AU: Hey! This is gonna be a short story! Angst. Blood. Hurt/Comfort. And Romance;)

I walked into school wearing my short red skirt and a matching reindeer sweater. I walked quickly to my locker, after passing the glaring Cheerio Trio. After I opened my locker my name was called.

"Hey Berry!" I instantly knew that voice from anywhere. THE David Karofsky. I turned around and felt a cold grape slushie hit my face, slowly dripping down my body and now ruined clothes.

"Haha! What a loser! Bye Barbra!" Noah 'Puck' Puckerman said after high fiving with some other dumbass jocks. I felt the warm tears already racing down my face. I turned around and ran straight towards the bathroom without slipping on the dripping purple slushie .

'Why does everybody hate me? Why me? Why am I the big target?' I honestly couldn't answer the questions. It made me feel confused, angry, sad, depressed, and useless. I looked up and saw someone else in the mirror. It wasn't Rachel Barbra Berry. She looked like a stranger. Like a nobody.

I shook my head to clear the nasty thoughts out of my head. As I was washing my hair, I heard the school bell go off. So what if I am late to Glee? Nobody appreciates my talents anyways.

After I was done changing into some clean clothes, I walked out of the bathroom and walked quickly to Glee.

"Hey Manhands, why so late? Another Slushie?" Quinn laughed with the two other Cheerios .

"Rachel, we can't risk you being late anymore. Regionals are coming up in 2 weeks and we can't just sit back and relax. It's time to work." sighed. "Just take a seat."

"Why can't we just kick her off the team already?" Quinn said as she glared at me.

"Yeah, I mean we all know nobody likes Ms. Blabermouth . Nobody's going to miss her." Santana exclaimed with a smirk.

I sighed to myself, trying to hold the tears back. I sat down in the far right corner of the room.

"Hey Yentl, Can't wait till this weekend." Santana smirked at me.

"What about this weekend?"

"You didn't hear? Finn's going to lose his V-card to me. I get what I wants, Manhands."

I looked away and felt a familiar sting in my chest. I swallowed a lump in my throat and tried my best to be strong.

"Okay everyone. Here's the plan. For the group performance we are going to sing 'Loser Like Me'. For the duet, we will have Sam and Quinn sing 'Had the time of my life'. And finally for the solo, is going to be Santana singing 'Valerie'." looked at me while he said Santana would be singing the solo.

I honestly didn't care.

"Even seems to think Barbra gets to many solos." Mercedes said while scoffing in my direction.

"Yeah, I mean last year we lost Regionals because of you and your ugly voice, Treasure Trail."

"And I'm way more talented than you…..It's Britney….Bitch."

I sat there silently for the rest of Glee. Re-thinking about what everybody was saying.

"Ok Your all dismissed. See you tomorrow." picked up his bag and walked out of the room, me following his lead.


I was sitting at my desk with my laptop placed infront of me. I read over all the comments on my last video posted on Myspace:

When can we sell you back?

It's time to get fertilized.

My ears are bleeding.

I silently cried while I shut the laptop loudly and threw it against the wall. I had enough of it. My dad's were gone for the rest of the night for their anniversary so they wouldn't hear it.

I sat on the edge of my bed and thought. Thought about all the people that hate me. About the mean and hurtful things they said.

Hey Manhands.

Hey Yentl.

Finn's gonna lose his V- card to me.

Barbra gets all the solos.

I'm way more talented than you.

You and your ugly voice, Treasure Trail.

Why can't we just kick her off the team already?

Nobody's going to miss her

Nobody's going to miss her

Nobody's going to miss her.

Nobody's going to miss her.

I started to sob and trash my room. Throwing books, papers, clothes all around. I stopped and stared once I was in the bathroom. A sharp metal object staring right back at me. I didn't hesitate to pick it up and examine the sharpness on the tip of my finger. The cut slowly bleeding. I breathed in and let it all out. I thought for a moment. What is there to do with my life? My broadway career is a big fat no. I didn't get excepted into Julliard. My life is completely over. Like Satan said, Nobody will miss me.

I held the razor close to my chest as I sat down on my bed. I looked at the clock and it said 6:00 A.M. and school started in an hour. Fuck school. Fuck Quinn. Fuck Santana. Fuck the whole God damn world!

I went to my closet and found the nicest dress I could find and put it on. I curled my hair and put on some nice white heels and put make up on. I sat down on my bed and stared at my arm.

I slowly lifted my wrist infront of my face. I took the blade and scratched my wrist fast. I lifeted it back up to the top and dug it into the line deeply. Slowly dragging it down. I squinted my eyes and inhaled deeply. I felt the blood running down my arm and dripping onto my white skirt, making it a crimson color.

After repeating the cutting on my other wrist, I laid down on the bed nicely and let the blood soak the bed slowly. My eye lids were slowly closing and I started to feel light headed and the room became blurry.

Goodbye cruel world…