Okay, I most likely won't be updating soon, sorry guys! D: I'll get in maybe the first chapter of my new Kingdom Hearts fic, but other than that, I make no promises.. The last chapter I posted in Hurricane was very, extremely rushed. I mean, I had that typed out in maybe twenty minutes.

The reason everything is being rushed is because I'm going to Band Camp next week -_- And then that same weekend, Dance Camp. D: Whattheactualfuck. I know.

I definitely will have a revised version of chapter 2 in Hurricane up the second i come back. Because I feel EXTREMELY bad about rushing it. D: You guys know that I go off of what you say, what you tell me you like and don't like.. I just wanted to say thank you to all the people who followed me to my new account and kept supporting me.

Oh, and I made a youtube ^.^ Link is on my profile, it's loaded with my entire music playlist and a few other funny things. :D

See you all in a week! Mwaah! xoxo, -Keri (: