Author's Note: For those of you who have read my profile you will most likely already have an idea of what this story is going to be about. For those who haven't I would suggest you have a little read on the Zaraki is Harry Potter idea to understand the basics of this fic and who's fic gave me the idea in the first place. Now as most of you have already guessed this will be my first fic and I would appreciate it if you would inform me of what you think. However please explain why you dislike any of it before simply insulting the fic. And one more thing, TheBlackSeaReaper helped me come up with a lot of the ideas for this fic so here a thank you from me.

Beta-reader: TheBlackSeaReaper and Jiyle

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach; Harry Potter or any associated characters or fictional locations. Now to get started


Now I wonder, what would happen if an event, history, your fate or even secrets were altered or revealed. Would it change destiny? Break prophecies, even complete them? Perhaps it could remake the world or allow us to shape it as we see fit.

Would we know if these things happened? Would we carry on as if everything is alright or would we feel uneasy or even driven mad by the knowledge of the truth.

Are you surprised? Maybe a little afraid of what could happen or has happened? Or perhaps like me, you are excited and desire to see it happen just to see the change and chaos such an absurd and insane idea would bring. But what would you do if such a thing has already happened and is simply hidden in plain sight. Let's remove the veils over our eyes and see what happens when such events come into place in this life and the next.

Who would have thought that You-Know-Who reign of terror would end because of the very thing his death eaters followed him for? His cruelty, his hate, his power and of course the fear. His cruelly lost him two of his most important and loyal followers, turning them into some of his most powerful and aggressive enemies. His hate brought the wrath of all the players that wished to stay neutral. His power brought the masses against him, to fight their children. But against the odds his biggest mistake came in the form of fear, a fear of a new born boy at that. Never underestimate the power of a pure light soul for it can bring even the most twisted of individuals to justice. Praise Harry Potter for ending this Nightmare, Praise the Boy-Who-Lived for removing the taint from our homes.

Rita Skeeter. 4th November 1991. Read more on page 13.

While the country praised the boy-who-lived, and celebrated the end of the war and the beginning of peace, while praising the boy who lived a man and his sister-in-law, a widow, and a married couple grew angry and disgusted with what they were reading. While their thoughts varied from person to person, they all amounted to the same thought: "Why did that child's innocence save him but my/our child/nephew didn't?".

(Malfoy Manor)

The two occupants of this luxurious estate were none other than Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Black, both death-eaters-turned-traitor. Both of whom had betrayed the dark lord in the midst of heavy grief and a need for vengeance. Eventually, after calming down and reminding themselves that he was dead and he was not coming back, their thoughts began to wander and reminisce on how all this began, and how the first innocent child had died.


Bloody, tired and panting from exertion, Lucius was unable to think of anything but the agony. The alliance and peace talks with the vampires was a trap. He and his entire squad had been trapped by anti-portkey barriers and attacked before they could even say: "Oh Sh**". He was running as soon as he saw the barrier go up. He knew he wasn't a coward, but why was his entire squad insane or stupid enough tocharge an army of vampires at night? He would probably be laughing at them if he wasn't running for his life. And luckily for him, just as one of the enemy number were about to pounce onto his back, he passed the end of the barrier and activated his portkey, right into his lords home and hopefully rest.

As soon as he was able to calm his heartbeat, he noticed that the room was empty. It took a few minutes to remember through his hazy mind, that his lord was placing some of his artifacts inside the vault within his house elf's resting chambers. He managed to limp in a noble (see arrogant) way that only a Malfoy could, to the nearest fireplace. "Malf-Ack!...Ok, let try the other arm, Malfoy Manor!" As soon as he entered his manor, he began to take a few steps, only for his body to collapse onto one knee in a fit of agony. If one was to see him now, they would think he was getting ready to bow to his lord and master. Once he himself realized this, as well as the fact the chance of him standing within his own strength was minimal, he called one of this house elves to inform his lord that he had returned.

It wasn't long before people began to enter the room. The first to enter was none other than his sister-in-law. He noticed the grin on her face fall as soon as she spotted him. He correctly suspected that the grin was from playing with her little nephew, and the loss of such a grin was from seeing his bloody form. It wasn't a surprise when the same happened to his wife when see arrived carrying his son. They had learned by know that showing emotions near or in front of the dark lord would only result in more anguish.

Finally his lord himself walked within the room. Gliding in much like how Severus did, when he was trying to screw with first year's heads. "Report Luciusssss", with those words he began to explain how it had been a trap from the very beginning, as well as what had become of his own squad. Once he was done there was silence until his lordship spoke. "Sssso you're telling me, that you failed to get the alliance, losssst me a good number of my death eaterssss, abandoned your men to save your own existence and expect to go unpunished?" The faces of those in the room were in different states of shock and disbelief. He had just explained everything, and how he only just survived, and yet he was being blamed for the trap?

Before anyone could get their heads round this, the dark lord turned to his wife and used his favourite unforgivable on his wife and son. He could only watch in horror as they crumbled onto the floor, unmoving. "Let thisss be a reminder that next time you fail me Luciusss, you will be next!" And with that he walked past the horrified man, not once looking behind him as he entered the floo. Had he looked behind him, he would have noticed a look of pure resentment coming from his top lieutenant Bellatrix.

*End Flashback*

A few tears leaked from their eyes as they thought of what that monster had done. They quickly became spies for Dumbledore, which in turn, led them into handing over the cup and diary that the dark lord had tasked them to hide. They could still remember how the old man told them that the items were linked to Voldemort's power, and how he was able to track the items down and destroy them, leaving the beast with only himself as a vessel of power.

(Tonks' estate)

Andromeda Tonks stared at a family portrait with blood shot eyes. She hadn't stop crying since everything she cared about had been taken away, by a death eater raid, a show of power for scum and madmen. Her eyes were beginning to drop. She could remember her daughter's laughter and smiles that were adored by everyone she knew, even those she didn't couldn't help but smile at her little bundle of joy. She couldn't believe how a simple outing to Diagon Ally, could turn into the worse day of her life. Everything went dark as her head landed on the table.

*Dream Flashback*

Andromeda couldn't help but giggle at seeing her little Dora, skipping and humming down the street in a bright pink dress with matching hair. It still amazed her husband how his little girl could look so different every day. She giggled again when she remembered the gobsmacked look of horror when he saw his little girl covered from head to toe in such a bright pink, and how that look changed so quickly that he almost got whiplash. One look with the puppy eyes from his daughter and he was wrapped around her little finger, maybe she shouldn't have taught her that look just yet. Mrs. Tonks gave a little shrug before noticing that her husband and daughter had vanished. It was a good thing she knew the point me spell.

It took her around five minutes before she found them in the pet store, with her little munch kin buried under a mountain of kittens. How she wished she had a camera right now. She then noticed that her husband was buried under a massive dog, and could not help but laugh out loud. "Mommy!" A pink blur tackled her to the ground before she could blink. The next thing she knew she was being glomped by a very excitable pink little monster. "Mommy, mommy can I have some Ice cream? Oh and a kitten, a big fluffy pink! Kitten!" The mother of the pink monster couldn't stop the grin from spreading across her face at such cute requests. "I could get you some ice cream sweet heart if I could move, you little monster. For the kitten I am afraid you will have to wait for your father to escape from the doggy". "Awww" Little Dora pouted, before running at the dog on top of her daddy. "Mr. Doggy, get off daddy, I want my kitten!" She yelled her battle cry, before dive bombing into its huge fluffy side. The bad doggy countered with its huge slimy tongue straight to her face. "Eww, hehe stop that it tickles!" The dog remained the victor for another battle!

Andromeda couldn't hide her giggles as she walked out of the shop, to get her daughter her well-earned treat. After such a cute display how could she not have earned one? Maybe she should double team her husband for her daughter's kitten. It took her awhile to remember where the ice cream parlour was, at which point she realized she forgot to ask her daughter what flavour she wanted. She couldn't just pick any, since Dora always seemed to change taste buds when it came to sugary treats. After memorizing the shop's location, for the hundredth time (she always seemed to forget were the shop was!) she began to head back.

After a while she was able to smell smoke, and the closer she got to the store the worse the smell got. Andromeda was beginning to feel sick and the feeling had nothing to do with the smoke. She began to jog, then sprint and then ran as fast as her legs could carry her, as the growing horror began to set in. The horrified women came to a dead halt at the burning building, unable to take her eyes of her husband and daughter, leaning on the dog's side. They were still smiling, and if this was a muggle picture it would look like they were sleeping. The only thing missing was the raise and fall of their chests….She could hear screaming coming from somewhere and her throat was starting to hurt….Everything was going dark

*Dream flash back end*

Her head shot up, as she started screaming once again. The hot tears trailed down her face, wishing, praying, hoping that this is all a nightmare and that her loved ones were just sleeping, waiting for her to come back to them.

(Greengrass' Mansion)

The Greengrass family has always been known for its silent, cold business like persona. However the Ice King and Queen image that the family upheld was destroyed when the death eaters caused the death of their daughter. They knew the death eaters hadn't meant to cause the death of anyone, (after all) it was only meant as a stunt to spread fear and try to bring the neutrals to there cause, which would of helped Voldemort's cause greatly. However no plans last in the face of the enemy, which is what they had become when Voldermort's lackeys arrived, on their annual party at the Greengrass villa.

*Villa annual event*

The scion of Greengrass was once again, showing off his wealth to the other noble families in his villa. The difference between now and the other events, was one blond bundle of joy as his wife had joyfully called her. Daphne Greengrass was their new born child and a great joy for the family as a whole. She was unable to attend the party last year, so his wife had stated that this was her party, which amused him like she usually did. While many would state the Greengrass scion was a cold and unwelcoming individual, that didn't stop them from noticing the look of joy and happiness, that spread through his eyes at the mere mention of his daughter.

Like usual, the noble families tried to gain favour from him as well as trying and as usual, failing to buy one of his businesses. Hopefully Zabini would come talk to him soon. He was the only one who could hold a decent conversation, without his greed or motives being revealed. There was one thing he noticed that was odd however, his wife was giggling uncontrollably with the wives of other neutral families. It took only a moment for him to realize the reason and a slight tug began pulling on his lips. His little girl was slowly falling asleep within his wife's arms and laughing whenever she woke back up.

He pardoned himself from his current company and headed over to his wife and child. He was unable to stop the smile from appearing on his face, as his daughter turned her smiling sleepy face up upon him. It was only a moment afterwards that he realized that his mask had slipped and he hurried to put it back in place. This however proved to be a mistake, if the outright laughter the women were having towards him was of any indication. It was after they had their fun and he was able to remove the small blush from his cheeks, that he realized that his daughter was fast asleep. And by the surprised look on his wife's face she had realized it as well. The lord of Greengrass said his farewells to his queen, as she took his princess to her chamber to rest. He quickly called one of the available maids and instructed her, to head up to the room and look after his child and inform his wife if she awoke.

The party was slowly coming to a close and as it was settling down, he began to notice something was wrong. Men and women were entering his villa through the fireplace, While this was not uncommon the fact that these intruders were wearing black cloaks and ghoulish masks were. Each one of them aimed at an area within the building, and fired cutting and bomb spells damaging the interior. He was just able to notice, that one of the buffoons had hit a support pillar and heard a crash come from upstairs. He did not know why, but he was beginning to feel a cold pit of rage well up inside him. It was at the time the intruders gloated and commented on how they should join the dark lord, or next time they wouldn't miss, that the maid he sent upstairs fell down them with pieces of wood and timber jutting out of her flesh. "I am sorry my lord, I wasn't able to get to her in time…." He realized now why the rage felt consuming; his daughter was in the blast zone of that crash. And by the number of glares that were being directed at the bast***s, who were still gloating, He wasn't the only one.

Almost as one his wand, with every man and women within the building, aimed at the clueless fools and with a yell they were silenced "LACEROOOO!"

*Villa annual event end*

And with a mighty throw the newspaper was flung into the fireplace. The couple was not able to calm their nerves from the memory, which led them to the pantry in which they began to drink. "To Daphne, let's pray that she rests in peace knowing this is war is over…" Came the sorrowful call from his wife. And with that they cried and drank to hold off the sorrow for a moment longer.


Dumbledore couldn't help but grin as his plan came to fruition, Voldermort was gone for good and the Boy-Who-Lived was in a home where he would become humble and meek, which in turn would make him that much easier to mould as his successor. After all, everything must be done for the greater good, even the sacrifice of one boy's innocence. And with that thought he grabbed a handful of lemon drops and stuffed them into his greedy mouth.


While the people celebrated, mourned and cried a little boy no older than one slept under the stairs of his aunt's house, completely unaware that the last link holding his parent's killer to the land of the living, was the little lightning bolt on his head. But then no one knew of this, so how was a child at the age of one meant to comprehend such a hidden truth?

What will you bring to this world or the next, little Harry Potter?

Narrator section:

Gazzadcs: Thank you for Author how dare you stop me from having my ice cream! (Tonks) I think I will leave the rest to you blacksea *Dash's away*

TheBlackSeaReaper: *Sigh* idiot, Anyway thank you for reading the fic. We hoped you enjoyed it. See ya *Waves*

Gazzadcs: Ow stop biting my head! *Chomp!*
