Disclaimer: I do now own KKM, nor do I own any of its characters

Warnings: One sided MuraYuu, slight ShinouDaikenja.

03/2017 - This whole story is being reposted to correct some grammar and spelling errors.




"I wish you become the gentle light that dispels the darkness and lights the way. He who follows the sun, to become the moon."


Murata Ken sat on a small desk by the second window on his room. He was reading some random book, as he usually did before going to bed.

Reading was something special for him, it had been long before he was the person he now was. From the start of the life of his now four thousand years old soul, reading had been something special. A chance to escape this world and forget about his problems, or the ones of the kingdom.

But tonight, just as the night before, reading had proved useless to part his mind from the latest ghost haunting him. This particular ghost had black hair and eyes, just like him; and had recently become impossible to get out of his thoughts.

Shibuya Yuuri, his name was. The twenty seventh Maou of Shin Makoku and the shining sun guiding their people into a new era of peace. A character like that could easily be engraved in someone's head, specially when said someone is actually the Maou's advisor.

However, his position wasn't what kept the Maou in Ken's mind. It was definitely not the reason his chest felt so tight at the sight of Yuuri strolling around the courtyard with his fiancé by his side, and positively not the reason his heart kept on beating so fast whenever he was left alone with his king.

No, his position had nothing to do with his current predicament, and being a smart man, Ken knew that more than well.

Through many lives the soul of the Daikenja had learned about love, lost and happiness. Even though Shinou had always been on his mind, he had found love in many forms and learned true love was always worth the pain that came along with it. So he knew how to recognize love and he knew enough to know his was now a one sided one.

He threw his head back and covered his eyes with one hand, trying to ease the pain that had decided to comfortably settle between his temples. Yeah, this was going to be one of those nights.

But honestly, what more could he do at this point? Grovel in self pity was definitely not his style, and neither it was to go back on his word. So when he started noticing the changes on his feelings towards his goofy friend over three years ago, what had he done? He continued to try and get Yuuri and Wolfram together, of course.

You could call him stupid, masochist even, he would probably agree. Maybe if circumstances had been different he might had also acted differently, but in this time and in this world there was a big, blond, blue eyed circumstance that had prevented him from it.

"Why won't you just be honest, I wonder" And speaking of which, Shinou appeared out of nowhere, as usual, in the worst of moments. Ken didn't as much as move a muscle as sign of surprise, mainly because he wasn't, absolute lack of privacy was a mandatory aspect of living in the Shrine.

"What are you talking about?" he replied turning slightly without bothering to stand or actually look at the semi transparent man beside him. His eyes carelessly moving through the page in which the book on his table had been left open, before his own thoughts had distracted him.

"My Sage, you know very well I am not one to be fooled by your attempts of hiding behind those glasses"

Oh yes, his trademark move, Ken did it so often he hadn't noticed he had done it just now, the light of the candle and the angle in which he was looking at the book made his glasses gleam hiding his eyes from sight. You could call it some sort of a defense mechanism if you want, Ken himself rathered think it was more of a tactical maneuver.

"Shut up" Ken answered rubbing the bridge of his nose and lifting his glasses slightly, far too mentally exhausted to concern himself too much with Shinou or his mocking of him. His headache seemed to be reaching a boiling point as his temples began to pound with a rather annoying rhythm.

"I thought I taught you long ago that the answer to your problems was not inside of some book. Actions, Ken, are what make changes"

Ken mentally chuckled at such a cheesy line spoken in such a solemn tone, his mood a little better after Shinou's knowing attempt to make him laugh; something Ken rarely did when he was around him, not wholeheartedly at least.

"Well, I seem to recall how your actions nearly got us killed more than once" Ken said now looking straight at his former king and love. Although thinking about love and Shinou together at this point seemed awfully fruitless... and painful in more ways than one.

"I'll admit my acting may lack some tactical thinking, but that you have enough to give away. I see no reason not to act on whatever it is that seems to haunt you so" And with that Shinou turned around and started to make his way to the door, by foot, unnecessary as it may had been. Maybe he just enjoyed knowing Ken would be watching him leave.

"You should be the last to say something like this" Ken whispered, maybe he just mouthed the words, but Shinou seemed to heard them all, nonetheless.

Shinou walked slowly those last few steps until reaching the open doorway and then stopped, for a second or maybe two, to take a calming breath, even if just imaginary.

"I learned some years ago that a wise man once said to his King that we must leave the past behind us and not let our memories destroy the present." He said and then looked back to meet Ken's eyes, opened just a little wider than usual. "The past agrees with him" he said carefully enunciating each word, before disappearing in the same way he had appeared.

Ken stood still for a few seconds even after he made sure Shinou's energy had left elsewhere and knowing he was alone again. He dared not move a muscle even so.

Those words, he remembered them well as his own, for they had been said with much difficulty in an even more difficult time.

It seemed as if decades, if not centuries, had gone by since them, but only less than eight years ago he had said those words to Yuuri before facing Shinou, well, Soushou possessed Shinou to be more precise.

It wasn't all that hard to imagine Shinou hearing him at that moment, he was the Original King after all, but... knowing he had was a double punch on the guts for Ken. Not only did the thought of finally breaking his seemingly undying connection to Shinou caused him some very mixed feelings, but Shinou was fine with it?

Don't get it wrong, it would be a lie to say that the feelings of the original Daikenja had ever changed. The man who he had loved and served with his life all those years ago, remained the same in his eyes. But Ken wasn't the Daikenja, he knew those feelings existed somewhere in his heart and they would never completely vanish, but they would also never be completely his.

And even so, the idea of letting go of that long lost love between two people whose time had so long ago passed, was insanely and inexplicably painful for Ken.

Of all of his memories in all of his lifes, the first one seemed always the more vivid. The Daikenja's and Shinou's love had been a rocky one, mutual no doubt, but hardly consummated. Maybe that made it all the more difficult to let go. First there was the war and then there was the forming of the kingdom, and when peace seemed to be at hand's reach, along with their long overdue honeymoon period, the Soushou had started to take over Shinou and well, no one could say that ended well.

Ken let out a sigh he didn't knew he was holding before standing up and walking to his bed. Too tired to put on his pajamas he just undressed and got under the silky cold covers that eased the heat of what seemed to be becoming one of the hottest nights that summer.

That night memories plagued Ken's dreams, of past and present times. Two bright suns shone on him as he slept, tossing and turning uncharacteristically, unable to pick a sun for the moon to follow after.




Hi guys, as you probably already know the first phrase is a line by Dr. Rodriguez on chapter 26 of the anime and it's my inspiration for this fic.

I don't know if I should leave this as it is now or if I should make it the epilogue of a multi chapter story in which I'd be exploring the peculiar territory of MuraYuu... I'm really not sure what I should do, I'm all for Yuuram and MuraShinou, but I wanted to maybe play around with the idea a little.

So! You tell me, do I continue this or not?

"I was both cursed and blessed before I was even born. Bound to always follow after you, to become the moon, unable to shine without the sun. But it is not me being the moon the reason I came to love you. Even if it was never my place, I fell for you. Not wanting just to follow you anymore, I craved for a place beside you."