Final Chapter
"Grandma! That can't be the end of the story!" cried Pan, as shook her bed post violently.
ChiChi smirked, a twinkle of mischief dancing in her onyx orbs. She knew that she had her granddaughter at the edge of her seat which brought her to the edge of victory. ChiChi stood from her place on the bed and made her way to Pan's bedroom door, she turned around to face her granddaughter. "I can only tell you the rest if you go down and meet him."
ChiChi watched as Pan's excitement dwindled at her words. With a sigh, ChiChi reached for the door knob. She turned her back to Pan again to hide her confidence. ChiChi knew what it would take to get her audacious granddaughter out of the room, because she was exactly like her. A smile graced ChiChi's lips at the mere thought of her and Pan's similarity.
Many had said it was because ChiChi had prayed so strongly for Gohan and Videl to have a girl. It had been ChiChi's wish to have a daughter, but that dream was never realized. After two sons she dare not try her luck again and have a third son. So instead she decided that her hope would lie in one of her son's having a girl, and when she learned Videl was with child she prayed ardently. When she born everyone said not only did ChiChi's prayers get answered, but that Pan was a replicate of her aside from her bright blue eyes. Since the first time ChiChi held her granddaughter in her arms to this very day she had loved her as if she was her own.
"I don't want to meet him; I want to marry a guy like grandpa. I want to marry the way that you did, grandma. I thought you told me that story to tell me to choose." Pan crossed her arms over her chest and huffed out a breath of air pushing her bangs out of her eyes.
"Of course I did, but how can you make a choice without meeting someone. I also told you that story, because I think its best you should meet him."
"Why? He could be just as horrible as that Absalom guy that great papa wanted you to marry," declared Pan.
"True," agreed ChiChi. "However; I was hoping that as you listened to my story that you would have understood something that I did wrong. Something I learned from your grandpa. You have to see the person, and not what others say in order to make a real decision."
"Why? I don't get it. I already have someone I like," added Pan, her voice cracking. "Why couldn't I marry him? Huh?"
ChiChi released her grip on the door, and turn back around to face Pan. Her raven brow was arched, and her lips tightened. "Someone you like? Who? You never told me."
Pan casted her teary eyes down to the floor, as she sniffled. Her cheeks were stained with a shade of red, and she bit her lower lip. "I never told you because I thought you would say it was silly. Also, I know Bura wouldn't be happy if I had."
"Bura?" asked ChiChi. Her curiosity was sparked at Pan's word, and she felt troubled that she was pressuring her to meet Prince Uub. Why didn't Pan tell her before? "Why would I think your feelings are silly? Tell me who it is, and I promise if I can I will help you marry him."
Pan looked up immediately, her eyes riveted to ChiChi's. After a moment of holding her grandmother's gaze she burst into a fit of tears, and hopped off her bed. Pan ran straight into ChiChi's open arms, and burying her head into her stomach. The pair stood like that Pan cling to ChiChi and ChiChi rubbing her back. When Pan's cries begun to subside ChiChi spoke. "I will tell them that you have feelings for someone else."
As ChiChi started to pull out of Pan's hold the younger girl tighten her grip. "No, I'll meet him grandma."
"What? Why? You said you have someone you care for; I won't have anyone force you to marry someone else." ChiChi's confidence and compassion pecked at Pan's heart, and she hugged her grandmother tighter.
"I just wanted to hear someone tell me that my feelings weren't silly, even though they were. Nana, the guy I like is married now."
Perplexed ChiChi tried to decipher Pan's words. "Married? Did he do this because you thought you to couldn't marry? How is he anyways?"
Pan pulled back from her grandmother to wipe away her tears, and confess her feelings to her grandmother. "At first I thought he was marrying because they were forced too. However; soon I noticed that he was doing things that were never required. Also, he spent less time with me and our friends. I supposed he always liked her, but I never wanted to admit it. It just hurt to know that grandma, because I wanted it to be me. I kept wondering if I was older, or if I was more like her would he like me. I made her into a villain even though she was so nice to me because I was upset that he liked her."
"I see."
Pan felt like a weight had lifted off her shoulders with her confession, because of her grandmother's listening ears. "I will meet him, grandma."
"You're sure?"
"Yes, I am. That's my choice, but only if you promise to tell me the end of the story."
ChiChi extended her hand, and Pan hooked her finger's with her grandmother's. She smiled triumphantly, as she followed closely behind her grandmother. "How about I tell you it as we walk there?"
"Okay, I'll like that."
"Two months had passed from the battle, and the kingdoms were just beginning to rebuild. I had signed a treaty with Bulma and Vegeta for them to take the land of Teriok, and given Krillen charge over the land between. I hadn't seen your grandfather during that time, I had refused to see him. I felt great remorse for all the decisions I had made because I thought they weren't for the best. After all, I had lost my dad, Caleb, and countless citizens live. I felt empty, until one day."
"One day? This sounds good!" squealed Pan.
"How long do you plan to only stamp your seal? The people need a Queen in a time like this," declared Launch.
ChiChi feigned a smile as she sealed another scroll. She had reverted back to her sickly appearance, her skin pale. Her eyes were even a dull shade of onyx; it was as though she had given up on life. "Are there any more requests?"
"Anymore? Did you not hear a single word I said? You're in the worst of health, and your people are outside of these castle walls awaiting your appearance. Why are you neglecting your duties?"
"This request seems urgent won't you have the messenger carry it right away," said ChiChi, as she extended the sealed scroll.
Launch looked at the scroll with venom in her eyes, then her eyes riveted to ChiChi. It was as if ChiChi had turned into a hollow shell. It had been six months since they buried the king, and countless fallen soldiers and still ChiChi hadn't found strength. Launch had pleaded with ChiChi to try to live, and accept what had happened and move forward but it was pointless. In her final attempt to get the queen back in health she had sent for Goku to return from Teriok, but she had refused to see him. At her refusal Launch knew that despair had a dangerous grip on the queen. And Launch had no clue of how to end it.
Launch felt heartbroken for Goku who came every day to knock at ChiChi's door only to be refused. Then she noticed his visit dwindled, and she feared the worst for ChiChi's future. "Must you ignore what I have to say?"
"Only if you ask me unnecessary things. The north east kingdom needs lumber for building, so please send this away. I've granted them their request, and if you have no others please leave." ChiChi's words were cold, and that staked Launch's heart the worst. How could she ever revive the queen now?
Launch took the scroll and with a bow turned to leave. Launch pushed open ChiChi's bedroom door and left. Launch glanced around the dreary halls of the castle and reminisced on the days that ChiChi ran around carelessly causing havoc. How she had missed those moments and those heartaches. "I feel I'm failing you, Ox King. Only I don't know what to do, I don't know how to reach her."
"Launch! Launch! Hurry, please! You'll be upset at what is happening outside," cried a maid, as she dashed down the halls. Quickly, she pulled on Launch's hand and tore her from her day dream. "What is it? What's wrong?"
"That man, you know the guard? He is doing something horrible! You'll never believe. I tried to stop him, I did. Only he refused to listen and he has other soldiers help him, too!"
"Doing someth- doing what? What are you talking about?" Launch pulled against the girl's hold halting their pace. "Speak clearly!"
"He's tearing down the walls!"
"What?" Launch nearly lost her socks at the maid's word, and quickly she dashed down the halls. When she made it outside of the castle she found that the maid was right Goku was tearing down the walls.
Launch hurried to close the gap between them. She was seeing red, and she could only wonder if he had gone mad. "Goku! What are you doing?" she hollered.
All the men that were pounding away at the walls ceased and their attention shifted to the blonde woman. Goku greeted her with a lopsided grin and a nervous chuckle. "Hey, Launch."
"Hey, Launch? I've wondered where you have been the past couple of weeks! However; I've been preoccupied trying to get the queen out of her slump to walk outside the castle. What do you think you are doing?" she barked.
Goku rubbed the back of his neck, and with all the sincerity he could muster answered her. "I'm trying to make her come out of her room."
"What? That is the most Ludacris thing I've ever heard. Do you plan on banging this wall until she hears from the west wing and comes running?"
Goku shook his head his smile never leaving. "No. I need you to trust me though this is the way to get her out of that room. This is the only way that I know she'll open up again."
Launch stood silently debating in her mind. Should she trust Goku? What was he planning to do? Would she be an idiot if she just allowed him to continue with his games? A deep breath in, then out. What did she have to lose? "Fine, I'll allow it only because you say it will help her. However; if you're wrong I'll have your head."
Goku laughed. "Okay. Launch, can you do me a favor?"
"You're pushing it, but what is it?" Launch folded her arms of her chest and perked her lips to the side in annoyance.
"Can you make sure she hangs on until I'm finished. I won't be able to come as often; I just want you to make sure she knows that I'm still here."
Launch's lips relaxed as did her heart. It was strange how his words made her change the way she saw him. She had expected so little from him, but with only his words alone she could see his heart. Tersely she nodded. "You make sure you keep your end."
Goku nodded, before turning back to the wall.
~~ five months later~~
"Another request has arrived, your majesty," announced Launch.
ChiChi pushed back a few strands of hair behind her ears, as reached for the scroll. "Why aren't you giving it to me?"
"You haven't eaten; you know our arrangement. I need to see that you've at least eaten four spoonsful." Launch waited till ChiChi complied with her request. While it had taken a lot to wager with the queen she had finally made progress by threatening to withhold the scrolls. Once she had found that held weight in the queen's eye she preyed on that to get ChiChi to eat and do various essential to keep herself alive.
"Give it to me now."
Launch handed over the scroll, then waited till ChiChi read it over and sealed it with her response. Launch as usually took the scroll, and the nearly full bowl of food to make her way out of the room. She gave a short bow before a maid opened the door, but she froze in the frame at the sight before her.
Goku stepped into the room before the doors closed, and his eyes riveted to ChiChi. It took a moment before she realized what occurred, but when her eyes met Goku's her heart stopped. It had been seven months since they last seen one another and though their appearance had changed the feelings didn't.
ChiChi tried to yell, but her voice was caught in her throat. She couldn't see him, she didn't deserve that type of joy. She struggled to stand to her feet, only her legs buckled. She squeezed her eyes close anticipating the floor instead, she felt arms around her. She peeked open an eye to finding that she wasn't imagining Goku, he truly caught her. Instantly, she tried to push away from his hold but it was to no avail.
"What are you doing in here?" she managed. "You…you have to leave. I told you that I don't want to see you again."
"There is something I want to show," said Goku.
"No, I don't want to see anything you have to show me. Launch, get him out of her now," yelled ChiChi. "Let me go."
"No," interjected Goku. "I'm not leaving without showing you."
ChiChi snarled, as she struggled against his hold. Goku stood up straight, and with his hands helped to steady her on her feet. They were close, and only their height kept them from being face to face. ChiChi tilted her head to the side to catch a glimpse of Launch and the maid in the room. "Don't just stand there get the guards!"
The maid took a step towards the door, but with a firm gaze from Launch froze in her place. Launch knew that to disobey ChiChi could put her in the line of treason, but she couldn't block Goku. Footsteps from down the hall caught her attention. "Goku, the guards are coming!"
"Are you crazy?" lashed ChiChi at Launch's word. "Goku, let me go and leave before they come. You and Launch."
Goku took in a deep breath of air, as he tried to sort out his thoughts. It had taken a lot for him to get to where he was today and courage to stand before ChiChi. It had also been his choice to stop at nothing to make her see his effort. He could hear the footsteps from down the hall, and with only her in mind, he turned to instincts. He picked up the fragile queen and threw her over his shoulder, without time to spare he turned on heel and dashed down the hall.
Goku didn't have time to thank Launch, he would do that later. ChiChi pounded away at his back as she yelled for him to put her down, but he ignored the stabs of pain as he ran in the opposite direction of the approaching soldiers. He was determined to bring her outside of the castle. Down the long dimly lit hall, bending a corner, and through a door, he ran. The moment he made it through the castle and out the back of the east wing he took in a deep breath of air. It was night outside, and only the stars lit the sky. He could see his hard labor before him, and he continued forward to lessen the distance.
Once he finally arrived at the perfect place he chose, he stopped. His breathing was shallow, and ChiChi's pounding had nearly ceased. He looked around at the tree that towered them and the flowers that dressed the grass. It was the best night to say what he had longed to for months.
"When I met you I didn't know anything about love, or caring for someone. I still don't know a lot, but I think it's the same for you."
"Please Goku, don't. Please don't do this, please." ChiChi eyes burned from the tears, and her heart ached from their closeness. She needed to get back to her room.
"I want to see something, even if you don't want to see me again. I want you to see something." Gently, Goku lowered ChiChi down on her feet. ChiChi squeezed her eyes close as Goku turned her around.
"I won't look," huffed ChiChi, as she tried to ignore the pounding of her heart. Her entire body was tingling, and her mind flustered by his close proximity. She hated that her walls weaken at only the feel of Goku, and her walls crumbling at the sound of his voice. "I turn this place into a bloodbath because I was obnoxious and spoil. It's because of me that my father died, and so many soldiers. I don't deserve to be happy." ChiChi's cheeks tighten with pain.
"I don't remember my parents because they died when I was young. My grams told me to take anything of the few items she had from my parents, I took my father's journal. I thought it would be the way that I will know him for myself." Goku drew in a deep breath of air, as he tried to sort through his thoughts. He needed to find the right words to say for ChiChi's sake. "I read it, but I still wondered many things. Then one day something strange happened."
The silence stretched between them, and curiosity sprouted in ChiChi. "Something strange?" A thought struck ChiChi's mind as she remembered a few pages that she read from his father's journal. Yet, she wouldn't reveal that fact.
"A voice, I heard a voice. It might sound strange…my brother said it-"
"I believe you."
"I was going to see my brothers off on the day it was announced that you would select a guard. I thought it was me that day telling myself to guard you, but when I entered and met you I knew it couldn't be. It happened again when they said you had died…The voice."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"I made the choice in the end, like you. One of those choices was to leave you and fight in the battle against Teriok, and I ended up killing someone. I have to live with that for the rest of my life, but I have to live. Just like you, if you can't for yourself…live for me until you can live for you again."
ChiChi was winded at Goku's words, and involuntarily she opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry from the tears but still, she could see the scene before her. The wall around the palace that her father had built at her mother's death was gone. Instead; a clear view of the fountain she had yearned to see, and it was filled with floating lit candles. Suddenly, the weight of her despair pressed on her causing her balance to falter and she stumbled backward into Goku's hold.
"I love you, ChiChi. I may not know everything or most things, but I know I love you." Goku's words sent a spark through her body and chipped away at her self-pity. He loved her!
"Live for me until you can find the joy to live for yourself." Goku's words echoed in ChiChi's ears, and she knew in that moment she had no fight left in her. She stood with her back pressed against Goku's stomach, and his arms wrapped around her waist. Silently, they stood both staring out at the fountain and reminiscing on the times that led to the very moment.
After a long while, ChiChi finally found strength to shift in Goku's hold and turned to face him. His arms still rounded her waist, but there was now a small gap between them. ChiChi's eyes riveted to his, but it was difficult to see with the starless night sky. Slowly, she brought her shaking palms up to rest against his cheeks. "You may not know everything; I realize that now. However; you always know the right words to say to me to change my heart. You always make me happy."
Goku lip's tugged into a smile, as he pulled ChiChi closer. Slowly, he closed his eyes as he leaned forward closing the gap between them. ChiChi relished in the warmth that his lips entreated hers'. Her arms linked around his neck, as she melted in his hold. The fight to hold back tears defeated as one by one they fell. She could surely find the strength to live for Goku, she could, she thought.
"Grandma, I never knew Grandpa said things like that," interjected Pan.
ChiChi smiled, as she ruffled her hand through Pan's hair. "Of course. You're Grandpa is a pretty surprising man; you didn't know?"
"Well you should from now on, it was your grandpa after all that helped me piece back this kingdom after all. It took me a long time to forgive myself, but he was patient."
Pan halted as they reached the throne room doors, and glanced to ChiChi. She inhaled a large breath of air then exhaled. She looked down at her simple purple gown that her grandmother chose, and feigned a smile. "If he is anything like, Grandpa, I'll say yes."
ChiChi's smile broaden.
"If he is anything like, Absalom, I'll kick his butt!" Pan nodded affirmatively, waving her fist in the air at her proclamation.
ChiChi could only laugh, again Pan reminded her of her younger years. ChiChi glanced over to the help maids standing by the throne door, and with a nod, they opened the doors. She extended her hand for Pan, and when their hands were laced together ChiChi gave a comforting squeeze as they stepped inside.
ChiChi's eyes riveted to the crowd of familiar faces in the room. She had always been surprised that her life would have such a wonderful ending as the one she was witnessing now. Bulma holding her newly born grandson Damien in her arms, and Trunks fussing with a pregnant Marron about the snacks she was eating. Krillen and 18 were busy arguing with Bulma about who would be the next to hold Damien. Next to them Bura was annoying her future husband about his lack of consideration of appearance, and Goten was too involved with the plate of sweets to mind her complaints. Videl and Gohan appeared to be debating about some unknown topic, and Vegeta was off to the side of room leaning against a column. Life had changed so much in twenty-five years, but she enjoyed every moment of it.
Instantly, ChiChi was pulled from thoughts at the sound of his voice. It was the very voice that sent her heart into a panic and filled her stomach with butterflies from the moment she met him till now. She glanced over her shoulder and caught a glimpse of wild hair. Her hand released Pan's, and she turned on heel rushing to him. "Goku! Your back!"
"Yeah, I'm home."
ChiChi wrapped her arms around his neck, as he spun her around with ease. It had been three months since they last saw each other, but any time apart was too long. "I'm missed you."
"I've missed you, too, ChiChi."
Life couldn't have been any better, and it was the way it was now because of a boy that listened to a strange voice.
Hey, Everyone! So this is my last fanfiction. I'm planning on creating my own stories. I will be making my own site, with stories and other things. So I'm graduating in a about two weeks (Yay!) Also, I will be moving to South Korea! I've met you all, and I've had the pledge to have some wonderful friends through this site. If You'd love to stay in touch with me or support me in the future, you can send me a private IM and I'll give you all the info. Or, for those that may not have an account you can send me an email to jane. Planning gmail . com there is no spaces of course. Anyways, I want to give you a preview of a story that I'm working on. So if you want to read the whole thing when it is done, let me know. Also, my inspiration (Remember I told you in Chapter One I had one) behind this story is my fate in Jesus Christ. Thanks for all your support, and reading my story. I love you all!
Hey, read below for a quick preview I'm currently working on and its summary. If you want to be updated on when I complete it and how you can get it use the contact information above. Thanks, and Good Bye! Don't forget to R&R.
Connor Jacobs rolled the shiny half dollar across the knuckles of his fingers, as he pursed his lips to the side. His brown brows hooked together as he glared at the taller boy before him, it had been his famous taunt. Everyone that attended Jackson Elementary knew him, and they feared him. He was the bully of the school, and only a lucky few could call him afriend. He had taken delicate care to build his image, and challenge anyone that dared to take his place. Will Jones had planned to take a spot as a school bully, but Connor had no intentions of sharing the title.
"What problem do we have?" snarled Will as he pocketed his hands. "I'm just setting that girl right. She tattled to the teacher, and I was making an example of her."
Connor glanced down at the girl with streams of tears falling down her cheeks. He hadn't the slightest care for the girl with the big brown eyes. He would have let Will continue his bantering had he done so outside of the school grounds, or with his permission. However; Will had crossed a line that would have other students in the school in an uprising. His blue eyes riveted back to Will, and slowly he moved his neck into a rotation as he took a step forward.
"That girl? I don't care if you had given her a bloody nose, I just can't stand someone trying to defy me in my school."
"Your school?" roused Will, his brow cocked.
Left, then right Connor cracked his neck. He squeezed his chubby fingers together into a fist and took another step forward. He could tell by the look in Will's eyes that his confidence would waver. Connor took another step his gaze fixed with Will's. Connor pulled back one of his fist preparing to swing when Will stepped backward.
"Ok, ok. I won't do it again."
Connor smirked as he let his arms fall to his side. "Get on." Quickly, Will turned and ran away. Connor glanced around the crowd of students that gathered with a daring gaze, and soon they all peeled away. It had always been this way since the day he enrolled, and he didn't plan to see a change. He turned to go in the opposite direction to the school gym.
"Th-thank you!"
Connor cocked a brow and turned around. His eyes riveting to the chubby girl that was gathering her things off the ground and stuffing them into her pink lacey backpack. He stuffed his hands into his pocket and huffed out a breath of air. "I didn't do it for you."
"I heard, but you still did it all the same. Thank you."
Connor stood perplexed. It had been the first time in his entire life that he heard someone say thank you, so it boggled him. The bridge of his nose wrinkled, and his thoughts were in a frenzy. "I said I didn't do it for you, so what'cha got to say thanks for?"
The girl looked up as she stood to her feet, tossing her backpack over her shoulder. Her face was slender and speckled with freckles, and her dark hair of curls frame it in a peculiar way. Connor had never seen her before, and he felt that to be the reason why he was entranced by her. She was taller than he, and he wondered if she was a fourth grader. She smiled, and all her teeth peeked out behind her glossy pink lips.
She walked over to him her hand clutching something. He was frozen in place, and he couldn't understand his daze. "Here, have this. One day if you give it to me, I'll help you with whatever you may need." She had revealed a shiny golden half piece of a locket before she dropped it in his shirt pocket. "Thank you."
Connor had never been in a daze in all his nine years of living before, and that bothered him for a moment. But the chiming of the school bell quickly pulled him from that daze, and when he turned around to ask her what she meant-she was gone. "Wow, she's fast."
Autumn was born into a rich family with everything she ever needed. Until she meets a boy who saves her while visiting her mother's charity event. However; at the age of seven her mother dies and life becomes a trail of sorrow. While she struggles to regain the position her family once held she begins to learn there is a price to pay, and a family secret that may change everything.
Connor grew up alone, and striking fear in all his classmate's hearts. Until one day he meets a strange girl that says something unforgettable to him. While he believed her to be an angel, he later finds that she may be the only one that can help him find his birth mother. Only things take a strange turn when they find themselves in a world they could never dream of.