The door slid open with a pneumatic hiss to announce the arrival of a man in a scarlet and gold uniform with an overly cheerful demeanour.

"Hey, how you doing Anonymous, I'm Flash." he gave her a big grin which faded slightly as she glared at him without saying anything.

"What are you? Entertainment?" she said sarcastically. Flash was unruffled, J'onn had already told him how hostile she was when he had asked if he would pay her a visit. They wanted to try and make her feel less like a prisoner, and see if she would behave differently around someone as non-threatening as Wally.

"Something like that," he said cheerfully. "We thought you might like some company. Do you need anything? A drink, or some food?" She snorted scornfully.

"Company? Yeah right, the green guy sent you to spy on me, wouldn't want me escaping, would you?" This wasn't true, J'onn had in fact been watching her since he left the room and was encouraged by the fact she hadn't tried to escape yet.

"J'onn? Nah, we're just being hospitable. You've gotta be honest, I'm better company." he said, smiling. Anonymous continued to glare at him. A few moments passed in silence, until she broke it abruptly, looking away from Flash the whole time.

"Before, that guy did something to me . . . He got inside my head, made me sleep. How did he do that?" her voice cracked a little, despite how hard she tried to hide what she was feeling.

"Yeah, that's a bit weird until you get used to it. J'onn is a telepath, a good one. He can do other stuff as well." She didn't want to talk, but he didn't continue so after a few moments her need to know forced her hand. She stood and moved to stand behind the bed so it was between her and the speedster. She still wouldn't look at him.

"What other things can he do?" She had heard of the justice league, but less was known of the Martian's ability by the general public than the other league members, he was clearly a threat, she needed all the information she could get on him. Wally's smile was still there, but he knew what she was doing.

"All kinds of stuff! You should try getting him a surprise gift sometime, it's impossible!" He laughed breezily, but Anonymous wasn't buying it.

"I know he can read minds! That's what a telepath is! I want to know what else he can do!" She whirled around angrily, suddenly seething. Wally knew that on the other side of the glass the other league members would be getting worried, but he stayed calm.

"Nothing you've gotta worry about," he said easily. "What about your powers? I heard they're pretty awesome."

"I already told the Martian about them, what are you, defective? Do you need a demonstration!? How about I blow you back to whatever shitsplat you came from, hey? Will that be clear enough for you!?" Flash knew she was volatile, but he had not expected such sudden rage at so little provocation. Her eyes glowed, her fists shook, and Flash started to get a little nervous.

"OK my bad, stupid question, I get it, I ask a lot of them, but you don't want to do that." He had his hands up, trying to look calm and bashful at the same time.

"I really do!"

"If you do, you'll be locked up, somewhere you don't get to look at this beautiful face" he said, forcing a laugh. She looked no less angry, but didn't move, and instead just spat in a strangled tone that she was already locked up. "Not like you could be, so why don't we just calm things down, OK?" After a few tense seconds she turned away sharply, walking a few steps away from him. Outside the door, J'onn took a restraining hand off Superman's shoulder, and with grim expressions they returned to the observation screen that was the other side of the mirror.

"I can get myself out of here anytime I want."

"I'm sure you can."

"I'm powerful."

"I know."

"Really powerful. You have no idea."

"Too powerful?" She turned sharply to face him. Flash didn't push the issue, he just gently continued "I know this must be really hard for you to believe, but we're your friends. You can trust us, we want to help you, don't fight us." She coloured at being so tenderly addressed, and tried to glare at him. Flash sensed she needed time alone, and told her that he would have some lunch sent in before saying goodbye. She didn't respond, just sank to the floor out of sight of the mirror again. Dinner, along with some books and magazines arrived shortly after, but remained untouched as the minutes ticked silently past.

It feels like my skin is crawling, I've never been so torn in my life. My instincts scream at me that I should tear this place apart, then run as far and as fast as I can. My mind screams what a fool I am, that I should have done it as soon as I woke up, what the hell am I waiting for? And I don't know what I'm waiting for, I really don't. It's just that an almost indiscernible little voice tugs at the back of my mind, encouraging me to think things I never have allowed myself before. I cannot help but think of the warm, safe feeling I felt in the crushing grip of that alien, even as I attempted to kill his friend. I think of the kindness of that cheerful man, so far removed from anything I have experienced. A warm, unfamiliar feeling flickers inside me. Despite all the evidence my paltry existence has to offer to the contrary, I find myself beginning to hope for something so far from the sphere of my experience that I cannot express it even in thought. So I sit, perfectly still, the war raging inside me incapacitating. I force the sting in my eyes away.

I don't touch the food, I'm not that much of a fool.

J'onn kept watch over her. The rest of the team had all necessary league matters under control, so he was free to focus on the unusual girl. J'onn could sense the power she held inside her. She could be a valuable ally, but a dangerous opponent, how they treated her whilst she was incarcerated here could define which she became. He was not trying to look inside her mind, but her emotions were too strong to avoid. He pitied her, she must have suffered a terrible trauma to inspire so much fear and mistrust. He felt her awareness slowly dim as, still huddled on the floor, she fell into an uneasy sleep. After she had started awake several times, eyes darting fearfully around her, he reached out to her mind and gently coaxed it into a more restful state. Once certain she was deeply asleep, he quietly entered the room, picked her shivering body up with ease and placed her in the bed. Once satisfied she could be left for a while, he went in search of Batman.

"What do you want, J'onn?" Batman growled to the Martian who was silhouetted against the light of the doorway. Batman was in his room, working as usual. He hadn't looked up. In the gloom he was barely visible, silhouetted against computer monitors. J'onn took this as an invitation to enter.

"To talk to you." he advanced to within a couple of meters of the other man.

"What about?" His voice was dangerously low.

"You had a near death experience today." Batman looked up, eyes narrow.

"And?" J'onn had known Batman would brush the incident off. Batman was one of the most important members of the league, but he was a normal human being despite all his talents, and his relative mortality in comparison to the other heroes was weighing on his mind, even if he wouldn't admit it.

"Were you afraid?" Batman whipped round, fury in his eyes. He advanced on the Martian, until they were almost touching.

"What are you trying to say?" he growled. J'onn was unperturbed.

"Fear is a natural response in such a situation, and nothing to be ashamed of admitting. Neither is needing the help of a team mate."

"I could have beaten that girl alone! Now get out!" Batman looked dangerously angry. J'onn spoke lowly and calmly.

"Let's sit and talk."

Anonymous again woke from a deep sleep, a surprise which made her suspicious the alien was involved. She didn't have to wait long to ask him, he entered the room minutes after she woke. He had brought a breakfast tray with him, and greeted her warmly considering his monotone voice. She couldn't deny the breakfast looked appealing, but again she touched nothing despite her growling stomach and accepted a glass of water only after he poured himself a glass from the same jug first. She sipped quietly though she wanted to chug the whole thing down and watched over the rim of her glass as he ate. His demeanour was more relaxed than she had previously seen it. A voice inside her whispered that she should attack now whilst his guard was down.

"Did you sleep well?" she answered after a brief pause, and suspicion coloured her tone.

"Yes, very well actually. I don't even remember getting into bed. Did you have something to do with that?"

"I admit, I helped to calm your mind, and put you into bed."

"Why?" she spat.

"You looked uncomfortable." he replied simply. She glared but let the matter drop. "Would you like some breakfast? The food is good." She shook her head, but couldn't help staring at the food. The Martian sighed, and then deliberately reached over to her plate, put a bit of everything on his fork and ate it. This confirmation was all the girl needed. She grabbed the plate, sat on the opposite side of the bed to J'onn on the floor so she was out of sight and feverishly attacked the plate. When she had finished the plates were cleared and an extra chair was placed in front of J'onn. Anonymous watched the man over the top of the bed carefully. "Would you like to come and sit down?"

"Another Q&A session?"

"I have more questions for you, yes." Anonymous shook her head silently.

"What are you, a shrink?"

"I'd like you to come and sit down so we can talk properly."

"Not so you can do that eye thing on me again. When am I leaving? I'm getting bored. Or are you just going to keep me in an empty box like a pet for the rest of my life?"

"Please come and sit down, I am not going to influence you." The girl deliberated for several moments before throwing herself into the chair.


"Thank you. As we discussed yesterday I do not know how long you will stay here, however we want you to be comfortable and if there is anything you need please ask. I would like to start by -"

"Actually, I have a question for you." J'onn paused for a second, surprised. She stood, ignoring him when he asked her to sit down, and began to move closer to him. Something in her demeanour, her manner of walking, was different. She was smirking at him in a way he had not seen before. "I was wondering, about the mind reading thing, do you ever spy on the other team members?" J'onn stayed silent, watching her carefully. She was getting very close to him, far too close. "Do you ever watch the girls? When they shower? Or get dressed?" She was leaning over him, one hand on the chair arm, the other on her own belly, lifting the fabric of the dark figure hugging sweater to reveal a flash of skin.

"Anonymous, return to your seat."

"Or when they touch themselves." One hand slid further up her stomach, revealing more flesh, whilst the other moved to the Martian's thigh.

"Sit down"

"Is that what gets you off J'onn? Watching as they -" Her hand was about to move further up his thigh, but he stood and stared down at her, his disapproval clear on his face. "What's the matter, don't you want to have some fun J'onn? She glared up into his eyes. The taller man was silent for a moment.

"That's not what you're trying to do, Anonymous." She pulled back a step but held his gaze insolently.

"Really? Then what am I trying to do?" she spat.

"I believe you are testing me. You need to see that the things that have happened to you in the past will not happen here." For a second her expression faltered, but she rearranged her features into anger almost instantly. She spun away from him, sneering.

"You don't know what you're talking about!"

"That was why you were so eager to discover my abilities yesterday, you wanted to know how much I would be able to learn about you. As you were not sure you decided to try to gauge if I could be trusted." He purposely said all of this calmly, but not gently, and he could see her shrinking away from the truth. He was genuinely sorry to cause her pain, but could see that he had to be honest about these things to gain her trust. She whirled to face him again, eyes glowing gold.

"You're disgusting! What you're suggesting is disgusting! Shut up, or I'll destroy you, I'll destroy this whole tower!"

"No, you won't." He said calmly and firmly. "If you wanted to you would have done so already, you have had too many chances to escape to show that you actually do want to stay here." She boiled over at these words, but before she could act he had grabbed her hands and forced her back into the chair. She fought against him but couldn't pull away. They stayed like that for several minutes, until something changed inside her and she began to cry, and no amount of forced anger could stop the tears.

God, she regretted provoking him now, why had she not kept her mouth shut? Or better yet, fought her way out of here like she should have done in the first place! She had told herself that she wanted to shake the robot up a bit, but as he calmly and too clearly laid her thoughts out she writhed inside. Why was she stupid enough to open her mouth! Thought gave way to panic, she wanted to fight, to run, to destroy, but she just couldn't use her powers, it felt like she was suffocating. She saw the truth of his words, and was ashamed at her own weakness. Tears forced their way out of her, and she stopped fighting and instead just shook and rocked. They sat like that for she didn't know how long, but eventually she came to her senses and asked to be alone. She curled up on the bed, and began to form a plan.