Ok it is safe to say I have a problem, my name is brandy and I have problem with starting new storys! But I cant help it, when it gets in my head I have to write it down! now I thought of this one a while back, yeah see, it wont leave me, I have to write it. I first thought of this when I hear Tori Amis 'Winter' and then I the other day I hear "What a wonderful word" and it made me think of it again, so now I have to write it, ugh.

The Bloom

Rin picked a flower and placed it in her basket, she smiled at flowers, she always loved picking them. Rin stood, she had grown into a beautiful woman, tall, tan, long dark hair, bright eyes and a even in her woman state she was innocent as a child. Rin covered her eyes from the sun and looked off to the distance, her smile grew big as she saw who was comming.

"Lady Kagome, hello!" Rin waved, Rin was 16, Kagome, well, she quit counting due to the fact that was was now ageless, immune to time, none of them had been aware of it in till Sesshomaru pointed it out and he had come to this knowlage after a woman they faught tried to suck Kagome up, she said Kagome was immune to time, none of them had really understood what it meant, well in till now.

Kagome looked no more than 24, she now traveled wearing miko clothing, give up her uniform long ago, it was no longer age, or time wearthy, it was indecent. Kagome smiled and waved back to Rin.

Rin knew Kagome would come, she always did this time of year, she loved it when she came to visit.

"Rin you look great, how are you doing?"

Rin blushed "Rin is doing fine"

Kagome laughed, they never could get her to stop talking like that, she had learned that from Sesshomaru.

"And your husband?" Kagome asked,

Rin blushed more "He is fine, he is out hunting"

Rin married Shippo, he had turned into a nice young man and good looking to boot. Kagome could still recell their wedding, at first she could not believe that Sesshomaru was ok with it, then when she found out that Rin's life would be longer, she understood, Sesshomaru would not welcome Rin's death and with her married to Shippo, he would not have to welcome it any time soon.

"Are you going to stay a few day?" Rin always asked,

Kagome smile "Yes Rin, if that's ok"

"Oh Lady Kagome, it is more than ok, come we will go home!"

Kagome followed Rin out of the field of flowers and back to Rin's home. Their house was simple yet bigger than others, it had rooms, where many did not. "Shippo should be back soon" Rin said, as her and Kagome sat down, Rin started to pour tea,

"He will be happy to see you"

"I will be happy to see him" Kagome spoke taking her tea from Rin,

"How is Lord Inuyasha" Rin really did hate to ask, but she wanted to before Shippo got back,

"He is good, he and Lady Kikyo are awaiting the arrivel of their first child" Kagome spoke, her words came clean and without hurt, she was no longer in love with Inuyasha, she found that what she had with him was puppy love, pun intended, but one thing she knew, if she ever married, it would be a demon not a human.

"And how is Lady Sango and Miroku"

Kagome smiled again "I am sure by now Sango is ready to have baby number four, I think this will be her last. Sango was near her thirtys now, women didn't have kids much after that, where in Kagome's time, women didn't start having kids then, weird how things change.


Shippo ducked and entered, he was tall, very tall.

"Shippo!" Kagome beamed as she stood,

"You look well, you are well right?" He asked,

"I am well"

They hugged,

"Everything ok?"

"Yep, everyone is perfect"

Shippo was short and sweet and to the point, as he always was and he was still very honest and open.

"Is Inuyasha behaving"

"Shippo, don't tease" Kagome stated,

He laughed, "I am glad you came, your a few days later then normal"

"Am I?"


"Oh, well I didn't realize it"

One thing she missed about the future was calanders, she had been here so long that she had stopped counting the days of the week. The jewel within her body would no longer allow her to go home.

"It's ok, I am glad your here"

That night they ate and laughed, and caught up on things, and this was how it was, in the spring Kagome would come, visit and tell them of the others. During summer Rin and Shippo would travled to them and visit and take in festivels.

But winter, winter Rin waited for the most, because in winter, Lord Sesshomaru would come.