These are little ficlets that I wrote on Tumblr….and I may have revised or extended some of them. Enjoy! ;)

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters. They all belong to dearest GRRM!

Bed Chambers

Part I

She didn't mean to be so loud. But with the way he was going, she couldn't help herself. So she screamed and then a swarm of people were upon the young lovers. "ARYA!" Jon yelled, "are you okay? what's wro-" He stopped and only then did he notice his not-so-little sister was naked and atop the burly blacksmith. "GENDRY!" Jon screamed.

Bed Chambers

Part II

It seemed like every time Arya and Gendry were together, Jon would always either walk in on them or interrupt the process. After that he stopped visiting her room until after midday.

A/N: Reviews would be great and if you have a particular prompt you want filled...let me know! Enjoy!