OMG guys! I have to say, thank you for the reviews, follows, and favorites!:) It makes me feel so good! Well here is the next chapter Enjoy!

Chapter 2

Leroy and Hiram Berry walked through the front door of their house at about 6:15 A.M. Both expecting their only daughter to be up eating breakfeast, already ready for school.

"Star! Honey we're home!" Leroy called up the stairs.

"Do you think she already headed off to school?"

"No, she always leaves at 7:00." Leroy instantly walked up the stairs and headed to Rachel's room, Hiram close behind.

Hiram knocked on the gold door gently. "Star, Are you awake?"

Leroy was a bit shocked to the silence, usually she would answer instantly. He opened the door slowly to find their daughter on the blood soaked bed.

They gasped at the sight infront of them and ran to both of her sides, clutching onto her, sobbing. Hiram took out his phone and called the hospital.


The Unholy Trinity sat down in the front of the room next to Finn, Puck, and Sam. Everybody was piling in when most of the Glee Club noticed Rachel wasn't there.

"Umm… Mr. Shue?" Sam asked while raising his hand slowly.

"Yes, Sam?" Mr. Shue said, not really paying attention to his surroundings.

With his hand still raised he looked around the classroom once more and turned back to the oblivious teacher.

"Where's Rachel, I mean she never misses Glee." He was honestly concerned. He wasn't really one of the one's who made fun of her, but he didn't really do anything about it when they verbally and physically abused her. Yeah, she might get annoying sometimes but she actually seems like a pretty cool person, but Quinn would never let him hang out with, as Quinn likes to call her, 'Treasure Trail'.

Sam was brought out of his thoughts when his current girlfriend, Quinn, scoffed and pushed his hand down on his lap roughly.

"Who cares where Manhands is? This club is better off without her." Quinn said harshly while other Gleemates or Rachel's so called 'friends' silently agreed.

"Quinn Don't you think your being ha-" Mr. Shue was cut off by heels clicking. Everybody turned their heads to see Mrs. Pillsbury with a horrified look on her face.

"Will, It's an emergency!" She said out of breath.

Mr. Shue looked around the room with a confused look on his face. "Okay, be right back class."

(This scene is Rachel's POV)

I slowly opened my eyes but shut them quickly because of the bright light in front of me. Where am I? Is this Heaven? I opened my eyes again and let them ajust to the light slowly.

"Hiram, She's waking up!" I turned my head to the right and saw my two dad's staring at me with relieved and tear streaked faces.

"Dad? Daddy?" I croaked out. I looked around the room, silently taking in all of my surroundings.

"Star, what happened! Why would you try and do-that!" He asked hysterically.

"Why aren't I dead?" I said slowly. I could see the heartbreak on their faces.

"Sweetie, Why?" Leroy asked, now crying.

"Can't you see! I'm a freaking loser! Nobody likes me! I get bullied every single freaking day of my high school life, and I'm sick of it!" I screamed. I knew I shouldn't take it out on them, but they are the ones that saved my miserable life.

"Honey , We love you. Who cares about all of those dumb people." I looked at him then rolled my eyes. My daddy,Leroy, walked out of the room with his phone already plastered to his ear.

"Just go with Daddy! I need privacy," A tear slipped down my cheek. ",Please."

He sighed and followed my daddy out the door. I looked down at my wrist and could see the scars already forming. I sobbed loudly and held my head in my hands.

Why me?

(Back to no ones POV)

Mr. Shue walked in the class room to find everybody talking or gossiping. He walked to the board to write something but let the marker drop. He turned to everyone to see them giving him all their attention.

"Mr. Shue, are you ok? You look alittle pale." Mercedes asked warily.

Mr. Shue sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He grabbed a chair and put it in the middle of the classroom before sitting in it.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked in a worried tone.

"It's about Rachel-"

"What did Manhands do now?" Quinn said as she laughed.

"Ok that's enough Quinn! All of you!" He screamed, making the whole class shocked. "Rachel is in the hospital! She tried to commit suicide this morning. Luckily her dad's found her before it was too late. You all treated Rachel so badly, that look at where it has led to!"

The whole class was silent. Everybody with shocked or sad faces.

Quinn and Santana looked at eachother in shock. Santana started to cry silently with Quinn. Both feeling guilty and bad for the way they treated Rachel.

"We did this." Quinn said quietly. Santana nodded her head.

"We treated her so bad and called her names everyday."

"It wasn't just you, It was all of us. We all had something to do with this." Puck said looking down at the floor with a face nobody has seen before.

The whole club nodded, all feeling like crap.

"We need to go see her." Sam said after finally letting it sink in.

Artie nodded his head. "We should go sometime today, and apologize."

Finn just sat there without saying anything. To shocked to make anything come out of his throat.

"Wait, Rachie is hurt?" Britney asked innocently.

Tina was already starting to get teary eyed. "Yes Brit. She's in the hospital." Tina said slowly, making everyone's heart break.

"Guys, I think we should give her some rest tonight. Tomorrow we can go see her, say our apologies." Mr. Shue said quietly.

Sam was still shocked. For some reason, he couldn't believe that Rachel Berry commit suicide, or at least try to. She was such a strong person. He had to swallow back the tears. He only knew one thing.

She was Broken.

Hope you liked! Please review!:)

~XOXO Ashley-