to see my demise aren't you?" she threw her hands up toward the now dark sky.

"Come on. We know your just dying to see the inside the chiefs house anyway. Stop acting like you don't want to do this." Bolin said gathering his things as well.

Korra let out a loud, long, and dramatic suffering sigh. "Fine. Fine." She muttered rubbing at her face and kissing her summer in republic city goodbye. Surely Tenzin was going to send her off after this. "What do I have to steal?" she said in surrender. The gang cheered and fist pumped. Well Bollin fist pumped.

"okay." Asami said with a dangerous gleam in her eyes. Korra felt her stomach drop in dread. She was as adventurous as the next rebellious teen but Asami's dares were something she rarely subjected herself to.

"How about …." She said slowly then her face split in a shit eating grin. And korra swallowed thickly in fear. "Her vibrator." She finished triumphantly. Korra felt her jaw drop.

"Asami! …" she said astonished "no way. No!" adamant, she crossed her arms over her chest defiantly. The boys were in the soft grass thoroughly cracking up. Asami simply grinned back at her and Korra felt her shoulders sag a little bit.

"Please" she pleaded "anything but that!" korra could literally see this ending horribly, horrifically. As in her decapitated head being thrown on to Tenzin desk with an impassive chief of police striding away saying 'I told you to control her.' korra shuddered at the vivid image.

"Okay I'll tell you what." Asami said leaning against a nearby tree.

"What no way the plans perfect the way it is." Bolin complained finally getting a grip on himself.

"I'll make a deal with you. I will make this easier on you….if you do me a favor."

Instantly suspicious korra asked "what favor" with narrowed eyes but Asami simply smiled. Moon light reflected off of her shiny jet black hair making her expression even more dramatic as she said "don't worry about that for now. Just know that in the future, whether it be tomorrow or next year," she pointed a finger at the other young woman " you owe me."

This wasn't much better than her original predicament owing Asami was like her dares, dangerous. But Korra sighed "am I still breaking in to the chief of polices house?"


She inwardly groaned "okay, okay what is it I have to steal now?"

"What? Korra don't give in so easily" Mako said wrapping his arm around Asami. Korra rolled her eyes as she leaned down to pick up her bag.

"Do you guys not remember what happened last month?" looking around at the too innocent faces around her. "We have to spend the first two weeks of our break cleaning the entire school. And I remember you saying, in that exact tone of voice: come on Korra, what the worst that can happen?" and unlike Bolin she wasn't as good at impression which didn't help her as her friends dissolved into chuckles.

"Well, you guys have to, anyway" Asami said smugly.

"Yeah real funny guys" she sulking teen mumbled.

"Alright you don't have to steal anything." Korra eyebrows shot up hopeful.

"Really?" probably sounding too excited.

"Yeah all you have to do is kiss her." She met korra blank stare with an evil smile "and prove of course."

Korra sputtered for about a full minute "what? … how the hell am I going to get prove of that?" she didn't even want to entertain the kissing part, good lord.

Asami shrugged as they made their way out of the clearing and more into the city.

"I don't know you're a smart girl, figure it out"

Korra felt like screaming when Bolin said "please tell me you marring this woman, Mako. She is pure genius!"

"You're the next person that's doing an Asami dare!" she nearly shouted at the male teen.

"So it's decided then! You'll get into Chief Bie Fong's apartment kiss her. In and out in what? Five minutes? Mmm" she mulled over the thought fully "maybe this is too easy."

Korra nearly hurt herself as she face palmed.

"She should still have to steal something" Bolin offered helpfully as they walked the busy streets.

"Oh! Even if it's something simple." Asami agreed "but just make sure we can tell it belonged to the Chief."

Korra pouted, how the hell did she get herself into these things?

"Wait a second, how did you even get your dad to donate so much money. He doesn't even like republic high." It was mostly because it was public that his daughter absolutely demanded she attended. She honestly didn't think she would pull it off.

"Oh you know," she patted Mako chest "I have persuasion skill of epic proportions."

She and Bolin both grimaced at that.

"So just to be clear" korra started defeated "if I get caught which I probably will, I'm going to be charged with" she started counting on her fingers "breaking and entering …"

"Don't break anything" Bollin cut in cheerfully. Korra glared at him.

"Fine entering, stealing….and sexual harassment. Am I missing anything?"

"Oh! I know! Don't get caught!" he said. Korra rolled her eyes.

They stopped at the intersection where they usually split up. Korra would head west to where she stayed with Tenzin. Mako and Bolin would continue north their apartment and Asami would go east to where there was a car waiting for down a block or two. Occasionally Mako would risk walking with her but even though her father knew of Mako they didn't like to risk him knowing just how… close they were.

"Okay" Korra started reluctantly "since its clear you guys hate me. When do I have to do this?"

'"You have till the end of the weekend" Asami said with a grin. Mako and her waved and were off.

"Hey! Cheer up! You're usually so happy to pull pranks. And this is definitely going to be one for the books." Bolin said pulling the native water tribe girl in to a tight hug.

"Yeah anyone else and I would be" she groaned. Bolin threw his head back and laughed his broad shoulder shaking.

"Everyone finds this hilarious! I don't see what's so funny!" she cried but this only made Bolin laughed harder

"I'll see you later okay?" he walked off still laughing. Grumbling, she walked home.

"You are thirty minutes past curfew." Tenzin didn't look up from whatever he was reading as Korra silently tip toed past him to the stairs, well tried to anyway. She straighten up and glower at the back of his bald head. She had even taken off her boots which she lowered.

"Yeah" she started slowly "traffic was terrible"

Tenzin looked back at her. "You staying out of trouble?" he leveled his intense gaze at her.

"Uh… yup!" with that she up the stairs and closing her bedroom door behind her. As soon as she was settled Korra got to work on planning her next master piece. Just because this felt like a suicide mission didn't mean she wasn't going to try. Lying back on her bed and looking at the ceiling Korra couldn't help the smile that stretched across her full lips. Bolin wasn't lying when he said she had a full blow crush on the Chief of the police. She didn't know what it was about the older woman. Maybe it was the alluring jade eyes that had shone bright and clear in the morning sun the first time she had met the woman. Which was with red paint all over her after defiling a statue. That happened to be a statue of Lin's mother. An Asami dare. She shook her head at the memory. She, a fourteen year old girl, was leading half the squad republic cities finest in a chase down the eastern district. Escape and freedom was seconds away when Lin had dropped down from a roof top in front of her. She had been so dumfounded and surprise that the Chief actually caught her. Of course she didn't know she was Cheif at the time.

When she was able to talk again she was already being marched through the precinct. Now Korra had always been a sweet talker, she just had a way with words. The very first thing Korra said to Lin, which mind you, was across the plain table in the plain interrogation room, was

"Spirits above, you're beautiful." Interrupting the chief mid sentence. Lin blinked at the youth for a solid minute before saying tight lipped "flattery will get you nowhere in here."

Korra grinned "with you? I bet not. How did you get those scars?" she said, bright eyed. The scars were one of the first things she noticed about the older woman. Lin gritted her teeth.

"How about we start by telling me who you are."

"Even your voice is sexy…" ok that had nothing to do with sweet talking, that just slipped past korra's brain to mouth flitter. Lin clasped her hands together on the table clearly running out of patience.

"How old are you kid."

"Old enough…" she said with a smirk

"Look you don't look old enough to be flirting, let alone flirting with me. An older woman. A much older woman. Did I mention the woman part? How about the older part." Letting the irritation be clear in voice. But Korra merely laughed.

"I don't look old enough to be flirting?" she asked disbelieving. But her smile faded as a through crossed her mind. " Awww you have a husband don't you?" she pouted. Lin slammed her fist on the table

"What is your name! Where do you live! And how can I get a hold of your parents?" Lin demanded through gritted teeth in rapid fire. The youth leaned back smile back in place as she said, quite confidently, "well I don't see a ring, but you don't seemed like the ring wearing type…" before she could continue Lin stood up suddenly and leaning over the table she towered over Korra with a glare that nearly stopped the younger ones heart. She shrinks back in her chair in meek silence as Lin said in a low dangerous voice "what is your name? ….where do you live? ….and where are your parents?"

The words were out of Korra's mouth before she knew it. "Korra, the Air Temple, the Northern Water Tribe."

But that wasn't the last time she had seen the Chief. Not by a long shot. Korra was a natural trouble maker, she couldn't help it. But the first couple of months she might have gone a little over board. She ended up in the Chief presence at least once a week usually more. And whenever they were in the presence of other people Korra kept the sweet talk on the minimum but the instant it was just them for whatever reason or another (much to Lins dismay) the shameless flirting would begin. One day, Korra recalled, Lins impeccable self control snapped.

Korra shifted uncomfortably as the painful metal cuffs cut into her wrist in front of her. Lin glowered down at her as an officer said,

"Caught her streaking, Chief." Korra carefully kept her gaze on the floor. She could hear the older woman huff.

"Take her to room three…" Lin started but the officer cut in,

"I can't the commander needs all available hands at the banks"

Korra watched amused as Lin surveyed the lobby of police head quarters. There was a crisis happening with bank robberies happening simultaneously over the city and this left the precinct uncharacteristically quiet and uninhabited. Korra smirked and, maybe a little to innocently said "bank robberies? Sounds serious. I bet…"

"Shut up Korra." Lin growled but she turned to the young officer "fine, go." And the officer was gone in a flurry of metal. Korra met the chief's glare with an open smile.

"Hello Lin." Korra knew the satisfaction she felt as watched the usual stoic women's jaw tighten, was …okay maybe a little weird. But she couldn't help how she felt.

"That is Chief Bei Fong to you." She said slowly and low. She pushed the younger women in front of her in to a deserted hallway toward the room she planned to hold her while she phoned Tenzin. The youth spinned around and walking walk back wards she said huskily, with a small lopsided smile,

"you know what your touch does to me…Lin" despite how small it was, korra didn't miss the slight miss step or the hollow of the older woman's pale throat as she swallowed. Through clenched teeth Lin hissed,

"It is Chief, Korra, Chief…. Now turn around." She did as she was told.

"Do you make your husband call you that?" she asked with a grin, as teasing as always.

"korra…" came a growled warning.




One second she was walking with the chief behind her the next pain crawled up her back as she was slammed against the wall. A warm hard body pressed flushed against her and the metal cut even deeper into her wrist as lin, with one hand, held Korra's bond hands above her head. Her breath hitched and her heart kicked into overtime as dark green eyes, far darker than she thought possible starred into her own.

Time seemed to stretch on into a never ending moment as Lin, leaning down so their foreheads were just touching, continued her intense gazing. Korra's body against her will was shaking with excitement and fear and who knew what else.

"Korra …." Her voice was quiet not even a whisper, low and dangerous, seemingly unaffected by the withering body beneath her. Korra shuddered but couldn't tear her eyes away from the older women.

"Stop… coming… on…to me…" korra swallowed thickly "if you don't…" she continued, same dangerous voice, she took her free and roughly gripped the side of korra's face tilting it more upwards. "I will cut off your clit…"

Korra paled, that was not what she was expecting

"And I will feed it to you…" she leaned forward and she was so close that Korra swear the woman was going to kiss her until she felt warm breath against her ear.

"Do we understand each other?" when she pulled back korra's eyes were wide. Breathless she muttered,

"So…" her voice small and weak "it's a girlfriend then."

Like dark green fire, Lin's eyes narrowed and flashed to the younger's lips. Ok, Korra was sure she would kiss her, or rip her head off but then but just as the thought entered her mind. Lin's body was gone. One second it was sensory overload the next she was being shoved in to a room on legs felt like there were made out of jelly.

"I'm going to find a muzzle for you someday."