This is a one-shot. It's my first. I wanted to write it cause I had a cool picture of Sailor Moon. But this is what my FF Usagi's pain for being Sailor Moon. I do not own anything but my one-shot plot.

Usagi laid in bed as she stared out the window into the dark stormy sky. Luna wanted to stay the night with Artemis and left before the rain could catch her. Maybe it was for the best.

Tears slide down her face and soon rain hit against her window. It was one of those nights.

She starts to feel pain shoot through her body. It was difficult being Sailor Moon. She was criticized by her family, friends, and even boyfriend. Of course, they didn't know the pain she was going through.

Sailor Moon used the crystals energy to make her attacks, and when her friends are injured, she healed them as they went out of uniform. They thought that going back to civilized form had healed them and nothing more, even when she shields them from harm. In reality, it was the energy of the crystal.

Usagi learned to control it and when she was alone, it hit her like a load of bricks. All the pain that should have been towards her friends when they were shield, all of her attacks, all of the pain that was supposed to be the pain of the attacks, but where healed afterwards, was directed towards her. She learned how to hold it off until she was alone, and when it hit her, she cried in pain.

She cries out, but no one hears her, since her family is sleeping. She then continues to cry but silently. It goes on for an hour straight. She tries to stand but falls to the floor. She looks at the mirror. All she sees is a girl on the floor with no one around to help her up, and that girl looks into her eyes. Her eyes at that moment are dead.

She lifts herself up and staggers her way to the mirror. She unbuttons her oversized shirt tenderly and the shirt falls to the floor. Usagi stands in front of her mirror, only in undergarments.

She looks at the evidence of her pain. She's lucky that the school is using the fall/winter uniform because the pain was evident on her arms and torso. There was raw skin covering her torso and arms. In morning it would be bruises but it would stay like that for about a week or two. Sighing, she gently bent down and picked her shirt back up.

Buttoning it, she climbed into bed.

Usagi suffered through a pain and her friends just thought poorly of her. Then again, she never told anyone of this burden.

'I guess that's the pain of being Sailor Moon…'

So, review please?

I have a banana muffin, made by mwah, and will gladly virtually share with you if you do review…

Check out my other SM FF please!